Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Poster Online

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen seems to have accidentally leaked out a poster for the upcoming film. Its not official, but the image isnt being pulled, so this might just be the first of many posters to come out. Out less than a year from now, we should start seeing promotional material tidal wave very soon.

It doesn’t rock my socks, but its ok. So the speculation begins. Is this Megatron/Galvatron? Or is this the fabled “The Fallen” character? Who do you think it is?

Via FilmSchoolRejects

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29 Responses to “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Poster Online”
  1. bret says:

    Kinda hard to rock anyones socks when it looks like its been compressed to shit.

  2. Joshua says:

    I think that “The Fallen” IS Megatron…. and the head just looks like a dude with a mask on. =/

  3. Rodney says:

    Well any headshot of a Transformer could be a “dude with a mask on” Its a face.

    And Bret, it wasn’t compressed to shit… it was just a shitty camera that took it. Likely a cameraphone.

  4. DarkKinger says:

    Really hard to tell, but I believe at the bottom of the poster is a city in destruction. If it is, then I think it confirmed my theory that the next movie could be an all-out war.

    Seriously, the should make our planet into the machine’s playground and tear it apart!

  5. bret says:

    I know Rodney I was simply making a statement. I was saying it looked like a picture that was highly compressed that is all. I said “looks like” not IS

  6. Joey says:

    Holy crap it’s Laserbeak!!!!

  7. Gershwyn Smith says:

    Here’s my guesses:

    1. Shania LaBoef get a splinter of the Cube in him. The poster is his face, beginning to transform into a Transformer.

    2. Megan Fox gets infected, too. She becomes the pink motorbike.

  8. Gershwyn Smith says:

    [ Yes, I typed 'Shania' on purpose ]

  9. Wade says:

    Kinda looks like the T-X from Terminator 3.

  10. Robert(wolf) says:

    As far as I know this is a fake.

  11. matt says:

    I see horns out of that head…

    Unicron is a nice guess.

  12. Kristina says:

    That has to be fake. A little early for a poster don’t you think? They JUST started shooting the thing.

  13. Dargoslayer says:

    I know, it’s the Spartans!!!!

  14. Mike Mai says:

    it’s jazz, he’s coming back to chill

  15. bigsampson says:

    fake…but if i had to go out on a limb……nintendo’s, atari’s, and commodores are pissed…and they want answers!….this has to be the turbo grafix 16 leader!

  16. Zac Shipley says:

    poster is a fake made by a fan on they printed it up and took a cell phone cam shot and acted like its real.

    here is the original:

    which as you can see is hung up on a wall, not a theater, not framed, and not even the dimensions of a movie posted.

    fake, fake, fake.

  17. M3g4tr0n says:

    It looks like the head of unicron

  18. THUORN says:

    Fake, just take it down.

  19. Rodney says:

    Despite it being blurry, those are clearly not horns.

    That is the glow of the sun behind a planet. Presumably earth. So not Unicron. And aside from all the random barks of “fake” I have yet to see anyone offer any reason why this COULDNT be the first Transformers 2 poster.

  20. George says:

    I think the main reason this is fake is because its fake.

  21. Chris Garcia says:

    Wow that’s an ingenious theory there.

    There is no reason why it can or cannot be a real poster. If its out there, then it’s out there. If it’s a fake, then its a fake. I’m not one to dwell on such small things as a poster. It’s not unusual for them to make a poster why ahead of the movies release. And if it is a fake… so what! All it shows me is that (if it was a fake) someone used a lot of effort into making this poster (and making it look cool).

    That’s all I have to say.

  22. M&MS says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    Well… I’m thinking it’s Galvatron… Why? Because of the title “REVENGE of the FALLEN”…. It makes sense, seeming as how in the original Gen. 1 series- Galvatron WAS Megatron- just re-formed (by Unicron)…. In this case, having the cube shoved into his chest could have meant that they stopped Megatron in the short run- only to have him re-formed as Galvatron in the sequel. (hey- this cube turned an Xbox into a killing machine- re-fitting a Transformer isn’t that far of a stretch)

    And IF that’s a ship/vehicle at the bottom- I’m going to suggest “Astrotrain”… He was a triple changer from the series (and one of the largest of Decepicons- capable of transporting others) He changed into a Train, an air/spacecraft, and robot mode.

  23. Rodney says:

    Sorry m&ms, you are a little late to the party.

    The poster was already revealed as fake. And the Fallen is not Megatron/Galvatron. He is an ancient transformer from Cybertron Lore. Kinda “the devil” of the Transformers mythos.

  24. DJ Skrull says:

    I found this while googleing for “Tidal Wave”, the transformer. I hope he is in the next film as a Nimitz Class Carrier.

  25. Matrix says:

    I think it looks like what Gershwyn Smith said, and if it is, I will well, find out when I see the new movie sequel. :)

  26. Rodney says:

    It looks like The Fallen from the comic book from where the story came from.

    Not a person turning into a robot.

  27. nathan says:

    the pink motor bike is arcee. i think that the head is unicrons? he was once called the fallen (well i think he was, i havent been alive long enough to know transfomers right from the begining) well if it isn’t unicron then itn is most likely starscreams.

  28. Rodney says:

    @Nathan… you should have read the other comments.

    This poster is fan made and fake.

    Unicron was never called “the Fallen” and it is not Starscream

  29. Tom says:

    Looks like Alpha Trion to me

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