This entry was posted on Monday, June 9th, 2008 at 7:16 am.
Categories: Funny | By John

Some superhero concept movies that I personally don’t think would be very popular with the fans


This one seems frightening believable since Burton doesn’t seem to know how to make a film without Depp

I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a Robin movie… just not this one

You know… I may not mind this one too much

There are actually a bunch more of these over at Cracked. You can check them out here.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Leo

    I’m really want to see the Marvel Zombies movie.

  2. Leo

    Damn it “I really want to see the Marvel Zombies movie.”

  3. William

    A Marvel Zombies movie would be epic!

  4. Alan Foreman


  5. Rodney

    I think if done right, a Robin movie would be great.

    Marvel Zombies is a big joke. That wont ever see film.

  6. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    LMAO @ the Johnny Depp/Burton one. & yet barring the Nightmare before Christmas, isn’t it true?

  7. Karl Hungus

    Damn, I’d want a Marvel zombies film too, but what are the chances of that?

  8. Meli

    Marvel Zombies film would be SO cool!

  9. spence

    (@ Alan

    yeah i think it is the jokers smile.

    i wouldnt mind seeing a Captain Planet movie, if done right or a Robin movie…..

  10. Kristina

    I’d be at the first screening of that Avengers movie:)

  11. Gerry Alanguilan

    Marvel Zombies… did the one making that think he was making a joke? I think it’s a perfect idea for a movie! I’d see THAT.

  12. DarkKinger

    Add Bruce Campbell, and we have an epic showdown between the dead superheroes and one groovy chainsaw-swinging SOB!

  13. George

    there is no possible way to do a robin movie right. it would be the worst super hero film of all time as robin is the most pointless character to have ever been created.

  14. DirkAnger23

    I think I may have peed a little laughing at the Batman Quits poster. Priceless.

  15. vargas

    Tim Burton should never be allowed to come near a comic book story. Ever.

    I find the first poster intriguing - and devastatingly depressing.

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