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Saw 5 Poster

By Doug - June 30, 2008 - 06:50 America/Montreal

We have a new poster to show you for the upcoming Saw 5. We get the hookup thanks to our friends at cinematical:

Saw V

I have not seen the Saw franchise so I cannot comment on it, but this poster seems perfect for this film. After the death of Jigsaw, someone will no doubt continue his work. Having that person wear jigsaw’s face as a mask is a great visual way to convey this (and a cool tip of the hat to Halloween).

I am curious to hear what you guys think of the poster, especially those of you that are fans of the series.


  1. NateO says:

    As a fan of the series…Im really diggin this poster…lets hope the twists in this movie are better than the last

  2. Slushie Man says:

    I loved the first two, liked the third, hated the 4th, and I think the 5th will be just as bad if not worse then the 4th.

    But this poster kicks ass.

  3. William says:

    I’ve only seen the first three but the first time I saw the movie poster for Saw V, I thought it was great.

  4. steven says:

    these guys always come up with great poster ideas. i think this one is awesome.

  5. Nixon says:

    You know i never understood this movie, I’ve always been a fan of movies and I dont mind psycho killer movies but saw has been out of my list, always did, and this poster is dumb, it is disturbing but also could be done a lot better !

    i like other poster where they dont show u much where you have to imagin a lot, rather than this poster, which shows u everything…

  6. Grave says:

    SAW1 was fantastic, 2 was ok, 3 was better but 4th is stale as a rice cake. Im not intrested in seeing the 5th one right now. However the posters are cool and do illuminate the premise of the next film.

  7. Kristina says:


  8. Max says:

    I’ve only seen the first three, and kind of lost interest in watching the fourth just because the concept started to get really stale. But I will say, they make some of the best teaser posters for horror films.

  9. digitaldrew says:

    As a non fan of the series… only seeing saw 1 on hbo… this is creepy. brilliant idea though. Still wont go to see it however.

  10. Leo says:

    This poster is the best one so far in my opinion.

    I loved the first two and the last two are still good enough for me, but I hope they have a plan to end the saw franchise for good by the time they hit the sixth one.

  11. bigsampson says:

    i dont like the series just cause im a bit squimish and i really dont think media like this has a positive effect at all on society …but i do think th eposter is ingenius

  12. iluvmovies says:

    I absolutely love the Saw Francise. The movies are very intelligent and dark. I was waiting to see anything new from this film. When I first saw this (no pun indended) I loved it and i immediately was excited. I can not wait to see the film and future pictures and news..

  13. funktard says:

    I liked the first 2 and thought the 3rd had some cool gore shots, but it sucked as a movie. I didn’t even bother with the 4th, but I might have to see this one for the poster alone.

  14. Gershwyn Smith says:

    This poster is a thematic ripoff of ‘Silence of the Lambs’ and the Saw franchise should provoke any individual with even two neurons to rub together to seriously consider what exactly our culture has made of itself.

  15. Dargoslayer says:

    Fuck, another Jason series

  16. Anthony T says:

    The first Saw film was good, all the others sucked, each one worse than the other. I expect nothing less from the 5th. In addition, I think the poster is ugly and does not reflect the previous posters, which were very cool looking, despite the horrible films.

  17. Shane says:

    Funny how a lot of people (especially non-fans) haven’t grasped the fact that this poster is being metaphorical. It shows that another character is taking over from Jigsaw (who has now died), but Jigsaw’s presence is still going to be felt.

    I highly doubt anyone is going to be wearing Jigsaws face as a mask (since Jigsaws identity wasn’t known by anyone who is alive at this point, it’d be kinda pointless). If they do, it obviously won’t look like this anyway.

  18. Birmingham says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)Im looking forward to Saw 5 even tough i didnt like the fourth. But I like 1 2 and 3

  19. Kenna says:

    the 4th was really confusing for me because here were a lot of people in it and i coundn’t keep up XD but i think this poster is really awesome and creative. i have already seen the Pengelum trap (all of it except the last bit) and i loved it!

  20. Kenna says:

    the 4th was really confusing for me because here were a lot of people in it and i coundn’t keep up XD but i think this poster is really awesome and creative. i have already seen the Pengelum trap (all of it except the last bit) and i loved it! but do not see it! it is a spoiler!

  21. blindduede says:

    I can not wait till it comes out i’m going to see it the first day

  22. blinddude says:

    it is blinddude type-o

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