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REPO! The Genetic Opera Theatrical Trailer

By Doug - June 30, 2008 - 07:18 America/Montreal

We have the trailer for REPO! The Genetic Opera to show you guys today. We get the following video from the lords of You Tube:

This movie looks outlandish, and has certainly piqued my interest. I am not big on most musicals, but sometimes they are a surprising treat and I am always willing to give one a chance if they look interesting.

I love the premise for this film. People going into debt for organ replacement and then having their guts harvested when they cannot make payment. It’s not only an effective way to make money, but you can stock your selves with the extra guts you get from your repo victims.


  1. miles says:

    man, do i ever want to see this.

    it is a common daydream of mine to make a dark rock opera, so it greatly excites me to see one such as this.

  2. melbye says:

    It’s a musical and it has Paris Hilton, not interested at all.

  3. Robert(wolf) says:

    All seems good and interesting except for Paris Hilton. Why the fuck would you want her in your movie? What can she bring? Nothing but annoyance. I hope she gets her face bashed in the movie.

  4. sfsilver says:

    The Paris Hilton thing is a major turn-off, what were they thinking? Otherwise it looks like an exciting and ambitious project. But Paris Fucking Hilton…Really…?

  5. miles says:

    i did not even notice paris.

  6. Meli says:

    Paris Hilton is a definite turn-off, but I’m betting she’s not in the movie a whole a lot and crossing my fingers that her character has a fabulous death. Surprisingly not even she can quell the excitement I have to see this movie.

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