Punisher Warzone Posters

We have 2 new posters for Punisher Warzone to show you today thanks to the good people over at comingsoon:

I would have liked to have seen a wake of destruction behind the Punisher in these images. A black background is fine, but a devastated city block is better. I don’t hate these images, the guns do look pretty awesome in black and white, but I do not love these posters either. I am lukewarm in my emotional response to these images.

International friends - what are your thoughts on the posters?

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21 Responses to “Punisher Warzone Posters”
  1. William says:

    A designer’s perspective? I like it (the first one anyway), though the movie logo design itself is not so great. I think it gets the message across.

  2. parker says:

    I dont like this new guy for castle, why did they get rid of the old one? I thought the old guy was awesome in that role and while the first movie was not great it was not because of the casting of the Punisher.

  3. mond says:

    I think the posters a going for a Timothy Bradstreet feel to them.


  4. John says:

    I don’t like the new guy for Punisher. Too deadpan. It doesn’t seem like they’re doing anything interesting with it - I’m expecting it to suck.

    These posters? Same - nothing too interesting.

  5. Jason Stanley says:

    William, from one designer to another, I’d have to agree. The first image is much more striking and powerful. The logo is just too big personally and reads like, ‘Punisner’.

    The images do look like a take from some of the more recent comics which is a nice touch.

  6. Rob says:

    I think “the new guy” (Ray Stevenson) looks almost exactly like the representation of the Punisher in Marvel’s MAX imprint, which is possibly the most badass comic in the company or, in fact, the entire world. If the movie’s going for that vibe, I will see it fifteen times and then waltz merrily around the planet going door-to-door, rubbing it in the face of everyone who ever doubted Ray Stevenson as a decent Punisher.

  7. Kevin C says:

    I would have liked to see Thomas Jane in this, he was good in the first one.

    Is this still considered a sequel or is this another standalone or “one shot” type story? They havent really addressed that too much.

    I might see this in theaters but Im not getting my hopes up, not having Jane back in the lead takes away alot of interest for me.

  8. Bill Clay says:

    Is anyone else getting really tired of these repetitive “static character” posters? Where’s the violence, the action, the emotion?

    I would have much preferred to see him guns blazing, as in those classic Mike Zeck Punisher comic covers from the mid-80s. Or else dropping a criminal off the side of a roof, or smashing some thug’s face into the ground.

    This new design school of actors striking their tough guy face and brandishing their weapons (GI Joe, X-Men, Hellboy, Dark Knight etc) is extraordinarily shallow thinking. It has the design sensibility of amateur selfshot porn… without ta-tas. And that’s never a good thing.

  9. Jawmuncher says:

    I like the first poster, the second not so much.

  10. Kobayashi_Maru says:

    I think it’s total horse$hit. Without Jane, this movie will bomb worse than the Love Guru.

  11. Robert(wolf) says:

    After seeing the trailer, I have no faith in this movie. The trailer shows guns blazing for the whole thing. The movie should be called ‘Gun’ from what I’ve seen. The movie will bomb.

  12. Bill Gentern says:

    This movie does not seem to be as promising as Tom Jane’s Punisher.

  13. Thos says:

    I am pumped to see Ray Stevenson as Punisher! He was awesome in Rome. This is going to rock!! I hope they tie it into the whole Avengers thing.

  14. Robert(wolf) says:

    Something tells me thing won’t tie in with The Avengers. The movie seems very low key compared to the other Marvel movies.

  15. Cinexcellence says:

    Looks better than the preview. :)

  16. Bruce says:

    Looks lke gears of war

  17. joonavar says:

    I like the first one, it has impact - I particularly enjoy the shadows in the contours of the face inhibiting you from seeing his eyes. but the second one has no emotive impact whatsoever. It just feels far too ‘removed’ from what it’s trying to ’sell’.

    Again, it’s first impressions, but I am not too keen on this new guy. Thomas Jane was pretty awesome as the Punisher the first time around.

  18. PADTHAI says:

    I would say this is one menacing and threatening looking guy. I’m already scared of him just from seeing those posters. Thomas Jane wasn’t scary enough.

  19. HAZMAT says:

    this guy was pulled right out of the comic book- hes perfect.

    again- i dont like the faded and smaller skull.

    Rodney pointed out that if its big and white then anyone could see him in the dark and thats 100% true but- in the movie you gotta have the visible logo if youre a superhero!

  20. Darren J Seeley - that's with a "J" and a "Y" says:

    The first does look better, and yes, the logo isn’t stellar. As for the praise for the Bradstreet feel? So what? In the previous film’s campaign, Bradstreet had a hand in designing those (I don’t know if he is involved in these two shown or not) and in those we had urban backgrounds.

  21. HAZMAT says:

    i didnt like how the first movie was filmed 99% at the day time. only the last part was at night. it was a good movie but thomas jane isnt the frank castle and it didnt seem lik the punisher at all. but it was a good movie.

    so far this one looks dead on appart from the skull which has already been explained

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