Pictures Of Young Voldemort

We have pictures of Hero Fiennes-Tiffin, nephew of Ralph Fiennes to show you today. This youngster will be playing the young Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. We get the following pictures from snitchseeker via cinematical:

I agree with sentiments made by cinematical that it’s awesome that the nephew of Fiennes was brought on board to play the younger Voldemort. Ralph will be able to give his nephew hell, and help him mimic himself in a way that wouldn’t be possible with another child actor. I have become more and more interested in the Harry Potter franchise with every new release. I expect my enthusiasm to be at its zenith for the finale, and it pleases me that this is the case.

I have grown to enjoy the tales of the young wizards and although I look forward to the final installment - we will have a fantasy void after it’ s wrapped.

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13 thoughts on “Pictures Of Young Voldemort

  1. This movie’s gonna be rated R, it was announced that the film would have sexual energy and drug parallel in it. Oh, well, it was fun while the PG lasted.

  2. Ann Ora

    i read them all at least 3 times. i have a grudge against the 3rd, 4th, 5th movies not the books. the books were amazing.

    when i sayd i wanted to see peeves and dobey i meant in the movie because theyve completely left them out already

  3. BRET

    the only part of the 5th movie that kept me awake were the 4 secounds of fighting between voldemort and dumbledore. while the book kept me awake for one night while i read it.
    one of the things i blame is the action the book had but wasnt shown in the movie.

    as for the spells- its a stylistic choice and a bad one- watch the part when harry duels with malfoy in the 2nd movie- that has the best spells/wand work out of all 5 movies. unlike the 5th one which had spells that looked like little fairies shooting out of their wands

    and they dont have to fit everything in just fit in the good parts. the parts that made the 1st 2 movies awsome: quidditch, duels, the story.

    less cho/harry relationship, shes unrelevant he doesnt end up with her

    make the fights less boring and bring back quidditch, in the 5th one harry punches malfoy in the face in a quidditch match and they didnt show it because they were too busy showing umbridge. quidditch isnt just a game- ITS PART OF THE STORY. shit happened when he plays quidditch. essential stuff to the movie.

  4. Anyone who hasn’t read the books totally should! They are amazing and to reiterate what Amish_Bill said, the movies are mediocre when compared to the books. You will not be disappointed in the least.

    As for number 4 on Hazmat’s list, you’ll want to read book 7- Deathly Hollows.

    Thanks for posting these pics Doug! I cannot wait for the next movie to come out.

  5. Anyone who hasn’t read the books totally should! They are amazing and to reiterate what Amish_Bill said, the movies are mediocre when compared to the books. You will not be disappointed in the least.

    As for number 4 on Hazmat’s list, you’ll want to read book 7- Deathly Hollows.

  6. That kid is adorable and does look a little like his uncle. I’m so excited for this movie and a little frustrated that ALL we’ve gotten are a handful of pictures and bits of news….then again…it doesn’t come out till Nov.


    1- No, same guy from OOTP is directing this and Deathly Hallows, David Yates is his name i believe.

    2- Stylistic choice??

    3- Final movie is going to be 2 movies

    4- Dont now about that

    5- It was cut to progress the plot of the movies, can only fit so much in.

    There ya go!

  8. Doug,

    If you haven’t read the books you really need to. I’ve read through them twice and I’d say I enjoyed them even more than the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The movies are fine but they can’t hold a candle to the books.

  9. 1- is guillermo del toro directing this? (hope so)

    2- why are all the spells smaller then tinkerbell in the 4th and 5th movie? in the first two when someone shot a spell it was as if a firefighter hose with fanta inside went off. now they look so small and boring and it doesnt make up for the fact that this movie has no guns.

    3- will they split the 6th movie or will they do what i suggest- which is making it loooong and showing every single scene like lord of the rings did


    5- whatever happened to fucking quidditch!?

    thank you for the picks tmb

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