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New Hulk Commercial With Tony Stark

By John - June 7, 2008 - 22:37 America/Montreal

Dear lord that’s cool! Thanks to Ty for the heads up


  1. Ty says:

    yea it is john, and if u wanna hear Hulk say “HULK SMASH” check this video for another tv spot


  2. Bruce says:

    Anyone think this movie is starting to loook realy really cheap as if its a tv movie? the more cgi they show the worse it look. and why does he yell like every monster or dinosaur you have ever heard and his voice suffers from same thing megatron did, its just generic growl.

  3. robert says:

    I heard there’s a scene in ‘The Dark Knight’ where Alfred is at a bar, ordering a drink, when Superman walks in. Superman orders a chocolate milk. Alfred notices Superman and says “Superman ?” Superman turns to Alfred. “Heard you’re having a clown problem.”
    Gonna be great!

  4. Mozzerino says:

    Now that is a great spot. Rather misleading though.

  5. Kristina says:

    Smart move showing off Stark to get in Iron Man fans, but spoils the surprise for folks who didn’t know he was in this.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    okay. spiderman needs to do this too!

    i know that he wasnt an avenger untill later so its cool if they keep him out of the movie but maybe introduce him for the avengers 2 or something

    when spiderman 4 comes out or spiderman 5 (whichever one comes out after the avengers) they should have all the avegers meeting spiderman and talking to him about joining

    have spiderman come in as an avenger in a sequel avengers movie. they MUST. this is an OBLIGATION people, they have to you guys, also maybe bring in wolverenem maybe or the punisher perhaps…

    again- not in the first avengers movie in the potential sequel that might not even happen (maybe my wishes will come true and well see a civil war movie??)

  7. Joseph says:

    Very cool.

  8. Steven says:

    Video no longer available… :(

  9. fixin_to_die says:

    Here it is for anyone who didn’t see it before it was pulled.


  10. fixin_to_die says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  11. DC says:

    Probably isn’t going to happen with Spider-Man since SM’s film rights still belong to Columbia/Sony Pictures. Same thing with X-Men and Fox.

  12. spindelmannen says:

    so is this movie happening before or after iron man?

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