Kung Fu Panda Sequel Gets Greenlit

It looks like the animated treat known as Kung Fu Panda will be getting a remake. We get wind of this picture from our friends at slashfilm:

Kung Fu Panda was the first non-Pixar computer animated film that I really enjoyed. When I saw the film a few months back, I said to one of my friends “This is gonna be huge, lets hope they don’t f**k it up by making a sequel.” Well guess what… A story crew has already begun early work on a Sequel, according to a posting on the TAG Blog. The original film has garnered great reviews across the board and made over $229.7 million worldwide in its first 19 days of release.

Many people are telling me to get out and catch this before it leaves the theaters. Apparently the animation is second to none and the physical humor is fantastique! For a cartoon to be able to make you laugh without words is quite an accomplishment and a testament to the talent of the animators.

It sucks that every film that’ s successful these days seems to be getting a sequel. That being said, Kung Fu films lend themselves to sequles very well. A student may avenge his master, or a mook may return to even the score. Whatever the reason, there are enough to find when you are looking for an excuse to execute violence on the screen!

International Friends - would you welcome a sequel to this film or should they leave it be?

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Lyle

    I would not mind going for round 2 for this type of caliber of movie! I mean it does not have humans in it like Transformers! Score one for Jack Black!

  2. Hero Stew

    I cannot believe how much praise this movie is getting. I barely laughed and I thought the movie was formulaic at best. The story was copy paste.

  3. Cinexcellence

    Not surprised. But not thrilled at the prospect, either.

  4. Bruce

    So now because this is popular, some lesser company will try to imitate it and it will be bad, and so the standard of quality drops again.

  5. Monty

    I liked the movie, but I’m weary of Dreamwork’s track record on animated sequels, Shrek has been all downhill after the first movie.

  6. Kanthan

    I dont understand how a sequel can affect the greatness of the orginal film, even though all the sequels to highlander were shite the first one was still great. I dont hear anyone saying i dont like highlander as the sequel was a pile of shit!

  7. Rodney

    But you can say “I dont like the Highlander franchise” because as a whole, the continued chapters all ruin the beauty that the first movie was.

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