Hellboy 2: The Golden Army Clips Online

Of all the major hits that are coming out this summer, Hellboy doesn’t seem to be on the top of the lists for anyone. Its not on the top of mine, but it is in my top 5. Hellboy was an awesome movie and even the animated features released to hold us over were great. Now we have Hellboy 2:The Golden Army on its way very soon and I couldn’t be more excited!

ShockTillYouDrop gives us SEVEN clips to whet your appetite.

Go to ShockTillYouDrop to see the rest!

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6 Responses to “Hellboy 2: The Golden Army Clips Online”
  1. movieblogsnumbah1fan says:

    Man that was hilarious and I can’t wait to see it.

  2. Kristina says:

    “She’s gonna EAT it!”

    BWAHAHAHAAAAAAAA! I cannot WAIT for this, and reviews have been stellar.

  3. FredMillerTurdMonkey says:

    haha that was awesome. Now I’m even more excited to see this.

  4. 790 says:

    Rodney, this is looking real good !

    Whatta year. ;-)

  5. Chris Garcia says:

    I am really looking foreword to this movie, although Ron’s Body suit looks a lot smaller than in the first film. I mean his head looks a lot bigger then it should. Still gonna see it, but those little things bug me in movies.

  6. Kristina says:

    You MUST watch this. Hellboy on Inside The Actor’s Studio!


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