Death Race Poster

We have the new Death Race poster for you guys today thanks to our friends at ShockTillYouDrop:

I like this poster, but would have loved it if they left out the floating phantom heads. The auto action in the lower portion of the poster is fantastic and I wish that we had the open road behind it. International Friends - what do you think?

11 Comments, Comment or Ping


    looks generic and bad

  2. Terry Letourneau

    Dammit…I thought it was Mad Max 4 :(

  3. Cinexcellence

    Looks pretty good. Hope Caradine cameos.

  4. cib3k

    This is directed AND written by Paul W.S. Anderson. Why anyone should still care about this movie after knowing this is besides me.

    BTW, Statham seems almost ripped from Uwe’s “Dungeon Siege” poster.

  5. Bruce

    There never going to leave the heads out ever, how else will they sell the movie to audiences? i watched the original the other week, and then the trailer for this. where did the world go so wrong?

  6. joonavar

    Ian McShane kills it for me…can’t get his “LoveJoy” typecast out my head.
    Indeed very Mad Max-esque though

  7. 790

    This really has nothing to do with the original film and everything to do with Mad Max and Running Man.

    So I’ll prob watch it.

  8. Herby

    Poster is okay, shows the action we will see, however, this is no way a remake or reimagining of Deat Race 2000.

    This will be DVD (or HBO) fare for me, but there is no way I will go to see this in the theater (simply out of principal).

  9. Persetti

    Ian Mcshane is in this??

    He owns, this is must watch for me now

    I hope he has lots of screentime

  10. Mozzerino

    A boring poster to what will certainly be an entirely unremarkable movie. This will be in the “get 3 DVDs for 25 Dollars!” bin before Christmas.

  11. darkbhudda

    Watched the trailer. Looks like they took a Fast & Furious script, tweaked it and set it in the future. Like the Rollerball remake it will have none of the satire or politics that drove the original’s narrative.

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