Crank 2 Set Stuff

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Sometimes it’s really good to be in Los Angeles. I had a chance to hang out for a few days on the set of the upcoming “Crank 2” (Which might be called “Crank: High Voltage”) with Jason Statham. I’ll give more details in the coming weeks about some stuff you can expect from the film… but I just wanted to share this picture with you guys…

While on set in Malibu one day, I had the chance to lounge around with Bai Ling (who obviously is in the movie)… and my goodness, she’s one of those rare hollywood types who is actually much more attractive in person than on screen or in her pictures (I never really thought she was that hot before).

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19 thoughts on “Crank 2 Set Stuff

  1. Hey John…

    Did Bai steal your hat, cuz if not, she should have… You’re giving Canucks a bad rap in Lala Land with that look! LOL

    Kidding man, but next time, have some wheat grass with ya…

  2. It’s good they’re still using Canon HD cameras to complement the Canon XL-2 they used for the first one. Looks like they want to make this look like Crank 1 never ended rather than a sequel. It adds a gritty “documentary” type look and while the Red One and Red Epic look better (scratch that, MUCH BETTER than the Canon cameras), I think the Canon is the best type of camera for this film.

    Hopefully, they’ll get to use the Red Epic, which even looks better than the Red One, for Jonah Hex.

  3. God I hate Bai Ling. She’s one of the worst actresses out there. She poisons everything she’s in. Even the Lost episode where she starred was crap. And I don’t know about real life, but she looks terrible in pictures and movies. And unfortunately she keeps taking her clothes off each chance she gets.

  4. Hey Sound Designer Dan,

    The answer is NEITHER. You wanna know what camera they used???

    The Canon XH-A1 which costs about $3500

    I’m not even shitting you. They used 2 of these things to do the WHOLE movie with.

  5. Hey John,

    One question: Did they use the Red One camera again on this film? Or did they use the new Red Epic camera?

  6. John,
    you’re determined to try to make that hat work. I live next to the beach and every guy I see metal detecting has that same hat….but who gives a shit what I think, you’re on a movie set and I’m sitting in a cubicle.

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