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Cloverfield 2 On Hold

By Doug - June 27, 2008 - 09:15 America/Montreal

Matt Reeves gave the following Cloverfield update to to the good people over at Collider, and the word is wait.

While talk of a sequel has been all over cyberspace since the movie first came out, based on what he said last night…I think it’s safe to assume it isn’t happening. Of course, he did say if they came up with a great idea he’d do it, but he’s moving forward with his next project “The Invisible Woman,” so I think “Cloverfield 2″ will be left alone. And I think it’s for the best.

You can see the interview footage at Collider, and I recommend checking it out.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Cloverfield and I certainly don’t think it warrants a sequel, so I consider this to be very good news. In an age of sequel overload, I welcome a one shot with open arms. Matt Reeves seems to be a total dude, with the sense to know when to quit. He only seems interested in doing another Cloverfield project if the story is up to snuff, and I respect him for that.

Cloverfield 2 isn’t dead, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it never gets made after seeing the interview video.


  1. John says:

    Yeah… this thing should never get made

  2. joonavar says:

    I will be incredibly disappointed if it does get made. Loved the first one - a sequel would be totally superfluous

  3. HAZMAT says:

    the first one was good but after you see it you cant watch it again- tha camera is waaayyy to annoyingly shaky

    and no one will see the sequel knowing that its filmed with a kodak

  4. Rob Forest says:

    I actually loved “Cloverfield” and would totally go and see a no.2 if done well and with the same love by the same people… however, the fact that there isn’t going to be another is not a downer for me either.

    p.s. I really don’t think that the “shaky” cam was annoying. It made it cool. But I don’t want a ton of movies to come out in the same fashion. That would just be annoying and not original at all. …you know, like the “Diary of the Dead” movie. I know it was done before and they didn’t start it (Blair Witch Project). But they did do it best and did own it, in my opinion.

  5. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    Doug you hate all sequels. I would love to get some backstory on the monster.

  6. John says:

    Doug does not hate all sequels. Hell, Blade 2 is one of his all time favorite movies.

  7. doug nagy says:

    I hate sequels to films that should not have one.
    I think superhero films can go up to 20 films without a problem.

    I think stories that have a logical conclusion should stay put.

    @ Rob - I hate the shaky cam but understand that others enjoy it. I do not mind it in some war sequences but more often that not it bothers me greatly. This admittedly could be due to the fact that I get motion sickness.

  8. Rob Forest says:

    Sorry to hear that Doug. (about the motion sickness). My dad get’s that way too and can’t see a lot of movies because of it. I hear exactly what you are saying and I feel it. I hate not being able to help my dad be able to enjoy certain things. I am just glad that it doesn’t get to me that way.

  9. BobaFett says:

    Did Jaws need Jaws 2? Keep this movie standalone and unique. My thoughts of Cloverfield are…Meh. The marketing was great though. No intro, no explanation, as PT Barnum said “always leave em wanting more”.

    I don’t want any more Cloverfield, unless they want to explain WTF it is.

  10. jonny says:

    The only Cloverfield Sequels I want to see:

    1 Every human on the planet dies in the first 5 minutes. Then its a two hour, national geographic like documentary about the monster settling in, roaming the earth and getting to know his new home.

    2. APCFJ : Alien vs Predator vs Cloverfield vs Freddie vs Jason.

    Even if you kill off your main characters to ensure no sequels… Someone wants a prequel. You cant’ win with some sheeple.
    I guess we should consider ourselves lucky theres not a Cloverfield TV show by now eh?

  11. 1138 says:

    Was not a fan of the first and agree with Doug that a 2nd should not be made. And if it were would not head to the theater to see it.

  12. Robert(wolf) says:

    Good. Cloverfield had some mystery to it. That was the appeal. A sequel would have to give us some mystery which I don’t think can really work, we’ve already seen the monster.

  13. dingo101 says:

    Gee, good thing they’re making Crank 2, though, There’s a movie that was so good it warranted a sequel.

    And yes, I’m being sarcastic.

  14. Gutpunch says:

    I would like to see basically the same story but in the regular monster movie fashion. There is a lot of backstory that could be very interesting to see.

  15. Arrogance says:

    After much delay, I finally watched Cloverfield a few nights ago. It wasn’t particularly smart, but I did like the flow of the film. It entertained me, and that’s about the most you can ask from these things. If they’re good above and beyond that, it’s an accomplishment.

    As for a sequel, showing someone else’s experience through the crisis could be boring. Showing the monster’s perspective could be promising, but I think I’m ultimately in compliance with what most have said-This story has run its course. Let it lie!

  16. 790 says:

    Cloverfield, great film!

    I have heard subtile rumors that the next one will be occuring at the same night and in a different city.
    The characters will be a National guard unit there will be a CNN combat reporter covering the event and the camera will be more of a steady cam.

    But those were rumors I heard about a month ago. I think if Star Trek blows the worlds mind next year JJ will be too busy to do a Clovey film. But I would not cancel it out. The original film made a huge amount of money and the studio wants a sequel.

  17. Brian says:

    I don’t think Cloverfiled 2 should happen… I dunno, just doesn’t seem to be enough to it for another film.

  18. John says:

    Come on. Cloverfield came ut like 1 month ago on dvd and was in the movies 6 months ago. They’re already talking about making a 2? The first one made me real sick in the movies.

  19. joonavar says:

    For all those who felt sick watching this…slight tip…travel sickness tablets an hour before you watch the movie ;)

  20. Dragonslayer says:

    I freaking loved Cloverfield, so I think this is BAD news

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