300 Follow Up Confirmed

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 06. 2008in News Chat

It looks like the rumors last week of a 300 sequel/prequel/followup were true. We get confirmation that Frank Miller is working on a followup to the film from our friends at comingsoon:

Variety says that Legendary Pictures has confirmed last week’s reports that it is developing a 300 follow-up for Warner Bros. that Frank Miller is writing and Zack Snyder is intended to direct. Miller is writing the graphic novel the project will be based upon, although at this point it’s not clear whether it will be a prequel or spin-off.

Snyder won’t officially commit until after he sees Miller’s take, but he’s definitely interested, says the trade. “The vision of Frank Miller’s universe that Zack Snyder brought to the screen in ’300′ is unlike anything ever seen before,” said Legendary’s Thomas Tull. “We want to be certain that the story originates with Frank and be as compelling as the first.”

As I have said before, I would prefer to have 300 as a stand alone film. This crew could work on dozens of other sword and sandal films, but this one should be left alone. If they fight in hell however - then I will bit my lip and gladly watch the 299 fight the demon hordes of hades!

We will be sure to keep you up to date on the status of Frank Miller’s script and be sure to let you know if this is a sequel or a prequel, as soon as the news bubbles forth.

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Rodney who has written 7891 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “300 Follow Up Confirmed”

  1. Kristina says:

    Here’s hoping they actually put a little effort into it rather than letting it be an easy money grab.

  2. melbye says:

    I don’t really understand how a sequel will work.

  3. HAZMAT says:

    this one better have less slow-mo scenes that over emphesize unrelevant shit

    like the 67 minute scene with the kid putting the wolf coat on

  4. Ann Ora says:

    Although I will certainly be glad to watch another 300 or so half-naked men in battle, I also have to agree that this one should be left alone.

  5. Roguepirate says:

    300 had a sub-theme about why you should always throw away retarded children because if you dont, they’ll betray you and everybody ends up dying. I’m wondering if they will continue with the theme of distrust and how you should never trust a one-eyed spartan.

  6. miles says:

    i actually love doug’s idea of the spartans literally dining in hell.

    IMO - that would really work.

  7. Matt says:

    I know Frank Miller won’t read this…but please make this about the Peloponnesian War and Alcibiades…a movie must be made about him!!!!

  8. Dargoslayer says:

    Fuck that movie, 300 was the best, an no sequel can add up that ass-kicking, boobie shaking, gory-ass film.

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