Zach and Miri Make a Porno Teaser Online

Posted by Rodneyon 30. 05. 2008in News Chat

I feel really dirty saying a movie about a porno is going to tease you.

The infallable Kevin Smith (shuddap - he is a god) has released a teaser trailer for Zach and Miri Make a Porno. The very basis for this film is hillarious. Two debt buried friends decide to make a porno to make some quick money. Cuz that’s where the money is right? In the process they find out they are more than just best friends. For the record, THEY are not in the porno, they are producing.

Seth is the ultimate underachiever and damn funny guy, and Elizabeth Banks is terribly attractive and still cool enough to be funny alongside guys like Rogen. Typically in films, girls as pretty as Banks are the ones offended by his antics and usually in scenes slapping him in the face.

For those who worry about trailers giving too much away,
/Film quotes Smith who had the following to say:

“Don’t call it a trailer, ’cause it’s not a trailer; it’s a teaser,” warns Smith. “There ain’t a frame of footage in this puppy that’s in the actual flick, so feel free to watch it without fear of ‘spoilers’. This is just a little something to give you a bit of a feel for the flick.“

The neat thing about this movie is that some actual porn stars are going to be in it. Makes sense. I know you won’t recognize the names since you are all such upstanding citizens but Doug assures me these are certified porn stars.

The trailer involves some cussing and crudeness that really sets the pace for what we can expect. But did you expect anything less from Kevin Smith in a movie with Seth Rogen? Furthermore if these things offend you, are you sure you want to see a movie about two friends producing a pornographic movie??

“Just say when.” Damn brilliant!

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Rodney who has written 8873 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Zach and Miri Make a Porno Teaser Online”

  1. Phil Gee says:

    “Does your poo come out different shapes?” Yes, i think i will see this charming film.

  2. chris (the real one) says:

    naw….didnt do anything for me….smith is overrated and clerks 2 was garbage…seth rogan is funny tho

  3. FullMetal Patch says:

    When I first heard about this flick, I wasn’t sure if I’d want to see it or not. THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS! I was laughing hysterically halfway through the teaser, and if the movie is half as good, I’ll be seeing it opening night!

  4. Kristina says:

    Didn’t do anything for me. Sorry.

  5. pete says:

    Kevin Smith = God

  6. Meli says:

    LOL! I’m hoping this teaser is only the beginning of the giggle fest I had watching this.

  7. kiyo says:

    pretty nice, i have to say, and kind of charming in it’s own weird way. looking forward to it

  8. nbakid2000 says:

    Kevin Smith is awesome and a genius. ‘Nuff said.

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