WWE Wrestlers in Film

Wrestlers are half actors, since what they do in “sports entertainment” is mostly practiced choreographed routines. These are fine specimens of human physical achievement with campy personalities and flashy costumes. That is what makes it all so exciting.

So when we find out that wrestlers are making a move to action films we really are not that surprised. But the degree of acting that we see in the ring is more on par with a stunt man with about 10 minutes of fan rallying silliness in between.

I write this perspective because there has been a LOT of reaction to a story I wrote about John Cena starring in 12 Rounds. When the plot was revealed it sounded very similar to his last outing The Marine.

The replies were unique in that they were not typical of the comments we get here at TMB. Even to this day I get daily comments on a post I made almost 3 months ago. And they all seem to point to one thing. WWE Fans are rabidly loyal.

The comments sounded a lot more like a pro wrestler would offer and anyone who doubted Cena’s talent was met with rabid fanboys (and girls) informing you of your apparent jealousy for this fine thespian and incredibly talented rapper.

I wouldn’t be stretching to say that movies with Wrestler stars have been less than successful. I think a lot of that had to do with their R rating, when the target demographic for WWE fans is under 18. An effort to curb this was made evident when it was announced that these films would be made to be PG-13 instead.

So as a public service, I would remind you that we don’t doubt John Cena’s talent as a Professional Wrestler. And any photo of him would indicate the lack of doubt anyone could have about his impressive physique.

As an actor, he will have to prove himself just like any other actor. Just as everyone assumes that video game movies will always suck, and no superhero movie will win a best actor Oscar, we also assume the worst of any Wrestler who gets to star in an action movie.

It will be a fun popcorn movie with plenty of bashing and bouncing going on. Lots of attitude. And little girlies will swoon when he takes off his shirt.

So believe me fans. This is not an attack on you when we treat wrestlers as a subculture of actors. We do the same for Music stars who get starring roles as well.

We dont hate John Cena. We just know that John Cena will not be in the remake of Shawshank Redemption. But he can kick my ass.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DirkAnger23

    The Rock is a decent actor. Yet, he is the Beginning and the End of decent wrestlers turned actors (outside of Rowdy Roddy in They Live of course). As far as the rest of the drek involved with the WWE trying to pass off their wrestlers as legitimate actors just to make more bucks, I’ll pass on that crap.

  2. he CANT act.
    anyone see The Marine??

    just like flava flave cant act or w.e. his fuckin name is

  3. Kristina

    Unless your name is The Rock, I don’t want to see you onscreen. And he’s not even going by that name anymore, which I find stupid. Who’s gonna say, “Hey guys, what are we gonna do tonight? I know! Let’s go see the new Dwayne Johnson movie!”

  4. wait- dwayne johnsons the rock!?!?!?!?!?!
    WTF when did this happen!!??

  5. J

    I am now terrified that someone will see your comment about remaking Shawshank and take it to heart.

  6. HisDivineShadow

    Nuff Said

  7. Kristina


    Watch the Get Smart trailer and see what they credit him as.

  8. Joey 1.0

    I’m a fan of WWE. I like Cena to, so I’ll see it. I enjoyed The Marine. When I go see a movie like that, I dont go see it for oscar like performances, I go see it for a good times and what not. Oh and yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has said recently that for now on, in films, he wants to go by Dwayne Johnson. So he doesnt have to use “The Rock” to sell tickets and what not.

  9. Gutpunch

    I enjoyed The Marine on the same level I enjoyed any 80’s action film, this film is no better or worse than any of that popcorn pap. See No Evil was far better than it had right to be. So if they can make these films enjoyable time wasters then it’s no skin of my ass.

    If they should ever make a Captain America film Cena would be perfect. Both physically and mentally because he’s one patriotic mofo.

  10. Roguepirate

    Out of all the WWE wrestlers, I’d would say John Cena has the best chance of making any possible transition to film. I’m not saying that Cena is going to be a great actor im just talking about likelihood of actually transitioning to one as The Rock did. Cena is the only one in the WWE that has any stage presence compared to the rest of their roster so it would make sense WWE would try to push him into their films. After some acting classes and catching a break with a good script Cena could end up like The Rock, it just depends on if he’s going to take his acting job seriously or if it’s just another paycheck.

  11. FunkyMunkey

    I do’n think you could doubt the amount of crap he’s injected into his arse, either

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