Women in Chains!

Rose-Mcgowan- 02Some news seems too good to be true friends. It appears that Robert Rodriguez is shopping around a women in prison project to television networks, as a starring vehicle for Rose McGowan! We get this crazy news thanks to our friends over at comingsoon:

Director Robert Rodriguez is shopping around “Women in Chains!” a violent drama set at a woman’s prison starring his fiancee, Rose McGowan. The spec script, written by Josh Miller and Mark Fortin, has been sent to a number of networks, including NBC and FX.

McGowan is set play one of five chained women at the center of the show, which Rodriguez is expected to direct. The two first worked together on last year’s “Planet Terror,” Rodriguez’s homage to 1970s exploitation flicks.

If Robert Rodriguez puts a women in prison television series on the air starring Rose McGowan, I will proclaim him king! I’m not a huge television watcher, but this series would certainly tie me to the tube every week. I am uncertain what the odds are for this getting on the air; but I am just tickled that it’s being shopped around.

This may not even be a series, but a made for TV movie spectacular - it’s hard to tell from the above news. I just know that if Rodriguez brings half the gritty awesomeness of planet terror to this women in prison project - I will overflow with glee.

We will be sure to keep you posted on this project; in the meantime I will be using voodoo to make it so.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino

    As long as it keeps McGowan from that deluded dream of hers, which is starring in a remake of BARBARELLA, I’m fine with it.

  2. 1138

    Robert Rodriguez in some ways has become a joke making really meaningless movies. Granted they are for Kids but I always thought he would morph into a big time action director. His movies, adult anyway are really predictable and boring. I know people will take offense to these comments but I can’t but help but state my opinion. He’s a hack!

    A prison movie with women…sounds intriguing but can’t he do something original?

  3. scoville

    I agree mostly with what 1138 said, but I did like Planet Terror.

    Rodriguez’s main problem is that he’s getting stuck in the whole Tarantino rut of needing to do some kind of tribute to something from the past for every project.

    I wish both of them would realize that their projects have the same basic purpose and importance of most of VH1’s “I Love The 80’s” type of show.

  4. Mattiac

    That naughty girl Rose needs to be kept in chains! ;P

  5. chris (the real one)

    wow….i think rodriguez is a good director who likes to have with his movies….he makes the kinds of movies he enjoyed growing up and im a fan….the desperado triligy was great and planet terror was gold….granted the spy kids movies were crap after the 1st and lava girl/shark boy was ass, im excited ti see what this guy does next….

  6. Brian

    He needs to cast Pam Grier as the Prison Warden. But if he can’t find a network, just make this the second half of a Machette double feature.

  7. 790

    The guy has talent but its wasted on these sick twisted fantasy films he’s into.
    The guy seems like he’s got some major demons around him.

    How long do you give his marrage with McGowen? I say 2 years tops.

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