Witchblade Film In The Works

Every super hero under the sun is crawling out of the woodwork looking for a pay check. Today we learn that Witchblade has begun to forge a film thanks to our friends at IESB:

Sara Pezzini, AKA Witchblade will be making her big screen debut. The trades are reporting that Platinum Studios, Top Cow Prods. and Arclight Films will team on a live-action feature adaptation of “Witchblade,” based on the Top Cow comicbook franchise.

The comicbook introduced the Witchblade mythology, which centers on an ornate jewel-encrusted gauntlet that gives extraordinary powers to the wearer, a specially chosen female from each generation.

I have never been interested in reading Witchblade. It looked to “soft-core porn” to be taken seriously and never looked campy enough to be enjoyable. When you have a scantily clad superhero slut, you really need to go overboard with tongue firmly planted in cheek.

I may be gushing pure shit from my mouth however, I have never read the comic and am basing my opinion solely on the images I have seen of the character. If any of you are fans of the comic book, or have read it please share your thoughts on this announcement. Would Witchblade make for good cinema, or should it remain an entry level smut mag for our geek brethren?

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mkfreak2

    Never read the comic, but I LOVE the anime series that plays on IFC.

  2. Kanthan


    you are 100% right about the comics. It was a badly written comic with great art. It did however have one good character by the name of nottingham (I thought he was kind of badass

  3. Pman67

    Wasn’t there already a short lived TV show based on this character?

  4. digital drew

    Yes there was a TV show on TNT a few years back.

  5. Joey

    Witchblade used to be basically a T+A smut mag but ever since Ron Marz took over the book a few years back, it’s actually been really good. He has turned into more of a sci-fi/crime book as opposed to the T+A factory it was before. They actually just re-released the first 6 issues of Ron Marz’s Witchblade run in a $5 trade http://www.instocktrades.com/product.aspx?id=9&pid=6477

    I think it’s worth checking out.

  6. Pman67

    Thanks Drew, I thought I remembered that. Just checked and it starred the ever so hot Yancy Butler…..

  7. Jeff

    Much like Iron Man being the first step towards the Avengers movie, Witchblade will be the first step towards a movie based on the (IMO) far far superior (in every way) comic book, The Darkness.

    The Darkness and Witchblade combine to make a superweapon of the individual who can possess both powers simultaneously.

    The Witchblade tv show was atrocious, and the comic was decent at best. I’m hoping that they make the right decisions to make an AMAZING The Darkness sequel.

    I heard many months ago that Top Cow was in the initial planning stages for a Darkness movie (at the time Witchblade wasn’t on the radar to be made into a movie). But since then I havent heard much, just whisperings about the mafia hitman turned super-hero/villain, Jackie Estacado - The Darkness.

    I personally will not see a Witchblade movie since I’ve never been a fan of the comic book series, even though the character and story line inter-mix with those in The Darkness and The Magdalena series.

    With Top Cow now being partners with Marvel, perhaps we’ll see a GOOD comic book movie trilogy, with rich and exciting characters, story and action.

  8. joker

    They should get Steven Norrington (Blade) to direct this movie. He’s frigging awesome with special effects movies, and this really does seem right up his alley.

  9. Comic ninja

    You know for some reason i had a feeling we’d see this .
    I’m looking forward to seeing a trailer of some sort i just hope they don’t end up making a cheap soft-core porn type movie with action .

    Waht i’m more lookin forward to (i’m great at english) Is a darkness/witchblade movie .

    Also i’m a fan of the comic & i hav’nt gotten to far into the darkness but it seems great so far to .

    I wonder who they’ll cast as sara ?

  10. Shane

    The story and mythology behind Witchblade is actually pretty cool. I’ve got a soft spot for the character, since it’s one that I actually followed when she was first created. I liked the look, and I liked the story.

    So I’d be in favour of a movie if it was done right. There’s more to the character than just softcore porn, if done right. I remember being really bored by the TV show, and couldn’t sit through it. But a Witchblade move can combine underworld crime, ancient mythical weapons and a hot chick. That’s different, and should be really awesome if done right!

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