Why Indiana Jones 4 Could Be The Best Film Of The Year

So it comes to this. The film that most pundits are calling to be the #1 box office movie of this year is opening this coming week. The film that I never thought would actually get to the big screen (can you blame me? The film is like 15 years over due). Most people have LIKED the trailers… but not many have LOVED them. The movie itself is still veiled in total secrecy even with Harrison Ford on talk shows giving next to NOTHING away about the films. You’ve got George “Master of hype” Lucas telling people not to get their hopes up and that it’s just another movie and in general most people now seem to accept that Indiana Jones won’t live up to it’s expectation (but let’s be honest… if you honestly gauge things right now expectations really aren’t as high as you would have thought they’d be).

But hold on a second. There is something very fishy about all this, and I think I might be starting to suspect a conspiracy here.

Now Hollywood nearly always has a conspiracy to make a bad film look fantastic… no surprises there. But as I look at the circumstances, I’m beginning to wonder if Paramount et al. hasn’t been down playing how good Indiana Jones 4 in order to blast us this Sunday with huge positive reviews, buzz and word of mouth. What leads me to suspect this? Well, a couple of things:

1) Indiana Jones 4 is premiering at Cannes on Sunday
Ok, so what’s the big deal about opening a movie at one of the world’s largest film festivals? Well, for starters, Cannes is notorious for chewing up and spitting out a LOT of films. Audiences there has been legendarily tough, known for booing out loud and walking out of the theaters. And Jones isn’t the type of film that would typically play at Cannes either. Hmmmmmm…

2) All Media Screenings This Sunday
On the exact same day that Cannes is showing Indiana Jones 4, just about every media outlet will be shows the film too. On the exact same day. Quite often the studios will spatter and spread out media screenings of their films… but on Sunday, myself and just about every other movie media type person has been invited to screen Indiana Jones on that exact same day. A Sunday. Coincidence? I suspect not.

3) Since When Does Lucas Downplay His Movies?
It would be a monumental understatement to call George Lucas’ reserved comments about Indiana Jones 4 “out of character”. This is a man who makes shit smell like sunshine when promoting his films. Since when does George Lucas tell people “not to get their expectations too high” for any of his movies??? I don’t buy it… it smells fishy.

4) Lucas, Ford and Spielberg Took Nearly 20 Years To Agree On A Script
Don’t forget that Lucas, Spielberg and Harrison Ford all had to agree on a script before moving forward on Indiana Jones 4 (Why on earth Harrison Ford was included in that is totally beyond me… he’s an actor, not a filmmaker.. anyway..). And after nearly 20 years, they all looked at this one and said “Yes, this is the film to do”.

Look, let me be clear here. Indiana Jones 4 may end up being just as big of a disappointment as the Star wars prequels. It could be that playing it at Cannes was just because Spielberg wanted to go to France. It could be that all the media are seeing the film on the same day because the schedule just coincidentally happened to work out best for that day and it could be that George Lucas just really and honestly doesn’t think Indy 4 is all that special of a movie and wants to ready his fans to not get their hopes too high. COULD BE.

But me personally, I can’t help but look at all this and suspect that Lucas, Spielberg and Paramount all have supreme confidence in this movie and have been orchestrating this all along by lulling us into a “ho-hum” feeling towards Indy, only to blast us with insane positive reviews come Monday morning… all tidal waving us with buzz and word of mouth crashing into opening day on Thursday.

Like I said, I’m just conspiracy theorizing a little bit on a Saturday morning, and i still think Paramount mismanaged the marketing because they’ve been advertising an Indiana Jones movie instead of the return of Indiana Jones… but what do you think?

58 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. AndyS

    Dark Knight will generate better reviews and higher box office numbers; you can quote me on that. Indy is 10 years too late.

  2. Ric Ocasek

    Even though “The Di Vinci Code” made a ton of money, when it premiered at Cannes, the critics ripped it. I have to believe that Spielberg, Ford, Lucas, and especially Paramount would not want this unless they believed the film was gonna get a great response.

  3. James

    I think Lucas is right in downplaying fan expectations because, well, there are just fanboys out there who will not be pleased, no matter what.

    They will complain about CGI in shots where there is nothing but practical effects..even though one of the original trilogy’s charm was the use of old school matte shots that didn’t quite flesh out.

    They will complain about cheesy lines and impossible stunts, when the whole origin of the series is based on that serial goodness.

    Many of them are already going into Indy 4 with a chip on their shoulder and an axe to grind. It’s to be expected and rather sad.

    Lucas downplays now because he knows the drill…and is still fresh off the beating he took for the Star Wars prequels.

    As for screening at Cannes, I don’t think it makes that big of a statement. Of course they are confident in their film…what filmmaker wouldn’t be? Spider-Man 3 premiered at last year’s Tribeca Film Festival and we all know how that turned out. Film festival screenings, no matter how prestigious the venue, don’t mean anything at the end of the day

    There has been a lot of bad press generated over the ONE anonymous unverified review at AICN…..and yet nobody is mentioning the favorable reviews, including the verified source who put in a very positive review. The press and the fanboys want this film to fail. The blood is in the water, so don’t be surprised by how ugly it will get.

    I hope that when people go into this film, they judge it fairly, as a cheesy fun old school B-movie serial adventure dressed up with A-movie trimmings.

  4. Phil Gee

    I have no doubt that the film will be solid and a lot of fun (with the exception of ‘The Lost World’ i’ve never seen a Spielberg film that i thought was a complete car wreck) and while i really appreciate, in this day and age, how no spoilers have leaked about the film really, i think that if the film was truly great, they wouldn’t be able to contain themselves from shouting it from the hills.

    Let’s not forget; since Temple of Doom came out, and later ‘Last Crusade’, people have debated forvever which is the weaker film and it almost splits people down the middle. I expect the same with ‘Crystal Skull’ and that’s fantastic, that’s debate, that’s passionate movie talk.

    My only problem is that here i am, five days away from seeing it and i’m not counting down the hours like i was for Iron Man. I have no actual ‘desire’ to see the film, just a feeling of curiosity and obligation; and for a new Indiana Jones movie, that feels wrong.

  5. dan

    You can speculate all you like…who the hell knows??? we’ll have to wait and see!!!

  6. DarthMuppet

    Alright John… you know what this means, right?

    I expect your review the absolute second you get home from the screening. And I do mean THE ABSOLUTE SECOND!!! No ifs, ands, or buts!


  7. Chisox

    Well Jhon Rodney did post a blog post on how disappointing the early reviews where.

  8. Hey Chisox,

    Anonymous comments to AICN from people who CLAIM to have seen the film are not “reviews”

    Don’t forget… AICN also had these same such “reviews” claiming that Revenge of the Sith was one of the greatest films of all time.

    Don’t give ANY credit to anything that pops up in the AICN anonymous readers section… they mean absolutely nothing. NOTHING.

  9. James


    The ONE verified source who submitted a review to AICN, as a review and not as a Talkback comment, was very positive about the film.

    So, how come nobody is mentioning that review? Honestly, because it’s the negativity that sells these days. Nature of the beast.

    No offense to Rodney, but he should have waited until verified sources started reporting in with their thoughts on the film….

  10. Larry F.

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)
    John, I thought this quote from Lucas in a FoxNews story published yesterday is very telling:
    ‘Lucas says he’s not concerned about early mixed buzz on “Crystal Skull.:”
    “This movie is the exact same experience as the other three were. The difference is, the novelty of discovery is gone. I get worried when I hear fans say they’re expecting something different that will change their lives. This is ‘Indiana Jones’ just as you remember him.”

    This quote has given me a sense of relief. Basically, it sound like he’s saying if you liked the other three films, this is as good as those and you’re going to like this on
    Spielberg had been quoted that this movie is for the fans and I think it’s going to be more sort of Indiana Jones’ “greatest hits” so to speak.
    Also, in that same article. Lucas talks about an Indy 5, quite a change from his somber tone he had about Indy back in March.

  11. SimonZ

    It will be a great quality movie, or I hope at least. It will make the most money this year. We all know it…so why deny it? GIve in to the darkside! This is going to be huge!

  12. meckler

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    Sorry, but it’s just not lookin good at this point. The previews arn’t really generating much hype, and the few reviews are pretty bad too. Even the good reviews arn’t great. No, people who grew up with Indiana will go see it,but I don’t see young kids getting thrilled over this. And john is hoping too much here, and it’;s clear that he is biased.

    As far as AICN, Their early reviews have pretty much been right on the money this entire year. I love how when people don’t like what reviews have to say, they tell you to just discredit them. LOL. No, AICN is a pretty good source.

    And one more thing. Usually when your biased towards a movie like star wars, that you grew up with and loved, even when it turns out pretty bad, you only see the good, and still rate it well. The guys at AICN said they were huge Indiana fans growing up and wanted this to be great, they were disapointed.

    Look, it doesn’t mean ID4 will be terrible, but can you honestly watch that trailer and say it looks terrifick. I can’t. It will probably take top spot, but just like MI3, it will be forgotten.

  13. Hey Meckler,

    The guys at AICN HAVE NOT SEEN IT! That’s my point. Those aren’t AICN reviews…. those were “reviews” sent in by anonymous commenters. I don’t discredit the guys at AICN… but these weren’t their reviews!

    It would be the same if some guy named “DanDanHappyGuy1234″ got on The Movie Blog chat board and said “The Happeneing” was awesome. It’s not THE MOVIE BLOG saying that… it’s just some anonymous reader.

  14. meckler

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    John. Shogun Master is not an annoynomous poster. He has been writing reviews for AICN for some time now. They trust him, and always post his reviews on the front page. He gets to go to the screenings, and then he writes his reviews. He isn’t just some fat kid on a computer.

    Heres what AICN said before posting Shoguns article.

    (Which brings us to ShogunMaster’s review. There was definitely a screening of CRYSTAL SKULL within the last day or two…we know this for certain, and presumably this is how ShogunMaster saw it. I’m told by other AICN staff members (don’t know if he wants his name formally associated with this info) that other people have contacted him from the same screening & that their feedback has been “uniformly rough”. It’s safe to assume more reviews will arrive in the coming days.)

    THey said this too.

    (Numerous reports of tepid-to-zero reaction from audiences who saw CRYSTAL SKULL’s latest trailer in front of IRON MAN suggested the movie wasn’t energizing folks the way it should (my 14 year old son…who loved the previous entries in the series to varying degrees…looked at me and said ‘That looks slow’ when we saw the new INDY 4 trailer on the big screen). And, multiple reports from sources on the shoot smelled…uneasy.

    SO no matter how you look at it, this doesn’t look good. Stop being so damn biased John, and just accept others opinions, and accept what your hearing is really happening.

  15. Chisox

    I will agree that the trailers so far has been bad. It’s done nothing to wet my appetite. However I’m a sucker for Steven work so I’ll be part of next weeks audience. Even the mediocre War of the Worlds was entertaining. As for IJ4 being the best film of the year, well Ironman(not that good in my opinion) and its favorable rating has solidified that spot has it not? How can IJ4 beat a near 100% approval rating?

    PS: Are we going to get a review from you by Monday or is there a embargo till Friday?

  16. James


    The early screenings were verified, but ShogunMaster as source was not.

    Even Merrick tiptoes around naming SM as a proven contributor. It’s all heresay.


    And yet, it’s not really the point if SM’s review is legit or not, it’s the bias that you and the media have taken in not talking about the other, positive reviews, one of which WAS from a verified and longtime contributor to AICN.


    You want to accuse people of bias. You need to take a look in the mirror.

  17. Kristina

    Oh John. John, John, John. My dearest John.

    Hope springs eternal with you, doesn’t it? :)

  18. TR

    I hope to God you’re right about this.

  19. Bruce

    this article is just hype, since when was indiana even thats good?

  20. pete

    this article is out of control - how can you say any to this when the trailers have looked like shit

  21. pete

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  22. chris (the real one)

    i concur with bruce….best film of the year….coming out in may? really john?

  23. hecticstairs

    george lucas is passed his prime. the film is premiering everywhere else at the same time as cannes because it will blur out some awful reviews from cannes. the script may be fantastic, but it is not being executed by “top men”.

    but we’ll all have to wait and see. god damn it.

  24. Sound Designer Dan

    A response to the following above:

    1) The Matrix Reloaded, Ocean’s 13, and the Da Vinci Code have also been presented at the Cannes Film Festival as their respective openings. Reloaded had mainly positive reviews (it currently has a 73% on RT) but Ocean’s 13 and Da Vinci Code were pretty much ripped to shreds.

    2) You’re seeing it tomorrow?

    3) Since when does Lucas downplay his movies? Well, being that he didn’t even direct this one he could say all the shit he wants about Indy 4. But then again, Spielberg is a much, much better director than Lucas.

    4) Spielberg and Ford agreed on the Darabont script years ago until Lucas said he hated it and let Jeff Nathanson (Rush Hour films, The Terminal, Speed 2, Catch Me If You Can) and David Koepp (Panic Room, Stir of Echoes, Mission: Impossible) write a different draft maintaining some pieces of the Darabont draft. If all of them agreed on the Darabont draft, we might have seen this film a year or two ago.

    IMO, I think the trailers made the film look like utter shit. Hopefully this is a rare case where the trailers just suck.

  25. Kristina

    And, not to defend Indy, but a trailer alone can’t be the final determinant as to whether a film will rock/suck. You get a wacky editor and he/she can change the tone of your film wildly. Want proof?



    Now, we’ve all seen before that a killer trailer can still turn into a shit movie and a shit trailer can turn into a killer movie. The trailer’s job is to sell this movie to me, and it did a piss-poor job. That being said, that alone can’t be used as an argument as to why Indy 4 will suck. I’ve had time to think about it, and of everyone who visits this site, I’ll probabbly end up liking this movie the most since my expectations are so goddamned low compared to some of you expecting the Second Coming. I’m not a big Indy fan to begin with. I like those movies, but if I had to build my personal Top 100, none of those films would make the cut. Not a one.

    Yeah, I said it.

  26. nbakid2000

    About the argument that “they all agreed, so it MUST be awesome!”

    No, they ONLY agreed after Lucas shot down the Darabont script. Darabont’s script was the first choice, then they were left with nothing. Then they had David Koepp write it as a last hope. Then they probably figured, “well it’s better than NOTHING, and if we don’t do this one it will never happen, so let’s do this one, it’s the best one since the Darabont script”.

    I’m saying this script is second best and it was a “do or die” situation they were left facing.

  27. Hey NBAKid,

    Did you read the Darabont script? Who says it was the second best script? And as far as I read, Spielberg, Ford and Lucas all loved the script they went forward with.

    Spielberg always said he was totally fine with not doing another Indy film if he didn’t think it was the right movie to make. If he didn’t love this script, he wouldn’t do it

  28. nbakid2000

    Hey John,

    I think you may have understood what I was saying and read a little too much into it.

    You could be right and I could be dead wrong, but consider this:

    Spielberg could very well love this script. I’m just saying, maybe they (Spielberg, Ford) know the script isn’t AS good as the Darabont, but that the Koepp script is leagues above anything else that was previously written (barring Darabont’s script).

    Remember, the ONLY reason Darabont’s script didn’t get used was because Lucas said “no”. This current script was their SECOND choice. (not to say that’s necessarily a bad thing, because Koepp obviously wrote it after they hired him after Darabont’s script)

    Also, David Koepp is Spielberg’s boy, seeing as Spielberg has worked with him before multiple times. So of course he would (I assume) be partial to anything he’s written.

    I don’t mean to say the Koepp script is DEFINITELY bad (I think it will be, but that remains to be seen) but that it may be very likely it’s simply not as good as what could have been, but also much much better than everyone tried to write.

  29. nbakid2000

    Also, IF you are correct in saying Paramount has laid low just to surprise us all with reviews, that’s a very bad tactic. This thing has very negative buzz surrounding it and they should have anticipated that.

    They should have come right out pounding their chests and let the reviews back them up, instead of the opposite.

    Whether that makes a difference in box-office sales to made for this thing, I don’t know. I just think it’s a very very bad tactic when dealing with a film of this magnitude.

  30. Charles

    This film will not win best picture. I bet my life on it. At this point I think this film would have about the same amount of chance as ‘National Treasure’ would just because I think the genre is dead as well as the inspiration for and from the film. Not to mention- Action/Adventure films rarely win best pictures. That win is usually reserved for the dramas.

  31. Hey NBAKid,

    No, this script was not their second choice. Over the past number of years there have been many scripts and variations that 1 or 2 of the guys like and one didn’t, long before the Darabont script.

    Also, you said:

    “This thing has very negative buzz surrounding it and they should have anticipated that.”

    Where is this “very negative buzz”??? I’ve heard SOME negative buzz… but generally speaking the buzz is through the roof on this thing. Don’t believe me? Watch the opening weekend numbers.

    By “Very negative buzz” are you refering to the non-staff user submitted “reviews” sent to AICN??

  32. nbakid2000

    John, are you serious? Are you kidding me? VERY LITTLE NEGATIVE BUZZ?

    Someone jump in here and let me know if I’m way off here (seriously, please set me straight) - I honestly cannot believe you’re saying that John.

    Can you find a majority of people who are seriously expecting this movie to be everything they’ve hoped it will? A majority who is SERIOUSLY expecting this movie to be awesome and as good as the other films? A majority of people who are impressed by the trailers? A majority of kids/young people who are more interested in this than Batman?

    I don’t know about you, but I can’t recall meeting *most* people who are expecting great things from this thing. Sure there are some but most aren’t. I thought that was what the huge discussion we had on your other Indy was about - bad marketing and how it was affecting people.

    As far as the scripts go - OK, there were OTHERS that were written, yes, way before Darabont, I’m not denying that fact and that some may have liked them and others in the group didn’t…

    I’m saying Spielberg said Darabont’s was the best script. Ford thought it was the best script. Lucas didn’t. Then Spielberg got Koepp to write a script because he was buddies with him. That’s what happened. IE, AFTER DARABONT’S SCRIPT (seeing as that’s *supposedly* the best one, or at least *was*) Koepp’s script was second choice (assuming they all loved it, and *apparently* they did).

    Also, touching back on my original post…if they were up against a “do or die” situation, and they made the Koepp script because they felt it was their best option at the time…are they going to come out and say, “Well it was pretty good and we felt it was the best we were gonna get”???? NO, they’re going to come out saying, “WE FUCKING LOVE THIS SCRIPT, IT IS AWESOME AND WE ALL FEEL STRONGLY ABOUT IT!” That *possibly* answers your question to me about their comments regarding it.

    Remember John, I’m just throwing around conspiracies - the same as you. You think their comments mean exactly what they say, I think not necessarily.

  33. nbakid2000

    Also John….”negative buzz” in this case does not necessarily reflect box office numbers….I have a VERY negative buzz viewpoint about this film and will probably continue to do so until I see it (which I will at midnight on opening night). They’re getting my money.

  34. Hey NBAKid,

    There is a STRONG difference between people expecting this to be as good or better than the original Inday films, and “negative” buzz.

    Yes, the majority of people liked the trailers. Yes, the majority of people expect this to be a solid movie.

    There have been no legitimate reviews out yet.

  35. HisDivineShadow

    (John you said)….
    Don’t forget that Lucas, Spielberg and Harrison Ford all had to agree on a script before moving forward on Indiana Jones 4 (Why on earth Harrison Ford was included in that is totally beyond me… he’s an actor, not a filmmaker.. anyway..).

    John its totally beyond you the fact that Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones?
    Huh, well that explains alot to me.

    One reason (I’ve read) that it took so long to come together on a script is because Lucas wanted to include aliens in the script and Ford said “no way”.

  36. nbakid2000


    I disagree. I think most people aren’t expecting this to be as good - in turn, negative buzz.

    But, obviously if most people are expecting this to be a solid movie that’s not negative buzz.

    I think what I am is confused by your post in regards to mine…at least by the wording you presented. Please clarify? lol

  37. Hey Hisdivineshadow

    You said:

    “John its totally beyond you the fact that Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones?”

    Ummm… nooooooo. Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford. An actor hired to play a role that someone else created and wrote. Actors act.

  38. Harrison ford wasn’t even the guy they picked to play Indy in the first place. Tom Sellick was.

  39. nbakid2000

    Let’s face it, Indiana Jones would not be NEAR as great had it not been for Ford taking over the role. He OWNED that role. He is what everyone thinks of when they hear “Indiana Jones”. Besides the fact his face has been on all merchandise since…forever.

    Anyone else (barring Young Indiana Jones) attempting to play that role is a cheap imitation.

  40. Hey NBAKid

    Ummm… says who? Chances are people would be saying the exact same thing had Sellick not turned down the role… and people would have laughed if someone suggested “You know, I bet Harrison Ford would have made just as good if not better Indiana Jones”.

    Even so… he’s still just an actor. One of my all time favorites… but still just an actor.

  41. nbakid2000

    I can’t see Tom Selleck having the comedic acting in him that Harrison Ford does…and that’s part of what makes Indy so fun.

    When I think of him playing the role, my mind immediately flashes to Stallone trying to play Axel Foley in Beverly Hills Cop…thank GOD that didn’t pan out.

  42. James

    And the second official review to come in:


  43. AjaxLou

    You may be right John but point #4 is incorrect. Lucas downplayed the SW prequels.

    And they were even worse than he thought.

  44. AjaxLou

    …and to quote the most used bit of SW’s dialogue, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  45. AjaxLou

    …and to further point out how out of touch Lucas is with reality get a load of this quote he gave at Cannes:

    “I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this,” he said. “But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out.

    “And it’s not like Harrison is even old. I mean, he’s 65 and he did everything in this movie. The old chemistry is there, and it’s not like he’s an old man. He’s incredibly agile; he looks even better than he did 20 years ago, if you ask me.”

    Shia LeBeouf as the lead character in the next film! Shia LeBeouf!?!?!?

    Give Me a FRAKKIN’ Break!

    And we’re supposed to trust a guy that comes out with bonehead statements like this?

    Lord have mercy!

  46. HisDivineShadow

    Harisson Ford would laugh in your face john!

    Your comments against NBAKID2000 are also soooooo far off you look like a dork on this one bro.
    Negative buzz. Your so far gone man………

  47. Kevin C

    Its easy to say that Ford was the best choice in hind sight because of how well the movies did. But Selleck was just as rugged and has some pretty decent comedic timing of his own. He may not have the same “charm” that Ford was able to bring to the character but I could imagine Selleck doing a good job had he stayed on the project.

    BTW, I have very low expectations for this new installment. The last one was my favorite and not having Connery back as well as this movie being shot 10 years too late has done a number on my anticipation.

    I still will see it opening week, but I am not expecting anything great. Funny thing is, I will probably enjoy it more that way.

  48. James

    The reports back from Cannes have been amusing. A kid wearing a sign begging to see Indy. A fistfight breaking out over seats. *LOL*

    Apparently, there was applause and cheers and a few boos at the end of the film….depending on which report you read. The consensus seems to be that the Cannes crowd enjoyed it enough.

    There are a ton of early reviews online now…from Variety to The Times to EW and on and on…

    I would say that the current mix is around 90% positive to 10% negative.

    The positive reviews seem to indicate that this film is no better or worse than the sequels…and many reviewers proclaim two great set pieces in the film..and a vehicle chase on par with the famous truck chase of the first film.

    Even the negative reviews are somewhat laidback, not venomous, but perhaps nonplussed by seeing the Indy formula repeated again for the third sequel.

    One of the more surprising positive nods was from the LA Times hardass critic Kenneth Turan:


    I’m not going to post links to all the reviews, cause my posts seem to get lost in the queue anyway, but they are out there guys. : )

  49. nbakid2000

    It’s at 67% on Rotten Tomatoes as of now. Most people seem to enjoy it over-all.

  50. nbakid2000

    The film is at 123 minutes so they must’ve shortened it quite a bit. I’m about to quit reading the reviews because of all the spoilers…this sucks.

  51. HisDivineShadow

    Yeah I sure hope the negative buzz dosnt hurt the film.

  52. Brandon Daviet

    I hope it is good. Ruters news network panned it.


    Sorry if its already been posted I didn’t have time to read the 800 blog posts here.

  53. George

    There are official AICN reviews up now. Quint liked it. said it’s solid Harry loved it but he seems to love everything.
    Anyway I personally have seen more positive reviews then negative but the press liked to pick up on the negative reviews first and run stories about the “negative” word because lets face it whats a better headline “new indiana jones film great” or “new indiana jones film is terrible”

    Always go negative. thats the medias motto.

  54. George

    Ebert loved it. 3.5 out of 4.

  55. vargas

    Quote from Lucas: “I get worried when I hear fans say they’re expecting something different that will change their lives. This is ‘Indiana Jones’ just as you remember him.”

    People like that need to get a REAL believe system, or a real life because that’s just lame. It’s just entertainment folks!

  56. HisDivineShadow

    This film is review proof.

    It will be huge no matter what a group of Tomatoes thinks.

    Everyone and their grandma is seeing this.

  57. HisDivineShadow

    I just read that review (thanks Brandon), its funny the reviewer didn’t like it because it had too much action….

    Maybe he should review “Made of Honor”. Maybe he can get some character development there, or better yet the first three Indy films.
    We don’t need character development, we need a compelling action adventure.
    Sounds like they left in more aliens than I thought they would. Very cool.

  58. Brad

    hope the negative buzz wont hurt this movie….

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