Why DC Can’t do what Marvel Does

So we like to joke and post links to those “Im a Marvel/Im a DC” videos, but why is it that DC is having such a hard time getting their properties made into films?

Yahoo takes a look:

Well, actually, there is one big difference, as comic experts like Voiles are quick point out: Marvel is its own entity, cutting its own deals, and even financing its own movies. DC Comics is a subsidiary of Warner Bros.”Even higher profile DC properties have to fight through other Warner priorities and projects to get made,” Voiles wrote.

To Jim Littler, webmaster of ComicBookMovie.com, the long-planned Wonder Woman movie is a prime example of the superhuman challenges a DC superhero can face.

“Warner Bros. was able to get Joss Whedon at the helm—AND THEN THEY REJECTED HIS SCRIPT! Joss Whedon of Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more!” Littler wrote in an email. “I’ll bet the DC people were crying when that fell apart.”

I hadn’t considered this before. I had simply assumed they were on the same playing field and one team just couldn’t get it together!

Case and point, we talk about the projected efforts to bring us an Avengers film, and we shout from the sidelines that DC is getting it wrong.

Maybe the solution for WarnerBros is to follow the success of the Marvel Films model and start their own studio. Of course WB is their own studio, but perhaps they should open a sub imprint on their title that focuses its effort to bring its DC properties to the big screen. DC Films.

In my opinion, WB has been leaning in the right direction with their hero franchises that HAVE reached completion (yes, I liked Superman despite its faults) and I include the continued failure of the proposed Justice League film as a “step in the right direction”.

But imagine what could have been accomplished if DC had its own studio?

Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Aquaman…. all franchises that are not only in limbo, but all of which were competing with Speed Racer and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 for a slice of the WB budget. Marvel films has a budget that is for Marvel Films. If they want to make a film, they don’t need permission. They schedule it and make it happen.

If they followed a structure like Marvel Films and set a goal of putting out two DC movies a year under their own imprint, they could accelerate their presence in the big picture. Yes, it is a risk, but I think Marvel has proven that there is a market for these films.

What do you think? Should WB open a DC Films Division?

21 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino

    Well, if IRON MAN is any indication of what direction Marvel will take it’s own studio, then hell fucking yes, DC should better get on it ASAP.

    First of all however, DC should just try to focus on the big boy and get the next SUPERMAN back on track. Batman is in good hands, now Supes needs the same. Do Supes and then do Wonder Woman and maybe FLASH. With those characters set up, get them together and do JUSTICE LEAGUE, but leave Batman out of it. The current Christian Bale-Batman simply doesn’t fit into the same universe, there’s no way they could make this work.

  2. Jay

    I’m sure WB is already considering the DC studio idea, but like Mozzerino said they should focus on getting Supes back in the right track and then venture into FLASH or The ATOM MAN but skip WW.

  3. mark

    Yeah I don’t understand why they don’t get things back on track but DC characters can’t really measure up to marvel characters but I would love to see a Flash and Green Lantern film..What do you mean Christian Bale’s bats wouldn’t fit of course it would…It would just be wrong to not have batman in a justice league movie..I think Wonder Woman would be a decent film but please for the love of god get Kate Beckinsale as Wonder Woman.. She would be awesome as Wonder Woman.

    PLus other DC movies I would like to see.

    Teen Titans
    Martian Manhunter

  4. Mozzerino


    No. It wouldn’t fit. Nolan’s current BATMAN franchise is built in a whole other reality than for instance SUPERMAN RETURNS.
    This is supposed to be a real, dystopian world. A world were it is extraordinary that a guy puts on a costume/armor and goes on a vigilante mission to fight crime. There’s nothing supernatural in this scenario. No magic powers, no flying, no aliens, nothing. And they better keep it that way, because that is the key thing, that made BATMAN BEGINS work so well (at least for me). It was in some strange way, believable.
    They closed the door on a possible crossover when they went in that direction, which I think is for the better.
    Besides, I’m pretty sure that neither Nolan nor Bale would be up for it.
    They will do a third BATMAN movie and then probably both move on.

  5. Kristina

    Might work, might not.

    Might- comic book movies are all the rage these days, and with respected actors more than willing to be cast in them, they’re great films that bring in big time bank for the studio.

    Might not- DC sucks. Lemme repeat that. They SUCK. Their stable of heroes isn’t nearly as popular as Marvel’s(aside from their big two, of course), which might hurt their box office take. Then again, was Iron Man really well-known before he made $350 million worldwide already?

  6. steven

    first, why do people hold joss whedon to such a high standard?, like he could NEVER write a script that wasn’t what DC wanted.

    the reason DC movies are not as good as marvel movies is simple. there characters are too powerful, and over the top. and screenwriters can’t conceptualize them because most of them have no weaknesses. also Marvel characters are much more grounded in “reality” than DC

    Green lantern, Flash, to an extent superman are all movies that you’d half to dumb down in some way to make you feel like their lives are in danger. like how can the flash get hurt? if he thinks faster then you can react, how is there even a movie? iron man, spiderman, blade, x-men, and even the films that are luke warm and hated like daredevil, ghost rider, FF, deal with ideas that aren’t so impossible, they can all be killed, and they’re human counterparts almost always written like if they had never been bite by a spider, or got gamma radition they would be no different than you. if you could get shot in eye and act like nothing just happen, how am i suppose to write you in a “real” way.

    the only DC character that kinda makes sense is Batman and thats why recently his movies are as good as they are. i’d love to see they bring depth, to boring alter egos like hal jordan or wally west, or even diana. they aren’t as likeable or deep as tony stark, peter park, or bruce banner

  7. Gutpunch

    I think the problem is that DC doesn’t have the heroes that would look good on the silver screen.

    While Iron Man wasn’t the most popular character in the Marvel universe he looks bad ass and has one of those costumes that don’t have go through massive redesign to fit in to the real world settings. Plus it was really well made.

    Also, characters like Aquaman, Green Arrow and Green Lantern fucking suck ass. How do you make a guy who talks to fish and swims allot look bad ass, or an archer? or a guy with a laser ring? And the Flash? Please. I don’t think it could be done without looking like the old TV show.
    The only character that I think could work is Wonder Woman but then I’ve never read that so I’m judging based on looks.

  8. Andrew

    I disagree that the DC characters are too power and over the top. In the DC Universe, there are also powerful villians.

    I feel that when DC movies are made that the writers and directors lack imagination. There is no limit in the DC Universe as to where the story and the action can take place. There is a huge stable of charactors, major and minor, to pick from and to compliment each other.

    The DC Characters are just as complex and they do face the same issues as Marvel Characters. We know this to be true by the mire fact of reading the comic books. So there is a disconnect between the comic book universe and bringing it on to the silver screen.

    Smallville has done a pretty good job of exploring Superman/Clark Kent. If it can be done on the small screen, it can be done on the big screen. DC just needs some good writers with vision. I have always wondered why for the movies, the writers for the comic books are tapped to give guidance or advice???

    As to the movie Superman Returns, it was a nod to the Christopher Reeves and the 80s movie which unfortunately was not the correct direction to move with the Superman franchise and attempting to start if off again.

    Superman needs to follow the Batman Franchise which has no connection to the Batman films of the late 80s and early 90s. Those films were fine for their time.

    May 16, 2008

  9. digital drew

    Marvel > DC
    maybe thats why…

  10. Andrew

    Nope. Marvel is not greater than DC.

  11. Pman67


    Batman has always operated in a different world from the rest of DC’s characters. His stories have always been more grounded and realistic, mainly because he’s a regular guy, with a great mind and superior fighting skills. Batman is the guy that even though he might be outclassed in power would still find a way to win. A Justice League movie without Batman should not be made.

    Batman and Superman are the Justice League. Supes, symbolizes the raw power of the league and Batman is the brains and structure. It’s what has always made the league work. Here’s this regular guy. Surrounded by all of the incredibly powerful people and not only does he hold his own, but leads them. It’s same thing with Captain America and the Avengers.

    Adding a cameo or making mention of other characters in the DC universe would not change the look or feel of the Batman movies. Batman himself has always looked at the other characters in the JL with a certain level of mistrust or disdain. Many times he’s made mention of what he could do if he had Superman’s level of power. He even went so far as to design initiatives of how to take each and every one of the more powerful leaguers down, should they go rouge. His lack of trust almost destroyed the league and would make a great second movie should the first one ever get made.

  12. Rodney

    Mozzerino, you assume that the gritty realism in Batman doesnt fit with the Superman world…. yet they both exist in the same comic book world and their stories are no different there.

    Batman has primarily been against a “real world” criminal element. Superman is capable of more, so his stories are bigger.

    You also mentioned that in Nolan’s Batman its not common for a costumed vigilante to exist, and yet in Superman there hasn’t been much in the way of one either so the same could be said about his world. Futhermore, Batman Begins is an early retelling of Batman. He is just about to meet the Joker. Superman exists in a world where he was already a big name hero and then disappeared for 8 years.

    They could easily be in the same world because they already do.

  13. bjon86

    Hell yea DC should open up their own film studio. Why should a superhero medium fight for a couple summer spots. It should be fuckin guaranteed. They WILL make money. Green Lantern fighting for a spot against Sisterhood of the fuckin Traveling Pants TWO??!! Come the fuck ON. DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB. WB is showing their ignorance.

  14. Rodney

    @Steven “he could NEVER write a script that wasn’t what DC wanted.”

    DC liked his script just fine. They endorsed it. However it was WB that vetoed it and inevitably stalled the project to a stand still.

  15. Krychek

    Let’s just get this straight from the start, DC wil NEVER match what Marvel has been able to accomplish. Aside from Batman and MAYBE (emphasis on the word Maybe) a couple of the Teen Titans characters, they don’t have the ammunition. There characters are shallow, and corny. The story lines lacking the same human element that the Marvel Universe has come to be known for. First reason for this, too much time in outer space. What really made Marvel what it is today? Mutants. Humans who have, through no fault of their own, become something MORE than human. True, characters like Spiderman and The Hulk, and The FF had radiation to thank for their powers…but the Mutant story lines are what really started the Hollywood interest in these stories. Thank you Prof Xavier!!!
    Because DC has never captured that Human element…they will never have the same quality of material to work from. Their time has come and past…we have 2 Batman movies that were worth seeing as a result. Remove Tim Burton from those…and you have nothing…

  16. Tripp Van Easille, Waterford

    I heartily agree with the seperate studio scenario for DC. Superman Returns would have had double the revenues if they hadn’t fallen back on the 70’s treatment.
    I just watched SIN CITY for the first time and was blown away. If there is a 2nd Batman trilogy I would crave a treatment by Frank Miller and Co.. He was after all the steamroller that brought The Dark Knight to the current culture. Ponder that scenario for a moment….
    Wonder Woman, Kate Beckinsale, OH YEA!!!! A goddess should be portrayed by one! O.K., I’m slightly prejudiced here….
    There are just too many “cooks” in teh kitchen at WB, and its spoiling future cinematic entrees! All we can do is hope….

  17. Orren Jensen

    Has any one thought of Legendary Pictures. I know that it only has a 5-year, 25-picture deal with Warner Bros. but maybe it could transform into another branch, becoming a separate production company that would succeed in comic book era. Marvel Studoes doesn’t side with one Production Company, even though it has made more movies with 20th Century Fox but its most profitable has been with Sony Pictures through The Spider-Man sires. I am just seeing what Legendary Pictures has done with D.C. Comics and have concluded that they should merge and become D.C. Pictures. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendary_Pictures)


    *Batman Begins (2005)
    *Superman Returns (2006)
    Lady in the Water (2006)
    The Ant Bully (2006)
    Beerfest (2006)
    We Are Marshall (2006)
    *300 (2007)
    10,000 BC (2008)

    In production:

    *The Dark Knight (2008)
    Trick ‘r Treat (2008)
    Where the Wild Things Are (2009)
    *Watchmen (2009)

    In pre-production

    Clash of the Titans (1981 film) remake (2010)

    In development:

    Kung Fu (TBA)
    * Superman: The Man of Steel (2009)
    Warcraft Movie (2009)
    Paradise Lost (TBA)

  18. HAZMAT

    and no- they shouldnt do that because if they do- wouldnt they have to make new superman and batman movies with new actors that theyre positive will be in the JLA movie? and we know that theyre decision making sucks and the fans want the same actors they used in the individual films- but theyre too busy making video games with fucking mortal combat and naming the movie “mortal” cuz it sounds homo

    on the other hand:
    if they do do this and they make a greenlantern, flash, aquaman and wonderwoman films with GOOD ACTORS not fucking meyers from hellboy or some kid from high school musical- then it will be awsome and it will get loads of money. and theyd have to use the same actors from batman and superman

    we all know this wont happen. and if it does itll be in a long time.

  19. Rodney

    @Hazmat - You missed the point.

    DC is owned by WB. If they created a subcompany called DC films it would not exclude them from using the same actors and properties because they would still own them.

    Im not suggesting that DC separate from WB, but that WB makes an imprint company that can dedicate its time to DC films.

  20. Darren J Seeley

    First things first:

    ” How do you make a guy who talks to fish and swims allot look bad ass” Answer: DC can’t, but Marvel can. With Namor. Consider: Namor is a bad ass, and he is bared chested as opposed to Aquaman’s Orange duds.


    Okay, onto the meat n’ potatoes.

    DC is in a bit of a crunch because WB owned them. That’s hard to escape. However, I think it is idiotic of the in’l friends jump on WB for dismissing big budget tags for smaller ones- specifically the sequel to Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants which, by the way, was a good, inexpensive, well acted film for a chick flick and you should all kick yourselves for saying WB are idiots for having a variety of films on their roster. When you folks talk about “slice of the pie” taken up by Sisterhood 2—I question the logic. Unless of course, you would not mind having a Flash movie for “Sisterhood 2″’s budget.

    You want it? Let’s say…you get it! Then what?
    Then all the pissy hissy fanboys will question WB for not having a budget over 40 million, including distribution and marketing., that’s what I’m not defending the Sisterhood sequel nor dismissing it, but my points here are:

    *the first film made some money

    *it has an audience (mostly chicks, but an audience)

    *the sequel has been made-with most of the returning cast three years later- with around the same production cost. (25-35 mil)

    But most importantly -and this is my major beef with the int’l friends-
    this film in WB’s lineup has little, if anything to with, Flash, Lantern or Wonder Woman being greenlit or not.

    Let’s look at Speed Racer. Yes, this film got a flat. But I can understand “the attempt”, and y’know something? Given the track record of the talent behind it, I can see why it was Greenlit. Don’t forget, folks, Speed Racer was in development hell for a little over a decade! Since Joel Silver (sorry, Rod, gotta bring this up) also was producing “Speed Racer” at the time Joss Whedon was on and off on Wonder Woman, the idea that a ‘WW’ movie should have been made instead of Speed Racer is pure nuts. You or I can only say that in retrospect…but not in hindsight.

    As for Whedon’s script being rejected by WB in favor of other films (but one), int’l friends….is horseshit. I may think Whedon is overpraised at times, but seeing how Whedon himself said he had a tough time writing it to do the character justice - it had *zero* to do whether WB execs liked it or not. In any case, the *only* film that would have “taken up the pie” was the ill fated “Justice League”. (and again, it would NOT have effected ‘Sisterhood’ or ‘Speed Racer’)

    I do think it would be a good idea for DC to split off from WB with the exception of Supes and Batman. I think it would be wise to license characters for other studios, or become a ’studio’ themselves and rely on other studios for distribution. Either that, or focus more on the Vertigo line like they have done in recent times.

    Like I said a few days ago in the comments section of “5 leser known Comics characters”….WB/DC…mark me/

    Enemy Ace.
    Just…think it over. Or get Sgt. Rock rollin’ like we were teased the other day.

  21. Shane

    I think that would be a fantastic idea. If DC people had control over creating good, solid films about DC characters, I’m sure they could be successful. Some may not (…lets not forget Fantastic Four), but it would seem that Marvel Studios has got the formula right with Iron Man, and evidently with Hulk. So having their own studio seems to be working great for Marvel.

    Another benefit of the DC Studios would be not only seeing big name superheroes like WW, Flash and Green Lantern, but also many of the fantastic Vertigo stories as well.

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