Wesley Snipes Is Fighting For Freedom

Wesley Snipes is battling to stay out of prison, but for the time being - bail would really hit the spot. We get the following Snipes update from the freedom caves of Yahoo:

Wesley Snipes must surrender to prison authorities June 3 if he isn’t granted bail to appeal three federal tax convictions, defense lawyers said in a court filing. Snipes’ attorneys plan to argue before the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the trial judge erred in several ways before and after his February conviction. U.S. District Judge William Terrell Hodges last month sentenced Snipes to three years in prison.

To be granted freedom during the appeal, the 45-year-old actor must prove that he has a substantial issue to raise and isn’t a flight risk. His attorneys argue that Hodges gave the jury bad instructions and should have granted them an expanded pretrial hearing on their request to move the proceedings.

With luck Wesley’s legal team will be able to keep him out of prison. Until then - I hope the bail gods are kind to him and he can enjoy his days outside of prison before the legal matters are fully resolved.

I am full of woe for Wesley and hope that everything works out for him. The world of cinema needs him, and prison would make poor use of his talents. Why not sentence him to make a film about the importance of tax evasion? The propaganda film can be paid for by Wesley himself, and everyone wins! I think this is a compromise that should be considered by the hallowed halls of justice.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Nixon

    I feel sorry for American, there is so many disgustin ppl in USA still out there and gets away with everything, and with this man not paying at all is getting three year sentence, they could’ve gave him house arrest !

    R. Kelly and Michael Jackson has no proof that he is innocent or Guilty, which means its scary, and on the other hand with R. Kelly, there is a video of him doing it that just look like him and he got away with it too,

    And with Wesley Snipes ? man this is sad when it comes to law !

  2. Jason Stanley

    Its a tough situation for him because the judge wants to make an example of him to others who are evading paying taxes. Its a hard one to call. I love seeing him in films but if you do the crime you gotta do the time.

    Jesus that sounded lame.

  3. digital drew

    Government wants its money. greedy greedy. Where can i move to where the government wont F with me?

  4. Lucille

    Don’t do the crime unless you can do the time.

  5. ile

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) john campea is a homo!!!

  6. nixon

    Don’t do the crime unless you can do the time ??

    I think thats a bullshit line, because not all are crimes, some of them are called mistaken, and dont confuse mistake with crimes…

    Thats where the law is fucked up…

  7. Torim

    i dont know why everyone is so huffy and worried about this whole situation i for one, think Wesley snipes is a terrible actor and hope that he would stop acting altogether and just never come to the screen again. There has not been a single movie where he has played in that was of any value or worth.

  8. Rob

    The man who holed himself up in South Africa because they would not extradite his ass for tax fraud isnt a flight risk? Im sorry but if my sorry ass has to pay taxes to fund this god for nothing war, then so does his washed up actor ass who hasnt made a good movie since demolition man. Let him go to prison.. wait.. rich and famous people dont go to prison.. Nicole Richie served 40 min of a 3 day sentence and Paris Hilton served 12 days at club med….

  9. Frank

    “Don’t do the crime unless you can do the time.” may be a b.s. line, but what about, “The punishment must fit the crime?”

    My opinion is that they want Snipes for something more that just tax evasion, but this is all they could pin on him.

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