Uwe Boll Planning Darfur Massacre Improv Film!?!??


UWE BOLL IS MAKING AN IMPROV FILM ABOUT THE DARFUR MASSACRE! We get the peculiar news this morning thanks to our friends at MTV:

By his own admission, the scripts for most Uwe Boll films are somewhat lackluster. That’s why he’s decided that for his next movie, he won’t have one. Boll, whose “Postal” recently got dumped by theater owners across the country, told MTV News that most of “Janjaweed,” his new movie about the Darfur massacre, will consist almost entirely of “improv.”

“I want to go for a cast of characters who will go into the parts, because I want to improv the dialogue. Everybody should be based on his own research of creating that character,” Boll revealed. “I think this would be better if it really feels like, ‘I could get killed here so should I go or should I try to save the baby here or die?’ I want to create the feeling that they’re really into it and we have some surprising elements that happen during the shoot.”

I think a full on improv film could be a great option for Uwe Boll. Using the Darfur massacre as the subject matter seems like a mistake however. This incident is too fresh to be tackled with improv. There are a million other options for a story, that would be far better subjects for this type of film.

I am guessing Boll’s decision to pick this topic was based more on free advertising and net chatter than artistic vision. The man is a brilliant self promoter, you have to give him that.

Although I think this film is a bad idea on many levels, if he manages to pull it off … I will make a shrine to Uwe, and pray to it every night for a year.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino


    Just Wow.
    I don’t really care if Boll butchers some stupid video game properties, but he should really keep his untalented sausage fingers from serious stuff.

    There is just something profoundly wrong on a moral level here.
    You may think you’re hated now Uwe, but don’t you wait until you are hated by relatives of soldiers who died in that conflict! They will get you and in my opinion they have every right to!

  2. vargas

    Please. Somebody shoot this fool. Now!

  3. AndyS

    Hey ease up, if Spielberg can tackle the holocaust I’m quite sure Boll can manage Darfur.

  4. chris (the real one)

    thats bullshit…..screw this loser. darfur is not something to be handled lightly. this clown needs to quit while hes ahead. he already has tons of internet geeks on his dick and he will prolly do it…..and i hope he burns in hell.

  5. Slushie Man

    Have any of you seen the trailer for, I think it’s called, Rat Tunnels? It’s a Uwe Boll WWII flick that…actually looks pretty good. I didn’t even know he was the director until someone told me after I had seen the trailer, and I didn’t believe them until I researched it myself.

  6. Rob

    Is this man an idiot?

    Hold on, I’ll rephrase. This man is an idiot.

    Furthermore, he deserves to be shot for doing something like this.

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