Tyreese Set To Play B.A. Baracus

Rumors have squeaked out that Tyrese Gibson has landed the role of Mr. T. We get this saucy scoop thanks to our friends at CHUD:

Last night I talked to Tyrese on the set of Legion, an ambitious religious action/horror movie co-starring Paul Bettany and Dennis Quaid. It was late at night in the cold, dusty desert outside Santa Fe, but the elements didn’t keep Tyrese from dishing on his many upcoming projects… including playing BA Baracus in John Singleton’s The A-Team.

Tyrese is excited by the opportunity, even if it isn’t set in stone, since the script is still being worked on and him taking the role would depend on scheduling. He said that a mohawk is not out of the question, but otherwise he’s excited to bring BA into the 21st century, so don’t expect a ton of bling around his neck. The not in bad shape by any means singer/actor did mention that he’ll be hitting the weights to prepare for the role, saying that the physique of the original is a lot to live up to.

I am actually quite happy about this news. Tyreese is just a shade taller than Mr. T, Is in outstanding shape (and beefing up), and is game to grow the mohawk. The mohawk is a necessity as far as I am concerned, the gold - I can go either way. The gold is more Mr.T than BA, so maybe it makes sense to thin out the bling for the role of the A-Team’s master mechanic/bruiser.

I was starting to get scared that Ice Cube would nab the role after he made a public declaration that he was interested. With luck, word will start to trickle down the pipe about who the other 3 heroes will be. If this movie is awesome - it will transport me back to childhood. If it sucks, I will rip trees out of the ground and throw them at the sun till the earth is devoid of all greenery.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    I think Tyrese is probably the best choice for what is a very hard part to cast. I hope he knows exactly whose shoes he’s filling though. You don’t follow Mr. T into anything.

    I’d love to see the audition process for casting B.A; picture a hundred actors in a big line saying “i’m gettin’ tired o’ya crazy rap” again and again.

  2. Rick Tayborn

    Why not just use Mr. T? He hasn’t changed a bit. Who the hell is Tyrese?

  3. Rick Tayborn

    Googled Tyrese Gibson. NOT IMPRESSED! GET MR. T or FUCK OFF!

  4. bigsampson

    “The gold is more Mr.T than BA”

    i feel the same

  5. chris (the real one)

    ARGGHHHH!! who keeps giving tyrese work….Jesus…tyrese really? ice cube would’ve been better….but if this sucks doug, i too will hurl trees into thine sun….

  6. DON

    Tyrese has worked for the director a lot of times so no doubt he will get the role.

  7. HisDivineShadow

    What Sam Jackson was busy?

    This film is lame anyway. I have no desire to relive the friken A Team.

  8. TheJohnson

    I could think of worse people but not many.

  9. Slushie Man

    This is one of those roles that no matter who they got to play the part, everyoen would be bitching that they’re the wrong person.

  10. Johnson

    I’d prefer to see Terry Crews in the role myself.

  11. mark

    At first I was kinda scared but this will work and this has blockbuster written all over it..

  12. James

    Mr T still looks like he can kick ass and hasn’t changed much. I can’t accept anyone else as B.A., so this is one remake they can stick up their ass.

  13. der

    Tyrese Gibson????????…….YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!!!!
    Oh for the love of all that is holy and sacred in this world….why God,why?…

  14. TKT

    A rapper?
    Then why not LLCOOL J?
    He is bigger then Tyrese.looks cooler ,and have better songs too.
    Tyrese have a Crybabe face type (like someone had kicked his ass a lot when he was little),LLCOOL J for the role please.
    But the best choice still MICHAEL CLARK DUNCAN.
    Dude have B.A.Barracus” writed “all over his humongous figure.

  15. Thos


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