Twilight Trailer

We have obtained the Twilight trailer for you today thanks to the WEBMASTER over at Film Junk:

According to the WEBMASTER Twilight is “about a group of vampires, and a seventeen year old girl who falls in love with one of them.” The film is based on the novels of Stephenie Meyer. I am not familiar with the works of this children’s author, but please share if you or your youngsters have read the book.

33 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Justin Snow

    I’m curious as to how the vampires can be in direct sunlight. Doesn’t seem to bother ‘em.

  2. dale

    you, sir, will be lashed for your ignorance of the almighty TWILIGHT!

    but seriously, the fan base for these books are friggin’ nuts

    hope they don’t discover the post since they’ll swarm over here and berate those who don’t LOVE the material, and drown the site with such flowery commentary The Movie Blog will turn into a botanical garden

  3. Doug Nagy

    I welcome the floral assault!

  4. AndyS

    No offense but he could do better.

  5. Levi Thornton

    I agree with Dale, Twilight fans are absolutely nuts. I know this girl who made a paper chain, with each paper counting down the days to twilight movie comes out. There may not be a lot of them, but they are all nuts.

  6. Meli

    And here I was thankful that TMB hadn’t posted anything for Twilight yet….over at /Flim the commenters are crazy!

    Dale is completely correct with his assestment/warning. There is some intelligence among the fanbase, but it is a tad scary. Think fanboys x 10.

    I am considering reading the first book to find out about the hype and to see if it’s an apporiate book for my daughter to read, but a lot of the comments I’ve seen from fans over the last couple of days has put me off.

    As far as the trailer goes, I hope they come up with something better in the coming months because right now it doesn’t look very promising. I think they would have been better off with your typical Logo trailer with a few spoken lines because right now I’m very ‘eh’ on the film.

  7. Cameron

    They are children’s books, but it’s along the lines of Harry Potter - I’m 23 years old and every adult I work with has read the books - mainly because I passed them around and made them read them. They sorta catch you by surprise how much you like them. I refused to read them until I finally went to a bookstore to buy them and 2 people stopped me and told me how much I was going to like them before I even got to the counter to check out - kinda awkward.

    That being said, I’ve read a lot of stuff about the movies and the casting is horrible. Also, the books are not nearly as cheesy as descriptions make them sound and I’m afraid the movie is just going to give everyone a bad idea about what the whole Twilight series about.

    If you’re interested at all in the movies, read the books first. You’ll be very happy you did.

  8. Doug Nagy

    I am interested in finding just how nuts the fans are! Most of you are aware of this phenomena and I am completely in the dark.

    Are they crazy obsessive or crazy defensive?

  9. Levi Thornton

    The fan base I encounter Doug seems to be mostly made of girls and such. I can’t speak for everybody but I think since this movie has a lot of romance, love triangles and such it seems to get the ladies reading. The group of girls I usually hang out with usually have massive debates on who is going to be with who, which vampire is the hottest, and other stuff that really doesn’t matter to me. It’s weird to me because you expect nerds to go off on this book because all of the vampire lore but I seen girls who you never expect to get into this geek culture get all passionate about it. In fact, they are the opposite of geekdom. Anyways thats what I’ve encounter so far.

  10. Meli

    Doug -
    They are both! Anyone who doesn’t like the teaser poster or trailer is flat out wrong because we have not read the books and don’t understand. All of us who have criticized the trailer have been told to shut up because it is just a teaser and this movie will be great and we need to read the book - yada yada yada. It is glorious on a entertaining level. I commend their passion even though it resembles that of a crazed stalker.
    And not all of these people are teenage girls, some are mothers, teachers and a spackling of guys. I don’t really want to seen them gather over here, but a few would be entertaning so that you can witness the drama.

  11. dale

    You should check out /Film. Peter shut down comments b/c the stupidity was drowning the server

    Or the latest posts at Even saying that one is not interested in the film draws venom

  12. Jen176

    I’ve read the books, I’m also a fan of them, I think the trailer is just awesome and I can’t wait for the movie.

  13. Levi Thornton

    Not all Twilight Fans are nuts, but all nuts are Twilight fans.

  14. DarthMuppet

    Had considered reading the books a while back…. until….UNTIL some crazy chick over at some message board wrote about a twenty paragraph reply flaming me when I wrote that I had heard about the whole vampires being in daylight thing and proceeded to question it. That in itself kinda’ turned me off a little, but then about four others did the same thing. Haven’t given the books a second thought since.

    It’s been about a year since that happened, maybe I’ll give the film a chance… on DVD. Judging by the crowd that is really hardcore into these books, I’d probably just get myself kicked out of the theater for ripping into some yacking teenagers who wouldn’t shut up. If I was able to sit through the whole thing, I’d probably just hate it because the of the bad theater experience anyway. I’ve had quite a few of those lately.

    Doug, I think you may have some fun going to see this at the theater… if for no other reason than to get kicked out for telling off some obnoxious teens.

  15. amanda

    The books are young adult fiction, however I am almost 30 and I enjoyed them. I am a vampire fan and I believe the author has brought back the sexy Victorian type of vampire with Pattinson’s Edward. The movie will most likely be a huge success and I think if you have not read the aseries then you should hold judgement until you see it.

  16. kiyo

    wow talk about fanatics. i think some ppl are forgetting to take their medicine. as for the trailer, it really doesn’t have anything that makes you go wow but now my curiosity is piqued enough that i’ll probably read the book guess i’ll find out what all the hype is about

  17. Chris

    Yes, they are considered Young adult Fiction but my 33 year old wife and all of her friends were going so crazy over them that I had to read them just to be in on the conversations. I actually enjoyed the books and what makes the ladies so crazy about it is the intense love between this 17 year old girl, and the Vampire. What disturbed me at first that almost got me thrown out of the house was the fact that the girl is 17, and although the vampire became a vampire when he was 17, he’s like almost 200 years old. So I made the mistake of asking the ladies if this creeped them out that a 200 year old man was loving this girl so much. Seems like he’d be so much more mature than her that they wouldn’t mesh well. You would have thought that I’d done the unspeakable. I thought she was going to divorce me right there. Good books, but the fans are definitely passionate!

  18. Marina

    Cameron’s right, the books do take you by surprise. I found I couldn’t put it down when I started and once one was finished, I had to search for the next. They’re like crack.

    And I’m a fan but I don’t consider myself nuts…though others might disagree….

  19. Mr.Death

    I haven’t read the book yet, but this trailer doesn’t make me want to see this movie. It looks pretty dull. Like Smallville with vampire. It’s only a teaser, but looks so bleh.

  20. Meli

    @Marina - I think you’ve posted enough around here not to be considered one of the nutcase fans. You’re safe. :)

    @Chris - a 200 year old vampire falling for a 17yr old girl….hmmm, why does that sound familiar? Can we say Angel and Buffy? Funny I never thought of it as creepy, but you have a point. LoL

  21. Kristina

    Oh fuck, my little sister has been going on about this shit for ages. She LOVES these damn books. Christ.

  22. makenna


  23. makenna

    by the way people who have never seen the book or movie should shut up and watch/read it before they go judging ok and yes i am a crazed fan. i am 12 (for the record i turn 13 in july) and thing that you guys are just haters, people are always judging twilight fans but none of you have a good perspective of the point of view of a teenager liking it. and by the way there is a bigger girl fan base because, i dont think any of you peplz have noticed but, edward is fiiiine and hot i mean the fire alarm went of or somsin but yeah sorry for the long stop-bein-haters speech

  24. Cameron

    WOW. I will admit that I knew people were crazy about the books, but after reading some of this and the links you posted in one of the comments, I’m a little embarrassed by the fans. I am a Buffy fan and I am a Twilight fan, but neither of those is because of vampires. The books are genuinely good books. If nothing else, they’re at least enjoyable. The thing about Stephenie Meyer and JK Rowling with Twilight and Harry Potter is that maybe they aren’t all that wonderful in terms of classic works of literature, but they’re really great storytellers and I think that’s why you get sucked in.

    But the fans who get really crazy about it (and there are a LOT who do) just cheapen it. I mean, I think the books are great, but they’re definitely not for everybody. And the trailer looks AWFUL because the books really are very good and the trailer makes it look so cheesy and it’s really not. It really takes a lot to make a good movie from a book and I just don’t think it appears they are doing it justice. If you’re going to make a movie from a book, do it right. This just doesn’t look like it’s right.

  25. Meli

    The movie MIGHT turn out to be better than the teaser trailer, I certianly hope so, for the sake of the fans. I don’t think they can handle the movie being bad though most seem blind by their love for the book.

    I went ahead and bought the book tonight so I can see first hand what the hype is about (or not) and decide if it’s acceptable for the kiddo to read over the summer. Hell, from the crack addict fans I’ve seen post (elsewhere) I don’t need anything distracting her from her school work though I would like to believe she is a lot stronger willed.

    As an after thought - I’m glad there are so many people excited about a book. It is not an easy task in these days.

  26. Alan Foreman

    Looks crap.

  27. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    From the look of the trailer, it looks more Buffy/Angel than it does Covenant. if so, i’m in.

  28. nbakid2000

    The trailer looks cheap and uninteresting. Totally.

    I know a chick who is NUTS about these books and has been after me for the past couple of days to read them now.

    I’ll admit the book does sound interesting but now I have really no interest in the movie based on the trailer. I may pick up the books though.

  29. nbakid2000

    That and the acting look like crap.

  30. Lanora

    The books and the movies are amazing.

    There are tons of Twilighters, thank you very much, and yes, we are a bigger fanbase than Harry Potter-nerds were, so kiss it.

  31. katherine

    you havent read twilight?

    go shoot yourself in the foot!

  32. Quinn

    I was curious read the book. It was ok. If you are over 15 you might find it a bit sappy (ok you probably wont find it sappy unless you are in your 20s). Lots of cool ideas and interesting take on vampires.

    That being said…this trailer makes it look awful. I hope I’m wrong and its great. The material is there for a great movie BUT…not feeling it yet. I hope too early to judge and this surprises me but so far I fear for this film.

  33. Madi G

    OMG The trailer sucked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    I had wanted to see the movie but the trailer made me sick. What with the hunting scene? He isn’t pale! HE WAS FLYING!!!!! HE FLEW HER OUT THE WINDOW IN A BLUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was sooooooooo bad!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so sad

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