Tom Cruise Dot Com

Tomcruise-1Tommy Cruise has finally decided to open a web portal, in order to share his thoughts with the fans. We get the scoop from the clear caves of Yahoo:

The site is in many ways standard for a celebrity. Among the features are a “message from Tom,” a glowing biography and handsome photographs. The actor explains: “I created this site as a thank you, to you, for sharing the journey with me and to invite you to continue to explore what the future will bring.”

“My hope with this site is to bring you in and share with you the fun I experience every day during the filmmaking process, from working with the script, to the making of the film through to what we finally see when we settle in our seats and the lights go down,” writes Cruise.

I think this is great. Tom Cruise may be nutty as a jay bird, but he still has fans that love him, and it’s cool that he will be creating origonal web content for them to enjoy.

With all of the Tom Cruise jokes that have been flying around lately, the best thing he can do is address them himself on his personal website. I think that with every new zany Tom Cruise story, we may see damage control/rebuttals on his website. This site will be on my bookmarks list for certain. I’m not sure if any craziness will happen on the site, but I will be sure to check daily - just in case.

Be sure to wear your They Live glasses so you can see the secret messages.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Donald

    If you don’t know the song ‘Martin Scorsese’ by King Missle you need to go listen to it right now. It is the greatest homage to anyone in Hollywood ever made.

    Doug… you… will… love it…

  2. lone ranger

    in that picture, cruise has the “blue steel” look! or magnum!

  3. kc

    I lost my glasses… if anyone has access to some please broadcast it.

  4. kc

    OK, I checked out the site. He is trademarking his face!

  5. nixon

    I think everyone should think again with TOM, that guy is okay now since he took medication, otherwise he’llbe again like he did `Operah !

  6. Carlos

    Cool video, at least he had the decency to include just a tiny glimpse of Lions for Lambs.

  7. vargas

    I’ll check out his site.

    But every time I think of Cruise I think of that song called Tom Cruise Crazy…….

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