Tobey Maguire Is Spiderman - Rumors Dismissed

Spiderman LogoEarlier this week rumors were flying about that Tobey Maguire was going to be replaced by Patrick Fugit in Spiderman 4. We learn today that this news was false and that Toby is still in the running and will remain their first choice for Spiderman. We get the clarification from our friends at IESB:

According to our sources, that include reps from CAA, Endeavour, ICM, Marvel Studios and Sony, no actor including Fugit has been approached or even considered for the Peter Parker/Spider-Man role or any other character for that matter.

To take it a step further, head of Media Relations for Sony/Columbia Pictures Steve Elzer told the IESB today that the Fugit story is 100% false and added, “No one is being considered for the role but Tobey. Period.”

So there you have it folks, Toby will continue as Spiderman - so long as he wants the job. I am glad this rumor turned out to be false. I really like Maguire as Peter Parker and would like him to stay on till the series has run its course. Just to reiterate - Toby is their first choice, but also has not come forward and accepted the role. We very well could have news soon proclaiming another to fill his shoes. We will keep you posted.

Now we can go back to thinking about what villains we want to see in Spiderman 4. I would like Mysterio or the Lizard myself, with a possible guest appearance by the Vulture.

14 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason Stanley

    What the hell story are they going to do? Is there really going to be a script that beats Spiderman 2?

    Mysterio is too camp and I don’t think he’ll make a good conversion to film. Lizard is a possibility but they should just focus on him…and make the film dark as hell. And if they do the Vulture…it will be a miracle.

  2. parker

    They should definitely make the film about the Carnage saga. I loved those comics and the teaming up of venom with spidey.

    (Or does brock clearly die in the third?, I dont remember)

  3. Jason Stanley

    No they don’t ‘actually’ show him dying as is tradition with these films…so yeah maybe introducing Carnage would be a good idea…

  4. SimonZ

    Yes, do the Carnage saga! Hear hear! Definitely would make it dark and epic.

  5. Mozzerino

    I don’t think Toby will do any more SPIDERMAN. He seemed already tired of the franchise during the making of SPIDERMAN 3, which he probably only did because his contract demanded it.
    I remember one interview for part three, where he was asked if he liked the Spiderman-movies so far. His very unenthusiastic sounding answer was: “Yeah…..kind of.” His heart wasn’t in it anymore, if it ever was.

  6. Ge3x

    Personally I’m into the idea of Man-Spider vs Carnage

  7. Ransom

    I don’t care if they keep Tobey or not. What I care about is having a good script that actually feels like a Spiderman story and that can produce a menacing villain. I’m all for The Lizard. I feel like if they did the Carnage story it would be too risky because they might bring back (gasp!) Topher Grace as Eddie Brock, and that would be a disaster.

  8. nixon

    oh fuck me this
    again themovie gonna suck !!!

  9. Tombo

    Kinda glad that Toby is still first choice but if he declined to reprise the role i wouldn’t blame him for that. All i will ask that if he does take it… don’t cry so much in this one please!

    As for a villian… i still wish they could remake 3 (only you know… good) and minus venom coz thats the whole venom thing ruined now. So carnage would be a substitute i guess for that but i have my doubts whether that would work.

    I say give Dylan Baker the full time role as Connors and have Lizard or Bruce Campbell as Mysterio. Unless they are going to tie in with Fury and Shield then i say keep it to one main villain otherwise it will get messy again.

  10. HAZMAT

    how about:

    carnage: jim carrie

    electro: michael fassbender

    scorpio: karl urban

    kraven the hunter: curtis jackson

    that last one was a joke….

  11. Steven Carroll

    Kraven The Hunter or The Lizard would be my choices.

  12. Kristina

    Here’s hoping Tobey doesn’t want the job. He is such a joyless performer.

  13. Joshua

    All I have to say is Thank You Lord!!! I think Tobey fits really well and unless they want to wait 10 years to do a new movie like Batman this seems to be the most logical choice. I hate when continuity is throw off (which only counts for main characters that don’t suck…AHEM…Kirsten) Maybe we can even get another taste of “emo-Tobey”…LOL.

  14. Mkfreak2

    Bullfuck asshole shit-eating cum sucking bastards! I will never see another Spidey film. I HATE Maguire as an actor, and the only thing they could remotely do to make me want to see a fourth film is to introduce Lizard, bring back Venom(not carnage), and either kill off or re-cast MJ.

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