TMB’s Guide And Predictions For The Movies Of The Summer Of 2008

Well, it’s now officially here. The summer movie season of 2008 is about to launch tonight with the official release of Iron Man. This looks to be a great summer for movies (although we all said the same thing about the summer of 2007 and that was filled with disappointments).

The interesting thing is that even though there are some highly anticipated blockbusters scheduled for this summer, there are also a bunch of very good looking smaller films sneaking in under the radar that most people aren’t talking about. So I thought it would be a good idea to run down a list of the films coming out between now and the end of August and lay out what I think will be worth watching, what won’t, give a prediction or two and then see how those pan out at the end of the summer.

So now, in order of release date, we’re pleased to present to you The Movie Blog’s Summer of 2008 Movie Guide:


Grade Prediction: B+

Release Date: May 1st

There isn’t really much more that needs to be said about this flick. When I first heard about it, I thought it was a stupid idea because quite frankly I think Iron Man is a lame, poor man’s Batman comic book character. But the more I’ve seen the more I’ve been impressed. This COULD end up being the best movie of the summer.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: May 2nd

With all thesuccess of Grey’s Anatomy, I’m a little surprised a studio hasn’t tried a Patrick Dempsey lead flick till now. Must confess that like everyone else I thought the OTHER title for this movie was “My Best Friend’s Wedding 2″, but after I saw a couple of the trailers it does seem like it will have it’s moments. Not many of them… but some. If Julia Roberts makes a cameo though I’m walking out.


Grade Prediction: D-

(Already seen)
Release Date: May 9th

A movie that takes place in the world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) that has a talented lead in it like Chiwetel Ejiofor and written and directed by someone like David Mamet should be a winner. Sadly, despite Ejiofor’s best efforts to save this movie with his performance, the flick falls flat on its face due to a massive heart attack of disconnection from reality. Far too many of the key plot devices were stretches beyond the normal human being’s imaginations to the point that the movie just because nonsense.


Grade Prediction: D

Release Date: May 9th

Can someone please explain to me why and how Ashton Kutcher continues to get leads in films? How many time does this guy have to prove he can NOT carry a film and that he is not a box office draw in the least? He’s a very nice guy, and seems to have a lot of smarts when it comes to the business behind the camera, I just think he needs to stay there. Nothing about this film gives me any hope other than the possibility of some funny moments that might salvage the flick for some people… but not many.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: May 9th

This film will be the biggest box office disappointment of the summer (or Sex and the City). The prospects for this thing being very good to me dropped a hell of a lot the moment I saw a kid and a monkey in all the trailers. The visual style is also something that I don’t think will resonate with many people. I even skipped a screening of this due to how poor I think it looks. A friend of mine who didn’t skip the screening said he liked it, so well have to wait and see. Until then, I’m sticking with a C+ prediction.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: May 16th

When a movie can start off with fantastic source material before they shoot a single frame of film, it gives it a much better chance at high quality. It doesn’t get much better than the Narnia series of books. The first film was done VERY well and captures all the wonder and imagination of the book, and there’s no reason to suspect this one will be any different. The trailers for this one haven’t impressed as much as the first though.


Grade Prediction: A-

Release Date: May 22nd

Let’s be honest here, this film should have been made 10 years ago. Having said that, who cares? It’s Indiana Jones! Oh it does the heart good to see Indy swing into action one last time. Is he looking a little old? Yes. Will he be able to pull off the action as well as he did 20 years ago? No. But it’s still Indiana Jones! And the most important thing to remember in all this is who is directing it. NEVER underestimate Steven Spielberg. He is the best director of our age and he will find a way to make this work.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: May 23rd

Uwe Boll, possibly the most infamous director of all time, comes at us once again. Only this time something strange is happening… there are actually some POSITIVE reviews for this film floating around from actual reputable critics who sounded just as shocked that they liked it as I am to hear they liked it. Personally I love Uwe Boll (not his films tough). I think he’s one of the most interesting and entertaining personalities in the business today. Still, I just can’t bring myself to believe Postal will be much better than anything else he’s directed so far.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: May 23rd

I just love this cast. John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei (good grief this women just keeps getting hotter and hotter with age) and Ben Kingsley. On the surface you’d be forgiven for suspecting this was a sequel to Grosse Pointe Blank (one of my all time favorites) considering the type of role John Cusack plays and that his sister is in it… but apparently it’s not. It looks very un-pc and quite witty.


Grade Prediction: B-

(Already Seen)
Release Date: May 30th

A cute little comedy that played some festivals a while ago but no one picked up on… at least until Will Ferrell saw it and loved it. That’s enough to get it at least a limited release and some promotion. The film is cute and funny… just not as funny as Will Ferrell would have you believe. Still, it has some wonderful laugh out loud moments and certainly a bunch of quotable lines to boot. Entertaining, but not brilliant.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: May 30th

I can’t remember exactly, but I believe I had a string of something like 4 or 5 women I dated in a row who all WORSHIPED Sex and the City. They had all the DVDs, developed massive shoe addictions and basically based their entire understanding of men on that one show. For a time, no other force on earth had more influential power over women than that show. But oddly enough it seems the movie reincarnation is limping its way into theaters. The trailers have been awful and there has far less buzz than I anticipated. Still, the show had some magic and it has some gifted writers… could be cute, but I wouldn’t get your hopes too high.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: May 30th

It takes a lot for me to get excited about a horror flick these days. Don’t get me wrong, there are a bunch that come out that I have fun watching… but not a lot that gets me EXCITED to see it. For whatever reason, The Strangers is one of those horror films that I’m finding myself pumped to see. Liv Tyler has been getting stronger and stronger as an actress, the premises looks creepy as hell, the trailer was great and the over all feel of it is solid. Looking forward to this one.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: June 6th

With a few exceptions, the world of non-Pixar producer 3D animated films is a sad wasteland. Generally speaking, I’ve yet to see a really smart and high quality film outside of Pixar’s doors. I certainly don’t think Kung Fu Panda will be one of the exceptions. Nothing in the trailers have suggested anything other than a silly romp (note: you CAN make kid films that are more than just silly, burp and fart jokes flicks) movie with any reedeming value or quality. The animation does look terrific, and I’m sure the kids will giggle through it… so it won’t be a total waste… maybe some potential for cuteness.


Grade Prediction: D-

Release Date: June 6th

Why is it that in every single Adam Sandler comedy, Sandler has to make himself and his character the best looking and toughest guy around? Seriously, in just about all his comedies he can kick everyone’s ass. Sorry, I look at him and don’t feel the least bit physically threatened. I used to LOVE Sandler comedies… but they’ve become so damn dry and weak that I just wish he would give up and do more serious roles (No kidding, the man is a GREAT dramatic actor. I actually thought he deserved at least a LITTLE Oscar buzz for is performance in Reign Over Me last year). This looks like another cookie cutter Sandler comedy… just with less laughs.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: June 13th

I’m one of the few people who actually appreciated the first Hulk movie for what it was and what Ang Lee was going for. Still, there is no denying most people were disappointed, and even I was wanting a lot more “Hulk Smash”. This re-boot seems to be doing everything right to that end. They got a great cast, hired a solid action film director and everything seems to be geared towards making this Hulk film, the one comic geeks like myself are wanting to see.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: June 13th

M. Night Shyamalan (AKA “The Sham-Hammer”)is back yet again. I’m really not sure what to make of this guy anymore. It seems like his films are getting progressively worse (dear heavens “The Lady In The Water” was one of the worst pieces of garbage I’ve seen in years), but there is no denying the man has talent and has done some great flicks in the past. So where does that leave us now? Not really sure… the premise seems interesting, but after Lady I’m apprehensive about trusting him.


Grade Prediction: D-

Release Date: June 20th

I love Mike Myers and just about everything he’s ever done (My favorite comedy of his is still “So I Married An Axe Murderer”). It’s been a little while since he’s done a live action comedy, so I was thrilled to hear about The Love Guru. Well, that excitement turned into pure horror when I saw the trailer. Not a single laugh, not a single grin came forth from my mouth upon watching it. And is it just me or has he recylced a bunch of unused mini-me jokes from deleted Austin Powers movies? This thing looks horrible.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: June 20th

When I first heard that they were doing a Get Smart movie with Steve Carell in the lead roll I nearly jumped out of my seat. This is the definition of PERFECT casting. They added Anne Hathaway, The Rock and Ken Davitian and I got even more excited. Well… most of that enthusiasm is gone. The film looks a bit lazy and nothing that I’ve seen has made me laugh fully out loud to this point. Still… with this concept and this cast SOME good things are bound to come out of it… I’m just not counting on a lot.


Grade Prediction: A+

Release Date: June 27th

I’ve said this for a long time, but I’ll say it again… Pixar is not only the best animation studio around… they are the very best movie studio PERIOD in the business. Think about it… every single film they’ve put out has been solid. Their WORST film is still better than 98% of anything else put out by anyone else. Their last offering “Ratatouille” was the highest rated film of the year and should have been nominated for best picture. Wall-E looks like it takes it up another notch or two. This will probably end up being the best over all film of the summer.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: June 27th

Along with The Incredible Hulk, I think Wanted has a chance to end up being the biggest surprise movie of the summer of 2008. Great cast, the action looks fantastic and the premise is a solid one (even if not totally original). Right now the film is getting lost in the big marketing pushes of the big blockbusters… and that’s fine… but this will be one I’ll be at opening night for sure. As a side note, despite the fact that Angelina Jolie looks like she’s in desperate need of a hamburger, I’ve never seen her look sexier than she does in this flick. MMMmmmm.


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: June 30th
Trailer - Not Yet Available

A great sounding twisted little comedy with Matthew Broderick and Brittany Snow and directed by Peter Tolan who wrote some really fine comedies like “Analyze This”, “Bedazzled” and “America’s Sweethearts”. A man apparently riddled with every addiction there is tries to win his wife back by traveling to Las Vegas to “rescue” his niece (Snow) from a life of drugs and prostitution. When you mention Broderick in the lead role I get totally sold on the idea. However… do keep in mind that Tolan also wrote some horrendous films like Analyze That and Guess Who, so don’t get too much enthusiasm bubbling just yet.


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: July 2nd

Say what you want about Will Smith, the man has made some pretty fun flicks, and his flicks make money. Hancock is an interesting premise with a bum of a superhero, and frankly Smith seems like a perfect guy for the role. Add on top of that the fact that I think the latest trailer look just fantastic, and I think you’ve got a solid, fun and entertaining (even if a little dumb) summer movie on your hands. Yes there have been whispers of early bad reviews, but to be honest I haven’t seen any from any critic I actually trust, so I’m not taking that too much into consideration yet at this point.


Grade Prediction: F

Release Date: July 11th 2008

The question “what the hell happened to Eddie Murphy” has been asked and debated for almost 10 years now. This guy was one of the sharpest comedic minds of all time. Then, someone slipped a “suck” potion into one of his beers and that Eddie Murphy died. Now we have the guy who does crap like Norbit, I Spy, Holy Man, Doctor Dolittle, Metro… my ass hurts just thinking about this being the same guy who did Delirious and Raw. So here comes “Meet Dave” and it looks just as stupid and useless as we’ve come to expect. I have zero hope for this film.


Grade Prediction: D+

Release Date: July 11th

As much as I like Brendan Fraser and as classic as the book is, there really doesn’t appear to be anything to look forward to in this film. Directed by Eric Brevig, whose only other directing credit was for an episode of Xena Warrior Princess over 10 years ago (He’s primarily a visual effects guy), the movie looks to be nothing but a showcase for digital 3d technology and a canvas for Brevig to show off his visual effects techniques. Not a grin or a giggle is to be found in the trailer. Can’t see myself wasting time on this one.


Grade Prediction: B+

Release Date: July 11th

Guillermo del Toro gave us probably the most underrated comic book film in history with the first Hellboy film. Since then he’s built his reputation with the magnificent “Pan’s Labyrinth”, and just recently is was officially announced that he will be directing The Hobbit and a sequel. Times are good for Del Toro, and times are good for us who watch his films. I thought the trailer looked fantastic, it certainly has his style signature all over it and the addition of a couple of new characters looks sweet. I can’t wait.


Grade Prediction: D

Release Date: July 18th

Remember what I was saying earlier about 3d animated films that aren’t done by Pixar? Yeah well that really applies in this situation. It seems like Pixar comes up with an idea for a great story, and then builds around that. In the case of Space Chimps, it seems like “story” wasn’t even part of the plan. It was just “Hey! let’s do a movie about cute little monkeys!” and then just figured a story would pop up somewhere as they were making it. At least that’s how it seems. Looks like a waste of time with some potential for kid enjoyment, but not much.


Grade Prediction: C-

Release Date: July 18th

You know sometimes what works on the stage just isn’t cut out to work on the big screen… and vice versa. Momma Mia (the stage musical) works because it’s live. There’s a flaky story, but that doesn’t matter because of the energy and novelty of doing an entire “show” with nothing but Abba tunes. I just can’t see this same piece working on a movie screen, without the music being live and where “story” has more importance. I fear this one is doomed to fail.


Grade Prediction: A-

Release Date: July 18th

What is there to say? It’s the frigging Batman baby. It’s Heath Ledger as the Joker. It’s the follow up to one of the best comic book movies ever made (that resurrected a franchise that many people had written off as dead… for good reason). Aside from Indiana Jones, this is probably the most anticipated movie of the summer for a lot of fans. Personally, I haven’t been as thrilled with the recent trailers as I was hoping I would be… and the whole pathetic and gimmicky “viral” marketing thing they’re doing annoys the hell out of me… but it’s Christopher Nolan directing, and he always delivers! This will be amazing!


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: July 25th

I don’t know what it is about this film, but I think it’s going to be pretty good. Even though most people (including me) are getting tired of the same old Will Ferrell schtick, and even though I wasn’t THAT big of a fan of Ricky Bobby, there’s something about this movie that appeals to me. The trailers are solid, the premise is good and it looks like Ferrell and Reily are even more comfortable working off each other than before. I’m looking forward to this one.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: July 25th
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Much like the title of the film, I really do want to believe in this X-Files movie. The problem is what while I trust the crew running this ship, and while the show used to be just amazing, the fact of the matter is it went right down the towilet for a couple of years before having one of the single worst series finales in the history of television. So while there is some hope, it may be too little too late.


Grade Prediction: F+

Release Date: July 25th
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Ok, so take the bottom of my shoe. Now, take the gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. Now, take the crack in the sidewalk that the gum gets jammed into when I walk on it. That’s about how low my enthusiasm is for “The Longshots”. A movie based on the true story of an 11 year old girl playing football. Whheeee! Oh, and it stars Ice “Has Been” Cube and is directed by Fred Durst. Do I really need to continue here?


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: August 1

My personal political beliefs are neither Republican nor Deomocrat. I’m just waiting for Vinnie Jones to announce he is assuming lordship over the earth… because he’s Vinnie Jones and who is going to tell him he can’t? All hail Lord Vinnie! Anyway, this little horror flick looks like it’ll be a lot of throw away and probably forgettable fun. Vinne looks great in it and Clive Barker said this is the best film ever made based on one of his works (and he didn’t even direct this one). Could be good.


Grade Prediction: D-

Release Date: August 1st
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Rainn Wilson’s popularity on The Office has finally nabbed him a leading role in his own feature comedy. Too bad it’s going to suck enormous amounts of ass. This film has an interesting premise… An aging Rocker who never really got his show in his younger days gets a second chance as the drummer of an aspiring new young band. Christina Applegate is the love interest (I like her). This film is a train wreck waiting to happen. The only reason I dont’ predict an even lower grade is because I think WIlson will be able to crack a few good ones here and there… but that’s all we can hope fore.


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: August 1st
Trailer: Not Yet Available

When I first heard that there was going to be another Mummy movie, I sort of rolled my eyes, but then I learned that Jet Li was playing the villain this time around and suddenly my interest shot up. The story idea also sounded pretty good and before you knew it I was mildly looking forward to it. The first few images have looked interesting and following the directors blog has been fun too. Big hit? No, but I think it has the potential to be fun nonetheless.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: August 1st
Trailer: Not Yet Available

After the tragic events that lead to George W Bush “winning” the election in 2008, the idea of a movie where a very tight presidential election comes down to the vote of just one person doesn’t sound too far fetched does it? And laugh at me all you want, but I think the performances Kevin Costner has given in his last 4 films have all been more than solid (especially in Mr. Brooks). A very good looking cast adds to the enthusiasm too. I think this one will end up being a winner.

Grade Prediction: No Idea

Release Date: August 8th
Trailer: Not Yet Available

I know nothing about this animated film other than it’s about three houseflies who stow away aboard the Apollo 11 flight to the moon. Umm… interesting idea actually.


Grade Prediction: C+

Release Date: August 8th

You know, I was wondering what movie I wanted to follow up Batman, or Hulk or Iron Man this summer with… and then it hit me! I little movie about 4 young women on a journey to adulthood and about the emotional bonds and struggles they share! YES!!!! (PUUUKKEEE). Ok, to be honest the first film really was rather charming in its own way, but this one just seems like a money grab without much thought. Who knows, the last one surprised me a little, maybe this one will to.


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: August 8th

I like Seth Rogen very much, but I’ve gotta tell you my respect for him as a writer took a MAJOR hit after watching the ass abysmal “Drillbit Taylor” a little while back. Holy hell that film sucked… mostly because of the horrible script he wrote. But hey, everyone has a bad day or 2 at the office from time to time, so no big deal. This one looks interesting, but the trailer just didn’t make me laugh much at all. I’m cautiously optimistic about this one.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: August 15th
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Kiefer Sutherland is out of jail and ready to rock you! Ok, so this isn’t 24, but the idea behind this little supernatural thriller sounds pretty great. “A mall security guard becomes wrapped up in a mystery involving a particular department store’s mirrors which seem to bring out the worst in people.” I like it, and I like Sutherland in a lead role too. Add to that the fact that Amy Smart is his wife, and I’m totally interested.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: August 15th

With all the name star power in this flick, and the amount of marketing they’re already giving it, I have a feeling this movie is shaping up to be one of the big let downs of the summer of 2008. The one highly redeeming quality of the film (from the trailers anyway) is Robert Downey Jr. playing a man, playing a black man. That just looks so frigging funny and is probably the only reason people are talking about this film. I’m not kidding… I’ll bet you without Downey Jr in that role, no one would be talking about this film at all. We’ll see.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: August 15th

I’m sorry, as much of a fan of all things Star Wars that I am… the latest trilogy of prequels left me feeling emotionally raped and betrayed. What should have been the movie event of our time ended up being a laughing stock. Having said that, the animated Star Wars stuff recently has been quite good. So which will it be? The prequels quality, or the animation quality? I’m hedging my bet with a “C”.


Grade Prediction: B-

Release Date: August 22nd

Nicolas Cage is is a hard one to pin down. He’ll do a couple of really crappy films, and then out of no where do a pretty good one. As much as some people like to slag the Cage, the fact of the matter is he’s a pretty damn good actor who sadly sometimes just mails it in. Here he plays a Hitman.. but a good hitman… boy that’s never been done before! Still, it looks like fun. One of those under the radar films that I think a lot of people will end up liking. Doesn’t hurt that the Pang brothers are directing it.


Grade Prediction: C-

Release Date: August 22nd

Not a lot of hope for this one. A standard romantic comedy. Boy and girl don’t like each other much, but through some odd circumstances they end up having to spend some time together and begin to realize they’re falling in love. Awwww. We’ve seen this a thousand times before and we’ll see it a thousand times again. On the plus side, it’s great to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan get himself a leading role like this. I love that guy in Supernatural!


Grade Prediction: B+

Release Date: August 22nd
Trailer: Not Yet Available

There is just simply too much talent in this movie to predict anything lower. Not only do you have Harrison Ford, Sean Penn and Ashley Judd, but you also have director Wayne Kramer behind the camera (he did a fantastic job with “The Cooler” a few years ago. The only knock on this project is that the premise seems used up. A multi threaded story looking at Mexican immigrants trying to gain citizenship in the US. The method has been done a little too much the last few years for my taste, but let’s give this one the benefit of the doubt.


Grade Prediction: D+

Release Date: August 22nd

Anna Faris stars in this bomb: “When Shelly, a Playboy bunny, is tossed out of the mansion, she has nowhere to go until she falls in with the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. The members of the sorority - who also have got to be the seven most socially clueless women on the planet - are about to lose their house. They need a dose of what only the eternally bubbly Shelley can provide… but they will each learn on their own to stop pretending to be what others want them to be and start being themselves”


Grade Prediction: C-

Release Date: August 22nd
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Ever since watching Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, you can put Nick Frost in anything and I’ll instantly be at least interested in the project. Unfortunately this one doesn’t sound very good: “A rebellious Malibu princess is shipped off to a strict English boarding school by her father”. Meh… ho hum, yet another movie with the basic premise being the big bad religious family. Let me guess… oh never mind you already know what I’m going to guess.


Grade Prediction: C

Release Date: August 29th

Described by the writers as a raunchier type of comedy when compared to the modern Apatow flicks, reminiscent of the old 80’s kind of comedies. The film looks like it just may have a decent number of laughs. The draw back is that on the surface it looks like something of a Superbad rip off, right down to the right number of characters.


Grade Prediction: B

Release Date: August 29th
Trailer: Not Yet Available

Good grief this is a good looking cast. Don Cheadle, Jeff Daniels, Guy Pearce amongst others and writen by Steve Martin. Sign me up! “A special operative working with a terrorist group becomes the target of the CIA”. I’m actually kind of baffled as to why Guy Pearce isn’t the lead in a LOT more films. The guy is outstanding (he came close to being Batman you know.

32 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Karl Hungus

    I’ll say without doubt that Iron Man is an A+ movie



    please put up a review of Iron Man ASAP. are you watching it tonight at the early showing?
    people are saying that there’s only 15 minutes of action in this movie, 5 minutes in the beginning and 10 in the end. I hope you can clear this up. I think it totally sucks if this is indeed true.


    15 minutes of action might be a lot in a 90 minute movie, but Iron Man is 2 hrs long.

  4. nautica

    john, lady in the water was bad, but no where near as bad as “slipstream”!! that was absolute garbage!

  5. Sean

    Awesome post John! I didn’t even know about half of these movies. Great job!

  6. Kristina

    Man…there’s a LOT of shitty movies coming out this summer:(

  7. bryan

    I had a lot of hope for tropic thunder when they release the first pic. But after I watched the trailer I have little to no hope for this thing.


  8. DON

    Those expecting tons of action from iron man will be disspointed. I loved the movie but it is due to its different story and superb performance by Robert downey jr. The comedy is great too.

    A lot of time it will be Robert trying to figure out his suit and stuff and it is extremely well done.

    Whatever action is in it rocks except the climax action scene which was solid but not as good previous ones.

    I give it a 8.5/10. I really loved it.

  9. Max

    The Rocker is going to surprise you

  10. Orren Jesnsen


    Good list very informative on what movies are coming out this summer. I knew about most of them but some Independent film I didn’t know about. I would like to challenge or at less see where you’re coming from on some of these movies. I say this because it seems that you are a little bit bias but who isn’t when comes to movie rating. I really want just to know what your basing you guess on some of these movies. I might have given higher ratings on some like The Happening. Lower on others like Step Brother. For some of them like Pineapple Express a little more credit is due because of popularity; people like stupid comedies. I agree you see more film than I do so you may be little more qualified to rate movies. But I try to look at every film with these three questions: Is going to have any cinematic value? Will it entertain me? Will it make money (popularity)/ was it worth it. Over all it’s a great blog.

  11. Max McCormick

    I just got back from seeing Iron Man, and I can say that its without a doubt no joke of a movie. Its absolutely thrilling. Its the equivalent to having a giant boner throughout two hours the action is so good. :)

  12. Michael

    John I think your opinion on Speed Racer might change because I heard some good comments on the movie based on how they took a different approach on the visual side; remember the directors are the same guys who made the matrix. I know you hate the boy and the monkey in the movie but they are important characters in the cartoon. Just try to keep an open mind for this film and gets some background info on this cartoon. Well as for the rest of the list, it’s going to be one interesting summer.

  13. Phil Gee

    I think you underestimate the power of ‘Space Chimps’, you underestimate it greatly.

  14. Jon H

    @ Kristina: There’s *always* a lot of shitty movies during the summer. But hey, they’re still enjoyable if you see them with the right people. At least this summer doesn’t have too many trilogy enders that will completely bomb.

    I have to say, despite the fact I didn’t give a toss about the prequels, the Clone Wars animation is rather intriguing. The visual style somehow really captures me. It’s probably in my top five of movies I’m looking forward to this summer.

    (so yeah, I guess there really are a lot of shitty movies this summer)

  15. Kristina

    Well, if everything sucks, I’ll at least have Iron Man:)

  16. Gutpunch

    I agree with John saying that Speed Racer will most likely bomb like nobody’s business.

    I do however think that Sex and the City will be one of the ruling films this summer.

  17. Kanthan


    I cant believe you passed up a Wacoski’s film, Just because the trailer looks lame (I agree). I ve heard some really wonderful things about this film

  18. WillTheSecond

    “The first film was done VERY well and captures all the wonder and imagination of the book, and there’s no reason to suspect this one will be any different. The trailers for this one haven’t impressed as much as the first though.”

    Eww, I thought the first film was awful. It just felt bland… I’m not a fan of the books either, and I have some friends who are and they liked it, so maybe that’s it. Also I don’t think that genre is for me (first two LOTR were okay, Return of the King was boring).

    My summer movies:

    1. Iron Man
    2. Indiana Jones ATKOTCS
    3. Wall-E
    4. TDK
    5. Hellboy II

    I’ll also consider:

    1. Hancock
    2. The Mummy 3
    3. Fly Me To The Moon

    Those’ll be dependent on reviews (and the 3D in Fly Me To The Moon).

  19. alfie

    The new indiana jones trailer looks so jaw droppingly bad that my expectations have now lowered dramatically. Which will hopefully work out for the best but it is one of the worst trailers I have seen in a long long time. I am looking forward to hancock.
    TDK is way up there.
    The hulk is looking better and better to me and I was really not interested in it at all at the start of the year but I do like the new trailer.

    And I just want to say about the people who dislike iron man due to it not having enough action for them that if that is how they feel about it then I do not believe they deserve a film that good to be screened for them. ;P

    It is such a lame complaint. The action that is there is wonderful and it is used perfectly. It is what sets iron man apart from all the other heartless soulless loud noisy obnoxious action pieces of junk we have shovelled down our throats all the time. Its absolutely amazing.I could understand it if all the film had to offer was action. If the surrounding film was junk and all it had to save it was explosions and fights then yes I could see how that would be a problem but the film is amazing. Absolutely amazing and I am dying to hear what john and doug think of it. I have a feeling doug won’t like it.

  20. Hater

    Blah Blah Blah

  21. Jay

    I think the THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN is undervalued a bit. I’d push it to B+.

    Also, I agree with some that many shitty movies on this list.

  22. Mark A. Salinas

    I think you hit the Mark. I would have to say without seeing the movies but reading about them and from the reviews your grades look to be right on.

    Mark A. Salinas

  23. calviin

    PADTHAI: People who think there is only 15 mins of action (5 in the beginnign and 10 at the end) are leaving out to significant points that I cna think of. I can’t comment on them without spoiling, but if ou’ve seen the trailers, let’s just say that one involves the Mark 1 about 30 mins in and the second involves two F-15s about halfway into the movie. Action is not something you are robbed of in this film.

  24. calviin

    I expect less from Indy 4, probably a B, maybe B+.

    Also, how likely is it going to be that Heath Ledger’s performance will be over-valued? I’m suspect that if he only does an average performance than, people will upgrade it to above average, and if it is above average, they’ll upgrade it to amazing. You know what I am talking about. It’s not that I think Batman won’t be a good movie. I just think there’s already an established prejudice to find some conclusion that he was “only going to get better as an actor and that his death is even more of a tragedy because we too were robbed of what he could have brought us in future films.” I’m not quoting a specific person there, but a mindset that I think is persisting amongst many. Did I love Heath? Yes. I enjoy watching Knight’s Tale even. Oh, well. Movies are subjective, so I guess it would just be hard to prove, even if it turned out to be the case.

    Oh, and Ironman is now standing as my favorite film of the year, so far.
    But I did also love Cloverfield, Jumper, 21, Vantage Point, Doomsday and In Bruges; so my tastes can vary.

  25. Kate

    My husband and I saw Iron Man last night and it was amazing. “B+”? Try a solid “A”. I think it was the best comic book film I’ve ever seen. There was definitely more than 15 minutes of action. Be sure to stay after the credits for an important extra scene.

    I don’t usually go back and see a movie a second time, but I can’t wait to see this one again.

  26. calviin

    I have not enjoyed a Marvel movie this much since Spider-Man 2, which was four years ago. It is about time and you deserve this joy as well.
    (Seriously, take a look at what Marvel has foisted on us since Spider-Man 2 in 2004. Blade: Trinity, Elektra, Fantastic Four, X-Men: The Last Stand, Ghost Rider, Spider-Man 3, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. Why did they want to hurt us?!?)

  27. pete

    nic cage = flaming bag of regurgitated cat shit

  28. Al

    John, you didn’t mention the new Vin Diesel sci-fi Babylon A.D on your summer movie prediction….It suppose to come out on August 29th in US according to IMDB. What are your thoughts on this movie?

  29. Cajungirl00

    This is an awesome list for the movies coming out this summer. My top 3 for sure is…

    3. The Dark Knight
    2. Sex and the City the Movie
    1. Wall-E!

    I am SO stoked for Pixar’s latest creation. I just love the stories they bring to life and this seems so different than any of the others. Wall-E’s character is just so cute and I think it’s gonna be a great hti with the entire family.

    SJP and Heath Ledger are also big favorites of mine! Going to be a good summer! :)

  30. Marina

    “Fly Me to the Moon” trailer:

  31. EZELL

    You were right about Iron Man it was B+ and the dark knight trailer before the Indiana Jones trailer were sweet. And to my surprise Dark Knight got a huge cheer and from everyone but Indiana no seemed to care what did the people who saw Iron man think?

  32. alfie

    hater….was that blah blah directed at me?

    I hope so. I love having intelligent debates with people who post such clever arguments as “blah blah blah”.

    You just raise so many interesting points.

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