There May Not Be A Cloverfield 2

Cloverfield was a weird movie to me. The first time I saw it I actually quite liked it. But then the second time I saw it, I ended up not liking it at all. All the flaws of the film stood out more to me the second time around… but I’ve written about that 10 times in recent months.

Still, the movie may not have been a huge blockbuster at the box office, but it more than made a tidy little profit for the studios, and so there was quickly talk about Cloverfield 2… an idea I never liked, but you could totally understand why they’d do it considering how cheap it was to make the original and how much money it made.

Now word is coming out that JJ Abrams may not want a second Cloverfiled film after all. The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

J.J. Abrams, who said that the Cloverfield team might want to do another project instead of a sequel. “We’re talking about it,” he said, “But the truth is there’s another idea that I’d rather do with the same people than do a sequel. It’s a whole new thing.”

Personally I don’t see the need or even upside of doing another Cloverfield movie. The gimmick is now done, the story has been told, and to do another one would basically just be a rehashing of the first just from different camera angles. JJ is wise to consider just moving on.

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. James

    JJ is talking sense here. I hope he realizes that once to the Cloverfield well is enough. Fun movie, but a sequel would just be a needless money grab.

  2. Dragonslayer

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  3. Dragonslayer

    Damn. I liked Cloverfield.

  4. Dalamar

    What is stupid movie…Besides the annoying shaky camera they never explained the complete origin of the monster. Complete drivel…

  5. Bruce


  6. Brandon Daviet

    The movie was really only good for one watch I agree. However I think a updated, godzilla type monster movie, maybe with a enviromental angle and strong cast, with Cloverfield could be a big hit.

  7. Bruce

    colverfiled takes the fun out of mnster moves.

  8. Craig

    Does anyone else feel like this is just baiting us in so when they begin to shoot, viral market another film, we don’t think cloverfield two?

  9. HisDivineShadow

    Cloverfield made over 200 mil worldwide on a 30mil budget, there will be a sequel..

    (Beleve it or not)

    From sources deep within my grasp, I’ve heard that there will be a sequel and that it will involve another “creature” dropping by another coastal city.
    More than likly L.A.
    (There will be a key clue in the film that will link the two films). Not to mention give us the idea that possibly the events in both films are happening at the same time.

    It will center on, a local news crew or a first response military division.

    The story is still being considered and developed but this is the direction that I’ve heard Abhrams wants to go.

    It will prob have another military codeword for a title, so it won’t be titled Cloverfield 2.

  10. Mozzerino

    I’m quite torn about this.
    I really dug CLOVERFIELD, it was an entertaining, tightly packed action chase-movie, that did things “a little bit different”. That of course was it’s main selling point and there’s not really a way to replicate it. The handy-cam style won’t interest audiences a second time.
    What to do in a sequel?
    Explain the event? Boring.
    Another city and another monster? Yawn.
    It’s like BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, those sequels were crap as well and how couldn’t they be?

    You know what I would want to see: Changes perspectives once again. Do a whole movie from the perspective of the monster. I’m not really sure that could work, maybe the concept is just a bit too out there, but it’s definitely something we haven’t seen before.

  11. NYCKING87

    I most definitly think a sequel to Cloverfield can be done. Either make the sequel with another shaky cam or shoot from the perspective of the characters like you would a regular movie without shaky cam. Or it could be from the perspective of the military.

    I really liked the film and own it on dvd. I liked the young cast actually and the film wouldn’t have been what it was without Hud.

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