The Rocker Poster

We have pilfered the new The Rocker poster from our friends at cinematical. Please treat yourselves to this…….


I suppose I could say a bunch about this poster, but I think the phrase “fucking sucks” is most appropriate.

Who on earth thought this was a good idea?

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino

    Is this a movie about Dwight Schrut’s childhood?

  2. @spence

    Awww Mozzerino you suck, you beat me too it…..this looks like a young dwight schrut….

  3. Mozzerino

    Well Spence, in this business you have to be quick (especially with an obvious joke like this).

  4. digital drew

    Well seeing as how the movie is starring that guy… guess it should look like him.

    “Who are the ad wizards that came up with this one.”

  5. Pete

    This movie looks like it will FUCKING SUCK

  6. @spence

    that is true :)….

  7. calviin

    Actually, I think the poster does have a subtle humor to it, but it’s the kind of humor that works best on more favorable/known movies/actors.

    If it was a Young Steve Carrell and the movie was Get Smart, it might work better.

  8. Mike Mai

    Kid Rock?

  9. tobor68

    wow. if judd apatow was involved his name would be all over it. but i guess he’s not.


  10. HisDivineShadow

    Rainn Wilson’s funnier than Carrell most days.

    Get Smarts going to bomb btw.

  11. leeloo

    bill gates?

  12. sfsilver

    The audience for a film starring Rain Wilson is likely going to know who he is. I think it’s funny to see a kid who is the spitting image of one of the world’s goofiest/doofiest looking actors who has comedic chops to match his looks. It’s not the most brilliant poster I’ve ever seen, but I enjoy the irony of the tag line with the image.

  13. Rafa1215

    I hope this guy can carry this film. He sure is funny.

  14. scot

    Ohh FFS !

  15. Dan

    I hope that he can go a little outside of “Dwight” and not fall into the stereotypical “tv-personality-that-gets-type-casted” like so many have.

  16. Bruce

    haha looks cool, i think the image could be digital?

  17. Bruce

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  18. nbakid2000

    This kid looks EXACTLY like I did at that age. That is hilarious.

  19. BrDanzig

    This looks like a biopic of Gaahl from Gorgoroth. All it needs are severed lamb heads and crucified children.

  20. Koko

    Doesn’t John have a cameo in this movie?

  21. FunkyMunkey

    It looks like those glasses have just been photoshopped onto his face

  22. Darren J Seeley

    I’m siding w/NBA kid. It might remind people of when they were that age. Also, I think Doug and the int’l friends should lighten up a bit. I see nothing wrong with the one-sheet. In fact, I thought it was funny.

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