The Promotion Poster

The Promotion is a film you must see, and we were given the heads up on the poster thanks to our friends at cinematical:


This was one of my favorite films from SXSW and I am glad that the rest of you will get to see it in June. It was a great film about how competitive we can get (for noble reasons), and the chaos that this drive can create. Sean William Scott and John C Reilly are outstanding in this film and riff off of each other like absolute champs. We have already done a review for this film and you can check it out by following this link.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. FredMillerTurdMonkey

    John C. Reily without Will Ferrel! WOO! Glad they see how funny he is and doesn’t need Ferrel to draw an audience for him anymore.
    As for the poster, that is a weird placement of the title. It is like they are holding it but not really. Looks silly.

  2. HisDivineShadow

    Don’t like John C Reily.
    I don’t find him funny at all. He’s got the look of a trailer park landlord.

    Why is that John. C Reily and Jonah Hill keep getting work? There both crap (IMO).

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