The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Trailer

The first The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor trailer has hit the web. You know what… it’s really not that bad. Pretty light hearted, looks like it may have lots of action… I liked it. Don’t know if the movie itself will be any good or not, but the trailer really wasn’t too bad. Check it out and leave your thoughts:

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. DJ Machismo

    Looks pretty good. I enjoyed the other two, I have a feeling I’ll add this to the BRD collection sometime.

  2. chris (the real one)

    i liked it too…..same feel as the 1st two. looks like good ol fashion fun….kinda pissed no rachel weisz tho…damn she sexy

  3. Mozzerino

    Hmmmm………now I can’t say that it was bad, but that trailer didn’t actually get me excited either. I fear that the stupid banter between Brendan Fraser and his son will be terrible. But it’s nice to see Michelle Yeoh, she is always good.
    Let’s hope this is more like the first Mummy film, which I really liked. The sequel was pretty awful though.
    But I doubt I’ll see this in theaters. Only if reviews are very good.

  4. Meli

    Mmmm…the only reason I might go see this in theaters is for Michelle Yeoh and Jet Li.

    The trailer itself looks like the other Mummy movies, which were mediorce action flicks. The one thing that did bug me was the one liners, which pretty much feel like they were lifted out of the first two flicks.

  5. Simple Simon

    I really enjoyed the first two Mummy films. I saw bits and pieces of the Scorpion King on TV and am glad I didn’t waste my money to see it on the big screen. This trailer has given me hope that the franchise isn’t dead (even without Rachel Weisz). I think the idea of an evil terra cotta army deserves to be given the cinema experience…yeah…I’ll be there.

  6. Kristina

    Christ, not again.

  7. Gutpunch

    Didn’t like the first two Mummies but that was because Stephen Sommers is a shit director with no balls.

    Was anyone else bothered by the Yeti in this?

  8. Steven Carroll

    Thisnlooks pretty good. A nice summer popcorn flick (even though I don’t like popcorn myself).

  9. Phil Gee

    Ha ha ha, i love how it says ‘A Rob Cohen Film’ as if that’s something that will get people excited.

    I’m always an optimist so this might turn out well (and the production design is looking nice) but this is summer blockbuster trailer 101. We’ve seen it a hundred times before.

  10. Tvo

    King Ghidorah and a Yeti??? I’m in, FTW!

  11. Mike Mai

    it’d be awesome if jet li reprises his role in Hero and appear in this movie. too bad he didn’t. that’d be a sick cross over.

  12. DarthMuppet

    Pretty sweet teaser trailer for what I’ve always felt is gonna’ be a nice little action filled goofy as all get out end of summer surprise.

    I have no illusions that this is going to be a great film or anything, but it sure does look like a helluva’ lot of fun.

  13. bjon86

    the shit looks tight. prolly will be.

  14. Stevie

    I’m going to call an upset and say that this flic will do better than Raiders.

  15. Stevie

    Sorry, I mean Indiana Jones.

  16. Jake Vermont

    Until now the Yeti sucks…. but we’ll see

    i have great hopes… and I like Maria Bello ;-) OK she is no Rachel Weisz i know…..

    and Jet Li is always awesome

  17. Joel in Sweden

    I’m looking forward to it. It’s like Indy but without the expectations. This can surprise, Indy can only disappoint.

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