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The Movie Blog: Uncut Podcast - May 30th 2008

By John - May 30, 2008 - 16:17 America/Montreal

Hey there folks! Welcome to the Friday celebratory, week ending installment of your Movie Blog Uncut podcast. It’s a rather huge weekend for female film fans with the release of Sex and the City, so we’ve got that right near the top of our list today. So sit back, relax and join us as Doug and I discuss:

1) The Strangers

2) Sex and the City

3) The fall of George Lucas and what could bring him back

4) Patrick Swayze in Point Break 2 after all?

5) Donnie Darko 2

6) The passing of Harvey Corman and Alexander Courage

7) Transformers 2 casting news

8) Netflix to peak in less than 5 years

9) Beverly Hills Cop 4 - Brett Ratner to direct?

10) James McAvoy as Bilbo Baggins (Jack Black the other option)

All this and a few things more.

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  1. Dylan says:

    check out the Burn After Reading trailer yet?

  2. Campea Fan says:

    Thanks Doug & Campea! Your podcasts are my favorite!

  3. FredMillerTurdMonkey says:

    just got done watching the Strangers before you posted this up.

    WORST MOVIE EVER. any genre.

    I was looking forward to it. I like horror movies. There is nothing at all redeemable about the film. I can’t even imagine there being a script for it. It must of been 1 page long. Glen Howerton (from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) was probably the best part of the movie…he was in it for about 3 minutes.

  4. The Darbe says:

    I’d wear a James McAvoy knitted sweater any day
    -Great show guys

  5. Kristina says:

    Go to IMDB RIGHT NOW and look at the grade for Sex and the City, then look at the demographic breakdown. Fucking HILARIOUS.

  6. Kristina says:

    And Doug, in defense of the human characters(that I didn’t like, either), it makes sense that they would be back since they are already expereinced with dealing with Transformers. They’ve all seen classified shit, so I guess it makes sense that the government would go to those military guys.

  7. Phil Gee says:

    Kristina, that demographic breakdown is very funny.

    Thanks for the show guys. I’m with you on ‘Wanted’ Doug. I think it just looks annoyingly pretentious; it thinks it looks cool and awesome and we should think it is as well.

  8. Steven Carroll says:

    I think you MIGHT lose your bet John. On Friday, Sex and The City opened with 26+ Million Domestically. Be afraid, John. Be VERY afraid.

  9. Twopratt says:

    Fantastic show guys. I have only just started to listen to these but they remind me so much of how my best friend and I discuss movies. I hope they have more of a part for Starscream in Transformers 2.

  10. Wade says:

    Jack Black as Bilbo Baggins? Wow, that’s such a horrible idea. Hope it won’t happen.

    Imagine Bilbo saying to the Spiders: “Get ready to feel the THUNDER!”

  11. Steven Carroll says:

    Jack Black and GDT have denied the rumors.

  12. 790 says:

    Thanks for the laughs Harvey Korman, and thanks for the great music Alexander Courage.
    Rest easy your work is done.

  13. Sahil says:

    You are 100% on everything you said about Transformers. I have been saying that it was a bad movie for the past year and people always give me shit.

    I loved the special effects and I even liked the score but just about everything else was shit. There were way too many mistakes and the story was complete shit. I am sure that Transformers 2 will have its share of great action scenes but I hope the store is much better.

  14. Andee23 says:

    Looks like you won the bet after all John the estimated domestic weekend gross for SATC is only 55.7 million.

  15. Monty says:

    One of the common arguments in favor of the human actors in Transformers was that it would have been too expensive to have 2 1/2 hours of robots on screen, while it may be true that 150 million doesn’t really go that far in terms of ILM produced CGI robots, the amount of time wasted on the humans was ridiculous. Transformers didn’t need to be 2 1/2 hours long, the whole hacker subplot should have been edited out, and the other thing people tend to forget is that Transformers have alt modes, they’re TRANSFORMERS for crying out loud, they don’t need to be in robot mode to carry on a conversation or to have an onscreen presence. Instead we get stuck with a mute Bumblebee doing his best Herbie impersonation for most of the film.

    With a guaranteed larger budget, the Autobots and Decpticons should have more screen time, unless Bay spends the extra money on more explosions.

    If you’re going to bring back the humans then I guess you have to bring back Shia (but please not his parents), you may as well bring back Megan (since Sam needs a love intrest anyway, and since the role is written as little more then window dressing, no one will care about her bad acting). And the army guys will have to return (this being a Micheal Bay Movie, the military will always play a big role).

    As for everyone else? Cut them!!, especially John Turturro’s Deputy Barney Fife character. Somehow I get the sickening feeling no matter where this movie is set, Sam and Mikaela will run into a vacationing Bernie Mac and/or Anthony Anderson.

  16. Perinotti says:

    About the George Lucas issue… I think it’s revealing if you look at this issue from the standpoint of what happens to great ‘auteurs’ when they set up their own shop:

    Francis Coppola - can’t get a film off the ground
    James Cameron - disappeared from moviemaking for 10+ years
    George Lucas - distracted by digital technology
    Uwe Boll - well, hmm… goes to prove the point, right?

    The thing is, when great writer/directors decide they’ll do even better when they have control over everything (including financing and distribution), they rarely do that great. It just takes away from what made them so great to begin with.

    It is a rare Spielberg who can pull that off…

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