The Movie Blog: Uncut Podcast - May 28th 2008

Hey there folks! You were probably expecting The Movie Blog Uncut LIVE show tonight. Unfortunately the NowLive network had to preempt our show tonight for a special red carpet even they were covering. But have no fear! Doug and I are here with a regular installment of the Uncut podcast for your listening pleasure (or repulsion… whichever)

So join us as Doug and I discuss :

1) Some Patrick Swayze updates

2) A Rocky 7 Movie?!?!

3) RoboCop remake in 3d

4) Rainn Wilson in Transformers 2

5) Sharone Stone saying something stupid

6) Who should play Spider-Man?

7) Sex And The City predictions

All this and a few things more.

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4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Michael Cervantes

    Excellent Podcast, it’s great to hear you guys hosting it together again. I have to say that during the talk about the whole Sharone saying the stupid thing about China, you said something about the jews which sounded like you meant it and I was in shock. But then I realize you were joking and it was funny how fast Doug responded to that. I hope you guys will do a podcast on The Incredible Hulk because that would be awsome to hear you guy’s take on the film.

  2. Michael C (Mastermind)

    Excellent Podcast, it’s great to hear you guys hosting it together again. I have to say that during the talk about the whole Sharone saying the stupid thing about China, you said something about the jews which sounded like you meant it and I was in shock. But then I realize you were joking and it was funny how fast Doug responded to that. I hope you guys will do a podcast on The Incredible Hulk because that would be awsome to hear you guy’s take on the film

  3. Grave

    I much rather have the recorded Uncut shows then the Live shows. Put at any rate Im with you guys on the T2 pit and worried that the movie will play out like the first one with so many useless human characters. I am also curious about a re-make of Robocop, but 3-D sounds cheesey in more ways then one. As for Spider-man 3 I say..TIME FOR A REBOOT! They did it for the HULK, why not do it for spider-man and get a better younger geekier kid for peter/spider-man and a real hot red-head actress that can act. Love the tatoo, i cant believe someone put that on there leg, lets see more movie related tatoos.

  4. Phil Gee

    Thanks for the show guys.

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