The Movie Blog Uncut Podcast - May 26th 2008

Hey there folks! Well it’s time for the first real Monday Round Table in 5 months. We’re all back in Canada again and ready to get the horses going. Tonight I’m joined once again by Doug Nagy and by the immortal Darren Conley (Bruxy was out of town tonight unfortunately). Much fun! So sit back, relax and join us as the three of us discuss:

1) Hellboy 2 anticipation. Better than Iron Man?

2) The Hobbit details

3) The Hobbit Legal problems

4) Prospects of a Highlander remake

5) Conan re-visioning

6) Movies still yet to come this summer

All this and a few things more.

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25 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. WolfMarauder

    I’ve missed having all of you guys. You have a much better dynamic that way. :)

  2. Grave

    OK 3 things i like to say….

    1. Good show, im excited about HB2, Your also right about Highlander, love the first movie and the rest sucked major.

    2. I dont care that much for the upcomming Hulk movie. But I do wanna see it just to see John in the film. However Im pumped about TDK, I wrote today on a message board about my expectations for the new Batman film and that I dont care how much money it makes, I just want the film to meet my greater than or equel to BB.

    3. I love to see all Dougs tatoos, that be a great topic about cool tatoos in films or on actors.

    Snooch to the Nooch!!!

  3. Rodney

    What? No direct download? Dammit.

  4. Hey Rod,

    Yes… there is a link that says “Download”. It’s right under the player.


    I have to say that it’s pretty amazing that they made Hellboy 1 for 66 million. This is why these movies are filming in countries like Romania, Czech Republic to save money and get the most out of it. If they filmed Hellboy in America, it could cost double that.

  6. Kristina

    Hellboy 2 will not crack $100 million, and that makes me really fucking sad. If, however, this movie can match or beat the quality of Iron Man, this will be the best moviegoing summer in YEARS for me.

  7. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    yup. i’ll concur with Kris. Hellboy II will at least match Iron Man..& best Hulk & Dark Knight. sleeper hit. at least Qualitywise.

    agreed on Black Hole needing a remake & cutting out the cheese.

    Highlander needs to be left the fuck alone.

    Nice to have the Old Crew back. great show :-)

  8. Phil Gee

    Darren’s voice made me feel warm inside; you have no idea how much you’ll miss something until it is gone.

    Thanks a lot for the show guys.

  9. yamo

    I may be wrong but i saw a movie call The Black Hole staring The man Judd Nelson and the sexy Kristy Swanson back in 2006. I never saw the Original but this one was just ass bad. but i will see the Original when I can find it on DVD.

  10. Devon

    It was great to hear the round table again. How long are you in Canada for John? I’m hoping it’s as long as possible so we can get as many round tables as possible. ;)

  11. Well…. that’s just fucking weird.

    About two months ago, a good friend and I actually talked about what would be cool to do with a “Black Hole” remake. I think we probably spent a good three hours working out the plot… we even talked about writing a script, but stopped when we realized the chances of us actually getting anyone to read it would be next to zero.

    Ah well…

  12. CanuckLou

    Ah, this was a long awaited re-union. Too bad Bruxy couldn’t make it. Great to know you guys have not lost your magic!

    Your point on Highlander and the Black Hole is well taken. Recently there were reviews about the Andromeda Strain mini-series remake and most of the reviewers had never read the book or seen the original movie.

    HB2 does look friggin’ awesome though, doesn’t it!

  13. Steven Carroll

    On The Hobbit and Christopher Tolkien. J.R.R. Tolkien sold the rights for $25,000 because he felt that it was unfilmable, so he let it go for absolutely nothing.

  14. Steven Carroll

    Also, the writing team is the same as LOTR + GDT. Sirkis is back and Ian Mckellan. They also plan on giving all recurring roles to the original actors that portrayed them.

  15. bert belgium

    next time i’m expecting extensive BSG talk john!!! how can you not talk about this season in the colonial fleet?

  16. Kevin C

    I think hellboy 2 will definately crack $100 mil. The fact that he directed this will bring in a nice crowd alone. I know the first one didnt do all that well in the BO but it does seem like its got a decent cult following. The first one was good, and now everyone knows who Guillermo DelToro is. I think $100 mil domestic is a decent expectation.

  17. Gutpunch

    Seeing how that the first Hellboy barely cracked 60 million dollars in the US I don’t think HB2 will do much better. Hopefully it will but I doubt it.

  18. Kevin C

    I know HB only did $60 mil, but think about the fact that Hellboy was not marketed very strongly and at that point no one really knew who Del Toro was.

    This time around, the marketing (while still not huge) has picked up from the first, and everyone knows about Pans Labyrinth and Del Toro. I think that will draw alot of people in, not to mention the fact that sequels generally do better in their opening week than originals.

    All this, to me, says that if HB 2 is a good movie, it will have legs and get very close to or surpass $100 mil domestic.

  19. Kristina

    Actually, everyone DOESN’T know about Pan’s Labyrinth and Del Toro. He’s not a household name, except in the geek community.

  20. Jon H

    YES. The second Hobbit film should be this 90 minute wide shot of armies walking towards Morder and having sex on the way.

  21. Kevin C

    Alot more people know who Del Toro is now as opposed to when the first Hellboy came out.

  22. Darren J Seeley

    Where to start….

    How about here:

    1) Doug Jones is Abe. I also would not be shocked in the least if in Hobbit Time, he plays a character, maybe an Orc or something.

    2) I was not a big Hellboy fan. My first intro to Del Toro was Mimic, then I caught up with his earlier Chonos, then I saw Devils Backbone at the Austin Film Fest in 2001. I thought Blade 2 was great. But I didn’t give a suck about Hellboy.

    I like the trailer for Hellboy. But alas, it will be tough to beat Iron Man

    3) I *hated* The Black Hole when I was young. I thought it was a hokey, lame piece of junk. However, I loved Saturn 3, so to each his own I guess. Note: maybe Sat3 should be remade; if the robot in that film wanted to vibrate between Farrah Facwett’s legs, just imagine the possibilities of an update…

    4) Tito Ortiz as Conan.

    5) My summer anticipated: Get Smart, Dark Knight, Ice Age 3 (loved the first two) Hulk… Mother Of Tears…and Journey to the Center of the Earth…

    I was hoping for House Bunny because I dig Anna Faris, but then I found out Adam Sandler’s production co. Happy Madison was behind it. Since it opend Aug 22, I won’t count it. My hopes aren’t high for Zohan either, for that matter.

  23. goodbar1979

    great show guys!!

    glad to have everyone back

    **Hobbit - note*** Del Toro said that Ron Perlman will be a voice…but he said it wouldn’t be Smaug. He said he has another idea for Smaug’s voice…but we wont find out about until sometime in the future

  24. Darek

    You should take a picture of the part of the trailer that you’re in and post it.

  25. Andee23

    Great Show Guys. Everything I enjoy about the Monday Round Table was here and so much more.

    I so missed the Nagy Rant It always hits the spot.

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