The Macho Movie Review: The Giant Of Marathon

Ladies and Gentlemen; it is my great pleasure to present our review of The Giant Of Marathon!

To Listen To The Podcast Click Here

Over the next 50 weeks, we will be discussing Macho Movies; we are currently digging through the Warriors Movie Pack made available through Mill Creek Entertainment. You can find the set for about 20-30 USD. We encourage all interested to buy the pack, and/or download the films that are public domain.

Wintle and I are joined anew by the mighty Tublord Billy! Today we review The Giant Of Marathon and discuss the Pagan Fest metal tour. Highlights from the Giant Of Marathon Include: Olympic competition, flaming spears and wrestling for a boozed out whore.

For those of you following along with us in the series, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

Nagy deems this film to be worth 5 Hydra Heads out of 9.

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. GoneAFK

    You know the Mystery Science Theater guys did a commentary track for that film under their “The Film Crew” moniker. It’s amazingly well done. If you’ve just checked that film out, check out their DVD commentary track. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

  2. haole

    I don’t know Doug, this sounds like one to skip. You make it sound like the film has no soul.

  3. dougnagy

    You should see it for research purposes. This is a bigger budget that most of the other films (as Wintle pointed out) and it’s interesting to see the differences (good and bad) a large production may bring to the genre

  4. haole

    fair enough, I will watch it, but ONLY for research purposes… and for the promise of a boozed out whore

  5. Wintle

    I have been actively avoiding mentioning MST3K for fears that I might explode in a white-hot ball of pure hatred.

    Don’t listen to him, Haole. We’re doing this to keep macho movie aficionados informed. Better to revisit an old favourite than watch Steve Reeves running. Unless you’re into that.

  6. BrDanzig

    I just got a chance to listen to the podcast last night. I agreed with ya’ll on most of everything. I was bored really until the end and I thought that the battle scenes were impressive and very well done. I thought it was a great pay-off but watching this after Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens this was a bit of a buzz kill, nowhere near as much as Cleopatra’s Daughter though. I was surprised that none of you caught ot mentioned Alan Steel in the movie. But then again he went by his real name and not his moniker. Overall I give this one 4 out of 9 hydra heads.

    I enjoyed your take on the Paganfest. I got to all of them a few days ago when they came here to San Antonio. They were fucking awesome. I have been a fan of Týr for a couple of years now and Ensiferum more recently. I had a blast and if it comes to your town, you have to go. I only wish Finntroll had been there and there are one of the best live acts I have seen in a while.

    Question for Wintle: Why do you hate mentioning MST3K? I loved that show. What did you not like about it?

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