The Macho Movie Review: The Giant Of Marathon

Ladies and Gentlemen; it is my great pleasure to present our review of The Giant Of Marathon!

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Over the next 50 weeks, we will be discussing Macho Movies; we are currently digging through the Warriors Movie Pack made available through Mill Creek Entertainment. You can find the set for about 20-30 USD. We encourage all interested to buy the pack, and/or download the films that are public domain.

Wintle and I are joined anew by the mighty Tublord Billy! Today we review The Giant Of Marathon and discuss the Pagan Fest metal tour. Highlights from the Giant Of Marathon Include: Olympic competition, flaming spears and wrestling for a boozed out whore.

For those of you following along with us in the series, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

Nagy deems this film to be worth 5 Hydra Heads out of 9.

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