The Macho Movie Review: Giants Of Thessaly

Ladies and Gentlemen; it’s my great pleasure to present our review of Giants Of Thessaly!

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Over the next 50 weeks, we will be discussing Macho Movies; we are currently digging through the Warriors Movie Pack made available through Mill Creek Entertainment. You can find the set for about 20-30 USD. We encourage all interested to buy the pack, and/or download the films that are public domain.

Today we review Giants Of Thessaly, discuss Jason And The Argonauts, and the work of Ray Harryhausen. Highlights from Giant Of Thessaly Include: Cyclops warfare, lonely men turned to sheep through witchery and sailor justice!

For those of you following along with us in the series, please share your thoughts in the comments section!

Wintle & Nagy deem this film to be worth 6 Hydra Heads out of 9.

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