The Love Guru Poster

We have obtained the new poster for The Love Guru. Thanks to comingsoon for the hookup:

This film looks like it is going to be a 90 minute nightmare. It may end up being a surprise sensation, but nothing feels “right” about this project so far. Everyone seems to have very low expectations for this film, and if it’s good at all - that will certainly work in its favor.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    My vote is for 90 minute nightmare.

  2. Phil Gee

    It sure will be depressing if the American public decide they’d rather see this than Incredible Hulk.

  3. doug nagy

    I think they are putting it up for slaughter on purpose.

    I am curious to see the reviews on this one start to trickle down the pipe

  4. Jon H

    I think I’ll just stay home and save myself a horrid time and $10 by watching Hitch instead.

  5. HisDivineShadow

    Myers sure seems locked into the 60’s

  6. dingo101

    Awful. Just awful.

  7. Rafa1215

    Sorry dude I’m just going to download this one. I can’t see myself paying 10 bucks for this. Now another austin powers maybe.

  8. krazie835

    ,,,,and Jessica Alba wants to be taken seriously as an actress.

  9. Dan

    Mike Myers needs to get back to doing movies like So I Married An Axe Murderer and give up his “Austin Powers” routine in every movie he does. Ever since Austin Powers, every character he has done since then has been some odd foreign guy who happens to land in good fortune or due to his non-sense happens to save the world and get the girl…

    Definitely will be skipping this movie.

  10. grendel25

    Have to agree. I saw the trailer and thought it just looked awful. This is opening on the same day as “Get Smart.” I don’t think it’s a good idea to open two comedies on the same day, but it looks like this one’s going to lose.

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