The Descent Gets A Sequel

It looks like the well received horror film The Descent is about to birth a sequel. We get wind of this news thanks to our friends at cinematical:

It’s been a while since we’ve heard anything about the promised sequel to Neil Marshall’s The Descent, and fans of the film who rolled their eyes at the initial announcement may have gotten their hopes up. But no: the sequel is still going forward with Descent editor Jon Harris making his directorial debut, and James Watkins (My Little Eye), who had nothing to do with the first film, writing the screenplay. The new info is that Shauna McDonald and Natalie Mendoza, who played protagonists Sarah and Juno, will reprise their roles in the sequel. The cast will also have some Y chromosomes this time around, in the form of Gavan O’Herlihy, Joshua Dallas and Douglas Hodge.

This is a film that gobs of people have told me to see and I still haven’t done so. Perhaps soon, or at least before the sequel is thrust upon the earth.

I am uncertain why they have chosen to do a sequel to this film. It was very well received, and I would guess that it may be best to leave well enough alone; but I need to see the movie before I can give an opinion. Those of you that have seen the picture let me ask you - is this a project that requires a sequel, or, like The Highlander, should it stay a standalone film?

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. ButterOnMyPopcorn

    This movie was just vampires in a cave.

  2. Justin Snow

    I’m not even really sure how they’d do a sequel. It definitely doesn’t seem to lend itself to one. Also, with a new writer on board, I’m pretty scared.

  3. Mykrantz

    The movie doesn’t really require, nor deserve, a sequel. It had a craptastic, generic horror movie ending, unless the main chick goes back Ripley-style with the marines and exterminates the monster people. It was an ok movie, that just went downhill after they showed the lame looking chud-ripoff monsters, and then seemed to have no idea how to end the movie.

    I honestly don’t understand all the people claiming this was a good horror movie, it was truly quite lame…

  4. Salacious

    Don’t see how that can do a sequel, don’t know how the US ending was but the original ending had everyone die and the last female lead becoming more like one of the cave dwellers and a bit nuts!

  5. DirkAnger23

    There is absolutely no need for a sequel to this movie. It’s about a descent into madness where the main character ultimately goes bat shit crazy at the end. Where you go from there… got me, as long as you don’t make her the main bad guy in the sequel. That would be some lazy ass writing in my book.

  6. Kevin C

    I actually didnt care for this film at all.

  7. Dylan

    no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel. no sequel.


    I loved this movie, don’t ruin it.

  8. Freddy J

    I’m in the “Please No” camp too. If they go with the original UK ending, it should be well enough alone. But if they make a sequel based on the American ending then that would just be crap cuz then that would mean that’s the “real” ending for the original and it’s nowhere near as good as the UK ending.

  9. 46

    The best thing about this movie was the all-female cast. The claustrophobic tension was never slowed down by any silly love interest side plots. I WAS interested in the sequel… right up until I read about the three added “Y-chromosomes”.

    No thanks!

  10. Peter

    No sequel required at all!! Haven’t seen the US version, but the UK ending didn’t exactly provide a cliffhanger - and that’s the way it should be!!! Leave it as the horror masterpiece it is, and for GOD SAKE don’t ruin it by turning it into a franchise!!!

  11. nbakid2000

    I didn’t think this movie was all people cracked it up to be. This movie does NOT need a sequel.

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