Swayze-Centaur Tattoo!

Dan, a Movie Blog contractor (and metal enthusiast) was nice enough to hook me up with a link to this tattoo image from Entertainment Weekly.

Please bask in the glory of the Swayze-Centaur!


I am beside myself with glee. I have never been tempted to get someone else’s tattoo…. until now.

8 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Robert(wolf)

    My god it’s beautiful!

  2. Kristina

    Now get the NPH unicorn on the other arm.

  3. Phil Gee

    Wow, that is beautiful (no really it is).

    Now i’m inspired to think maybe this Lord of the Rings bridge film could be about all the trouble the local orcs cause at ‘The Prancing Pony’ and the owner calls in the best damn cooler on Middle Earth to sort it out. Just imagine this guy yelling “you’re too stupid to have a good time” before his mighty centaur legs kick a goblin through the door.

  4. probitionate




    Great; he has a mullet.

    *switches channels*

  5. pleh

    “But i asked for a flamming skull”

  6. Bobsyeruncle

    And, emblazoned across both thighs, the Chris Farley centaur in his matching Chippendale’s getup.

  7. 790

    Ban me if you wish, but that is the gayest tatoo I’ve seen all week.

    Yeah that’s from that SNL Chipndales sketch. Hahaaaaa!

    Gawd thats fricken halarious.

  8. Gutpunch

    If I had any balls I’d get a tattoo like that.
    A guy I know has a tattoo of Gary Busey on his arm.

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