Stick Around For Iron Man’s End Credits

I have heard from many of our readers to stay till the end of Iron Man for an additional scene. Our good friends over at slashfilm also recommend us to do so, with the following news (POSSIBLE SPOILER)

Sam Jackson as Nick Fury is indeed in Iron Man. The final spool of the film was not screened to journos and reviewers as it only arrived in Australia yesterday ahead of premiere screenings. I saw the film a few weeks ago to prep for a Downey Jr interview, and went again last night (cos i loved it SOOOO much!) and at the end of the credits is an awesome 40 seconds or so with Stark and Nick Fury.

Introducing Nick Fury at the absolute end of the reel is a fantastic way to tease us for the second film. It’s also cruel and unusual punishment. A good cliffhanger drives me bananas because I want to see the follow up right away. Cliffhangers are fun to talk about however, and around these parts, gabbing about the next film is half the fun.

I am patiently waiting to see this film and should get out at some point tonight, possibly tomorrow. I have been very pleased with the reviews that have been coming back from every corner of the globe, and am relieved that this film may live up to my high expectations. I look forward to joining in on the discussion with those of you that have seen the picture.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    to use your olde rating: Iron Man is a definite Routh. 9.5/10

  2. Dean

    can someone tell me what the scene entails as i left before the credits were over. cheers!

  3. Kristina

    I went to a screening, stayed there til the bitter end of credits, and got nada. It better be there when I see it again tonight.

  4. Phil Gee

    Wow, i called this wrong. When i heard they’d cut Nick Fury out of the movie i assumed it was so they could double dip on the DVD down the road by creating an extended cut with ‘the scene everyone wants to see’.

    I guess i’ll see it…….in about three hours time.

  5. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    oh there’s a scene there for sure. it was intentionally left out of press screenings & screener copies. i first saw it over 2 weeks ago at a press gig in Sydney & nada. yesterday it was a case of et voila!

  6. Michael_C

    It is cruel and unusual punishment! Like sex! Why, oh why, do I have to wait hours for those moments of little death………. Let’s be honest, I have to wait, like, 4 seconds. Shoot me.

    It is a great way to introduce the teaser and I can’t remember the last time a company did that. I recall plenty of ‘comic’ films playing the outtakes or extras during the credits, but can’t recall any films doing this. Hope to see it. Tomorrow. Draggers.

  7. Ben

    Yesterday I saw Iron Man, but didn’t knew of the scene after the credits. DAMN DAMN DAMN! Normally I always stay till after the credits, but this time I didn’t, why oooh why.

    Can someone help me out here. Is there a leaked version or something, please!


  8. JAMIE

    whys an actor like samuel jackson in a movie for only 40 seconds??

    i just hope ironmans in the hulk movie- cuz fucking bruce banner didnt show up in ironman

    im watching it tomorrow and i hope they show the scene with samuel

  9. Benjamin

    WTF!!?!? On tuesday evening I stayed through the whole end credits and all I saw was a big black screen!!!!! Not fair, I say, not fair! Ah, well, I guess I’ll see it on youtube and then on the DVD. But it makes me mad!!

  10. leeloo

    they are being pulled so it wont be there for very long.

  11. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    @ Jaimie:
    Bruce Banner was never meant to show up in Iron Man. it was always alluded to be Nick Fury..& then Tony Stark is meant to cameo in Incredible Hulk meeting with Thunderbolt Ross during that movie’s credits..
    with Fury’s scene sewn into Hulk somewhere during the film.

  12. Robert(wolf)

    I just back from Iron Man, saw the bit after the credits, really cool but why would they have a such important scene after the credits? By that time most people had left.

  13. Lew

    Saw it on Tuesday and Nick Fury wasn’t there. I think it is a fake.

  14. okay if you dont want it to spoil the movie for yourself dont watch it (i didnt watch it im waiting for tomorrow- if they dont show it ill come back here and play it)


    thats why- only the true fans that stayed and suposedly “read” the credits got a reward for being loyal. but yeah just the fact that its the only apearance samuel makes in the WHOLE movie does make it odd……

    fantastic four and transformers had that like 2 secounds after the movie ended when they showed starscream and the silver surfer didnt die. this movie i think will have to be like 10 minutes like pirates of the caribean
    (i dont know i havent seen it)

  15. Theocrat

    Hi all -
    My family and I got a chance to see the Movie on Tuesday night in at the Palms in Las Vegas. We and about 20 other people waited until the final credit roll, the end credits and finally the blue screen that says PG13, with nothing. We waited until the screen was dark. nothing.
    So if the movie was different on Tuesday and has Col. Nick Fury I guess I have to see it again!
    But that questions - would they do that for a review copy? Other movies like Open Season and animated movies have been known to add new content a couple of weeks later - but usually only after it being such a hit.

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