Steven Spielberg Tackles Lincoln After Tintin

Lincoln-By-MillerIt looks like the The Trials of Chicago 7 will be put on hold as Spielberg tackles the tale of Lincoln. We get the scoop today from our good friends at comingsoon:

Screen Daily is reporting that director Steven Spielberg will start shooting his long-anticipated biopic about the country’s 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, in early ‘09 after completing his Tintin movie.

Originally, the Oscar-winning filmmaker had planned on directing The Trials of Chicago 7, but as reported earlier, it’s been delayed to work out script issues, making room for the long-discussed biopic, which Spielberg would like to be released in the the year that would have been Lincoln’s 200th birthday.

Lincoln is a legendary leader that suffered a tragic end, his tale is one of inspiration, and is as good a story as you could hope for, when looking to shoot a biopic. Launching this film the same year as Lincoln’s 200th is a fantastic idea and an excellent tribute to the man.

This film wreaks of Oscar bait; and I would hope for nothing less. When the subject and director are both excellent, you cannot help but set your hopes high.

*** Christina was kind enough to remind me that Liam Neeson is set to star as Abraham Lincoln. He and Steven did good work together in Schindler’ s List, and I think it is safe to expect more of the same this time around. In the event that Liam is sick, I would welcome Malcovich as a replacement.

In an alternate universe I would love to see Christopher Walken as Abraham Lincoln, under the direction of Tim Burton.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Christina

    Hasn’t Liam Neeson long been attached to this project?

  2. Doug Nagy

    Yep, IMDB says he will be Abe as well. I should have checked that first, my memory sucks.

  3. slybri

    Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln too.

  4. DarkKinger

    It is about damn time! I have been waiting for Spielberg to get started on this.

  5. Phil Gee

    “Sambady shot me…..with……A GAN; bang bang”

    Walken all the way Mr Nagy.

  6. Michael D. Barton

    Lincoln and at least 2 Darwin biopics in 2009. It’ll be a good year…

  7. Shane

    Steven Spielberg+Lincoln=I’m seeing this movie. Spielberg is one of the best in the business and has made some extraordinary films from E.T. to Saving Private Ryan. I’ll be seeing this in the cinema.

  8. RonSalon

    I’ll see this movie, but lets hope they tell the truth!

  9. frankwolftown

    If they made this movie back ‘04 people might have remembered what real presidential leadership is supposed to look like.

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