Soundwave In Transformers 2?

Soundwave ToyThe writers of Transformers recently dished about getting Soundwave in the next outing. We get the following scoop thanks to our friends at slashfilm:

“We had to get Soundwave in there,” Orci told IGN. “You know, we had Ravage in an early draft of the first movie and Soundwave, and we couldn’t do it right and I think this time hopefully we’ll have the ability to do it.”

“Some of the die hard fans. . . felt. . . Maybe it wasn’t science fictiony enough. And I think the second one will deliver on a true Transformers story. You know, the first one, we had a limited budget for what it was. Every second of Transformer time is a million dollars or whatever the heck it is, so this time, because we were able to prove through the whole thing that it’s a viable live-action movie, we have a little more freedom this time to actually learn about the Transformers, see them, hear them. It’s a better balance between the humans and the Transformers.”

A better balance? We just want the movie to be about …..Transformers, like the title would have us believe. I don’t want to see loser characters running around worrying about their baby back home, shying away from the sorted past of their parents or trying to get the girl. I want robots talking with robots; and then I want them to punch the opposition. It has nothing to do with being “science fictiony” it ’s about delivering what the fans want to see, and what’s expected.

I am glad that Soundwave may appear in the sequel. But I still want him to be a cassette player and spit forth smaller, awesome robots (like Laser Beak). If Soundwave is going to be an IPod - I just don’t see the point. I don’ t care if he’s an outdated cassette player, make it fuckin’ happen.

The last Transformers script was brutal and with luck the second film will surpass the first by leaps and bounds. The movie wowed me in the theatre with the transforming robots, but upon second viewing, I found myself getting very bored and down right angry at the lack of robot action. The whole business with the allspark and the cube was an unnecessary abomination. The origin story in the cartoon was much better and I am still at a loss why it wasn’t used.

Soundwave does rule however, and if they can do him justice - I will certainly be pleased

28 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Grave

    Hell Yea Doug! I got the DVD and Im always skipping the stupid scenes with the usless characters in it and no robots. I think the 2nd movie should not have Megan Fox, Sams parents, less military and S-Ops guys and more Transformers. My favorite Scene is the film was Prime fighting with Bonecrusher, hell that was a better fight that the Prime and Megatron fight! How lame is that! I was just saying in the Pod-cast post that I want Frank Welker playing Soundwave again and Megatron. Im not saying Hugo Weaving was bad, but it be nice to know that classic voice that made the character who he was like Starscreams voice and Cobra Commanders. Also now that I think about it why they kill off Jazz! Why not Ratchet? He died in the animated movie! He was pretty useless in the movie anyway, he couldnt fix Bumblebee’s voice? He was no where when BB got his legs blown off. What kinda medical officer was he? But out of all the Auto-bots the black attitude auto-bot had to die, but at least he died fighting. Prime needed Sam to beat Megatron.

  2. Soudwave as a cassette player = Totally retarded

    50 ft giant robot transforming into a 4 inch by 3 inch 1980’s cassete deck? God please no.

    They do however need to have Soundwave turn into SOMETHING that allows for him to spit out other robots like Laserbeak, Ravage and Rumble.


    isnt soundwave going to be the airforce one?

    and doug- i see what your saying and i agree 100 PERCENT. but transformers is about the relationship with humans and the robots and how the robots also have feelings- rather then being fighting brutes.
    yeah- i know..its gay..and id love to see more fighting but- well there you have it theyre getting so far up their asses with messages theyre forgetting about the machines. but the first transformers was amazing nontheless.


    oh and by the way..please let bay never think about possibly making a transformers movie with beast wars. skorponok was as close as itll get hopefully and skorponok was awsome but- no dinasours

  4. HisDivineShadow

    Soundwave could take on the form of a tv show truck.
    You know the control type trucks that tv stations use to broadcast sporting events.

    Oh and btw. Roberto Orci made the statement that Soundwave was going to be in the film at the Grand Slam in Burbank about a month ago.

  5. Bruce

    When you watch it a couple of times and the excitement wears of you see that transformers is a horrible horrible film and that michael bay is still the director we all new before the movie.



    thats right….

    hes still the same old guy that directed the rock, armaggedon, bad boys, and pearl harbor….

  7. Jeff

    Hey Doug,

    I posted this in John’s podcast thread, but I figured I’d post it here too.
    There was a competition held to see if a fan could design Soundwave for TF2 back after Transformers was released. The winner has had the design approved and this *should* be the final design of Soundwave - but you know what politics are like in Hollywood.

    I think it is a tremendous design a suits the classic look of Soundwave very well while modernizing his look and correcting the variable size differential (small cassette player to 50 ft tall robot) of the G1 version.

  8. Rusty James

    @ “Soundwave as a cassette player = Totally retarded”

    Yeah, you can’t have that. The otherwise sane and intelligent film would become retarded.

    Have you even seen this film? One of the transformers breakdances and another one takes a piss on John Turturo while LeBeouf jokes with his mom about masterbating. And then a fat black guy eats too many donuts.

    Also, the transformers can already change their shape at will. It happened in the scene where the Kill Bill music played.

    I love how Mike Bay doesn’t give a shit about a story line that makes sense. Or characters that are tolerable. Or action scenes that can be followed. Or developing and establishing menacing villains. But he’ll be damned if there’s any kind of mass shifting.

  9. HisDivineShadow

    Like a rape trauma therapy session, Rusty James you’ve brought back the mental scars I had repressed…. ;-(

    Also thanks HAZMAT, for reminding me how aweful micheal bay is.

    Big Budget/small penis, well you know what I mean. He’s like a monster truck you look at and say, neato!

  10. HAZMAT

    okay. im i the only person ever that watched pearl harbor and the rock??

    if he was a bad director everyone with a pulse wouldnt know about bad boys or armageddon. hes made more money then hes spent and he doesnt give a fuck what we think about him because all his movies have had amazing actors and theyve all been GREAT. bad boys might have been sucky but people watched it and everyone knows about it and armageddon also was a success. im not even going to get into pearl harbor. every movie this guy makes has amazing actors in it. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM

    if you think the rock transformers and pearl harbor were bad then all hope is lost

    every movie hes made has been watched by everyone that comments this website and that also doesnt live under a rock. to me, thats success. AND hes a great director.

  11. HAZMAT

    john voight.

    because i know someone is about to say- “transformers didnt have a good actor!”

  12. George

    No one has argued that Michael Bay is not successful. he is hugely successful of that there is no doubt.

    He is just a terrible, terrible director. Millions of people may flock to his films but millions of people also flock to Mcdonalds. That doesn’t make it fine cuisine.

    And its been about 20 years since Jon Voight gave a decent performance.

  13. George

    And if not liking Pearl Harbor means all hope is lost then I consider myself to hope free because Pearl Harbor is a complete load of garbage.

  14. HAZMAT


    thank you for making sense in your comment and not saying hes terrible and that hes got “Big Budget/small penis”

  15. HAZMAT

    so youre implying that the rock and transformers was garbage? reread what i sayd. (hey..i liked pearl harbor…)

    if so- then yes. hope is forever lost

  16. Bruce

    we know about him because he makes block busters not because he makes good films thats ridiculous. who cares what actors are in a bay film its always going to be a big names to bring the money. Great actors like ben affleck and Martin Lawrence? who cares what actors transformers had? they didnt add to the over all story and the ones people claim to be “good” had like 4 mins screen time. Bay suks he has always suked, people watch his films because they are told to see it through marketing. Anyone can make mindless action, no matter who made transformers it would have been the same film, block busters dont allow for creativity, although in transformers we did see some nice flames on a truck, so i guess he has some talent.

  17. bruce

    did anyone else forget that they said the were going to leak and give out bad information?

  18. Bruce

    lol why post with the name name dude.

  19. HAZMAT

    martin lawrence? how about will smith, nicholas cage, sean conery and cuban goodin.
    and john voight played roosvelt whatshisass perfectly not 6 years ago- not 20 years ago.

    alright..if im the only one that thinks that hes one of the best action movie director then either im retarded or he sucks. im the ONLY one supporting this guy obviously hence: he must suck..

    hey- i like michael bay..but im the same guy that enjoyed watching daredevil and the bad news bears (the one with billy bob thorton not the old one)

  20. Moe

    This is what I want in TF2

    1. Opening shot of the movie is Starscream returning to Cybertron to get the troops - and when they see his Earth form, they insult him mercilessly.

    2. That awesome background rock music that they used in the 80s cartoon that Blaster always played - that has to be there somewhere.

    3. Soundwave - and he better talk in the same monotone, one-word phrasing that was in the cartoon.

    4. No shaky camera - none whatsoever.

    5. One scene with Sam pulling pranks with the Autobots - having Ironhide pick up some prick’s car and sticking it on the roof of a building, Ratchet sniffing girls that may have a crush on Sam…something like that.

    6. Autobots talking amongst themselves about Decepticon threats.

    7. Decepticons plotting against the Autobots.

    8. Some allusion to Unicron somewhere….in the cartoon, Unicron could “see” things from a distance and “talk” to people from a distance as well…have the backstory that Unicron is also powered by an Allspark (something has to give him that much power) and he’s coming to Earth to chew bubblegum and kick ass….and he’s all out of bubblegum.

    9. A full on profile shot of them Transforming…as awesome as that spectacle was on TF1, it was hard to follow…best transforming scene to follow was Bumblebee after he wasted Barricade.

    10. Frank Welker as Megatron…after they salvage him from the ocean floor, they turn him into a kick-ass killing machine (maybe a tank with 78 turrets or something).

    11. More Starscream vs. Megatron power struggle…I want a scene where Starscream’s challenges Megatron with his Cybertron clan…and Megatron pwns them all.

    12. No soldiers, no hackers, no government agents….Sam, Mikeala, his parents….and that is it.

    13. New Decepticons: Soundwave, Laserbeak, Ramjet (and he better be ramming jets), and Motormaster

    14. New Autobots: Swideswipe, Blaster, Silverbolt (someone has to fly), Prowl

    That’s it.


  21. jordan

    I wunder how they are going to use soundwave it woud be cool if they made hime the main badguy seeing he is magatrans right hand man. And does aneybody know if they are shoting transfors 2 and 3 back to back

  22. Stevie

    transforms is the best

  23. Phil Gee

    I love that design Jeff, i’m game for that,


    Good point Bruce. That’s exactly what I was thinking. I have been ignoring all Transformers production news because of an earlier post here talking about giving false information throughout production.

    But Unicron would be Awesome! (He was kick-arse in the animated movie - thanks to the voice provided by Orson Wells. If Michael Bay wants to do BIG, there is nothing bigger than Unicron).

  25. Ransom

    @ MOE

    Cheers to that.

  26. Jake Vermont


    it’s really funny :) :)

    => Bumblebee lol yeah thats me…. omg

  27. SİNEMA

    transformers 2 is not enough i am waiting for 3-4-5

  28. Moe

    And when they do bring in Unicron, he needs to be voiced by Micheal Dorn.

    Think about it.


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