Should Mel Gibson Direct Thor?

ThorAnyone who has been haunting themovieblog for any amount of time knows that The Mighty Thor is my favorite comic book of all time. The best runs of the series were Jack Kirby and Walt Simonson. Kirby is the king of comics, but Simonson took the character and made him shine brightest (in my humble opinion).

When word came out that a Thor film was in the works, I was obviously excited. I fear that it may be shit, but in my heart of hearts I yearn for an excellent Thor film, and my eyes hunger to see it. With Matthew Vaughn recently being removed from project the directors chair currently remains empty and the mind starts to wonder who may fill the seat.

Sir Jig-A-Lot suggested Mel Gibson in a recent post, and my mind was soon aflutter with images of what a Gibson Thor may look like. He did a pretty good job with Jesus; how much better could he do with the Thunder God?
Mel Gibson has been on a streak of extremely violent films, and I hope this trend climaxes in the world of Thor. The viking gods were role-models to some of the most relentless raiders to ever sail the globe. They are war lords that strike fear into all that oppose them; they should wield violence like non other. Mel Gibson could hammer this home better than most. Braveheart showed us his ability at directing large scale battles, and Apocalypto took the violence to the jungle with one on one combat. When Mel is present; violence rules.

Rodney threw up a post today that Brad Pitt may be Thor. That would be a casting befitting the legend and would be an appropriate starring vehicle for the man. Comic Book films make so much money that it makes sense to do them right, and get an A-Lister if you can. Robert Downey Jr. and Christian Bale have showed what a quality casting can do for a comic book film, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this rumor soon turns to fact.

I wouldn’t mind if Mel directed Thor, but he may notbe the best choice. Over the next little while (or until an announcement is made) I will bring up different directors and mull over reasons why they may be a quality choice, and we can discuss the pros and cons together. But for now, I ask you; Do you think Gibson would be a good director for Thor?

29 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Phil Gee

    Yes he would sir.

    You can say what you like about how utterly crazy the man is but he is also an absolutely fearless visual storyteller. I have a specific idea of what i would like the Thor movie to be and i don’t know if he’s the right guy for that but with him on board, i would be quite content to sit back and wait for the movie to come out without fear of it being just another comic book movie because i know it would be different.

    This is an awesome idea to discuss all the possible directors Doug; it seems we all love talkin some Thor, verily.

  2. SX0T

    I’m not sure if he would be “right” for it, as he would probably piss off a ton of fanboys, but seeing as I am not a fanboy (although don’t get me wrong, I do love me some Thor) I think Gibson would totally own a Thor movie. Gibson’s epic-ness has proven worthy numerous times now (Braveheart, Patriot, Apocalypto) and surely his epic vision would be something Thor could benefit from. I’d have to say my vote would be yes.

  3. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    well you know how I feel ;-)
    locking down Pitt for 2-3 movies could be costly to Marvel. I dig our own Kristina’s idea of casting a youthful, tall (head & shoulders above most) , powerfully built relative unknown such as Danial Cudmore who i feel was seriously underused as Colossus in X2 & 3.

  4. Steven Carroll

    I would be amenable to seeing Mel Gibson direct Thor.

  5. Simon

    FUCK, that would be INCREDIBLE.
    Besides Bay Gibson is the only director out there who knows what a real “Hollywood blockbuster” means. Actually Gibson is even better, especially at epic stuff. No other director out there who is capable of doing big epic hollywood movies, so it’s great stuff.

  6. DON

    a THOR movie will not be violent.

    Marvel will make it PG-13 and neither braveheart nor apocalypto were that.

    So ya Doug you need to think again as to what direction marvel is going with Thor.

  7. Mozzerino

    This is all hypothetical, because Gibson would never do it (just like Brad Pitt).

    I for one would be motherfucking up for it, though. To quote SOUTH PARK: Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but the guy knows story structure.
    You simply can’t be anything but impressed by Gibson’s directorial career. BRAVEHEART is an epic Hollywood movie in the best sense of the word, it stands shoulder to shoulder with films like BEN HUR or LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, the public embraced it and the Academy did as well.
    When Mel first announced he was making his version of the suffering of Christ, independently financed and shot in Aramaic and Roman language, everybody (including me) at first thought: What a loon, who in hell is gonna watch that? Well, it turns out pretty much everybody. And if you look at the PASSION, all controversy aside, it is a very interesting film. One of the most ambitious projects in recent film history. And once again, it managed to be controversial and successful at the same time.
    Cue APOCALYPTO. What a great film. Gibson once again is uncompromising with this material, yet still manages to turn it into a tight, visually gripping action movie, which grabs you, takes you into a previously very underused scenario and entertains the hell out of you. I for one think it is Gibson’s best film. No stars (not even professional actors for the most part), no big CGI-extravaganza, no lighthearted comic relief. Just a simple story very entertainingly told.
    Also, go and watch the Audio commentary on the APOCALYPTO-DVD. One of the best commentaries I ever listened to (and I listened to a lot). Gibson manages to be both very entertaining and very informative at the same time. It’s well worth a listen.
    Could Mel do a project like THOR? No. He would be too much his own personality, he could probably never work with a studio like Marvel, who so want this to be as mainstream as possible. Leave this kind of projects to young, up-coming directors, who need to proof themselves as able to do big-budget projects. Gibson doesn’t need to proof this anymore. He can go on to do the next batshit-crazy project he wants to . He deserves it and I for one will be there to watch.

  8. Kristina

    As Sir Jiggy said, I’m on Team Colossus:)

  9. Doug Nagy

    @ Don

    If they restrict the violence to shattering ice giants, pummeling trolls and demons they may be able to squeak by at a PG-13.

    Without violence the movie shouldn’t happen at all. The man has a hammer for a weapon; violence is required.

  10. Mozzerino

    Keep on dreaming Doug, this will be no more brutal than what we have already seen in other Superhero Films.
    You won’t see Thor bashing in brains with his hammer in fully gory glory.

  11. Kristina

    They might as well make it full-blown R in the style of 300. Seriously, hoe many little kids will want to go see “the hammer-man movie”? don’t bother marketing and catering to little kids. Little kids fucking suck. Make that shit R.

  12. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    “If they restrict the violence to shattering ice giants, pummeling trolls and demons they may be able to squeak by at a PG-13.”

    indeed. as long as it ain’t red blood, the MPAA will give them their rating.

  13. Doug Nagy

    All I can do is dream Mozz, he’ s my favorite.

  14. Shane

    Dunno. Braveheart is my favorite movie, but I don’t plan on seeing Passion of the Christ or Apocolypto. Besides, Thor? You gotta be kidding me…

  15. DON

    This will not be R.

    I smell dissapointment because of wrong expectations.

    This is another GI JOE situation although it will be infinitely better than that piece of shit.

  16. Steven Carroll

    You’ve already seen G.I. Joe to know it’s a piece of shit? Wish I could have seen it before it was even done filming.

    I’ll give this movie a chance. With the rumored budget, this will deffinately NOT be an R rated film. Marvel apparetnly wants this movie in the 150 Million dollar range. This movie will bomb if it is done that way. It will be PG-13, and if done right, it will be a very good movie.

  17. Phil Gee

    Ah but that all gets into the debate of just how much violence a big studio movie can get away with in a PG13 these days. Quite a lot if you ask me; look at ‘Beowulf’. It may have been animated but those are still people getting pummled and rip to pieces.

    By the way, cast Paul Dano as Loki. That would be so awesome:p

  18. Doug Nagy

    I always thought Roger Bart may make a good Loki

  19. HAZMAT


    YES! doug! in the passion of the crist I LOVE IT how he skipped all the stupid retarded parts where they show the story of jesus and just got right to the torture. i know it sounds fucked up and im really sorry.

    now this guy has the mentality to bypass the story of our lord in a movie and show his tourturing and beating. im sorry but as crazy as that sounded- i want that guy directing thor.

    if he did that to jesus id love to see what amazing shit will be shown in thor

  20. Darren J Seeley

    I’ll repeat it again also: if Mel Gbson directs we *know* at least 1/3 of the film will be in Norse!

    BTW, folks, Mel Gibson also directed a PG-13 film in which he starred. Man With Two Faces.

    No, I don’t think he’ll do it. I do think he should be offeredAs it turns out, looks like my other two choices from the other day are no-shows as well. I forgot Peter Berg just got done filming Hancock, so I don’t think he’d be up for Thor.
    The director of the Pirates films has signed on for Bioshock.

    So now…Joe Johnston of Rocketeer and Jurassic Park 3 is the top of my list. More to follow. (Hey, Kathy Bigelow…where are you hiding out…?)


    AS for Pitt. No. I think he’s still stung from Troy, I still would like Kevin McKidd, but if for some reason we *must* go with a name- fair enough.

    Call Daniel Craig.
    There. I said it.

    Craig gets a beard. One year, Bond. One year, Thor (considering that there are no Golden Compass sequels, of course)

    Phil Gee- Paul Dano as Loki? Serious?
    Well, you better be dammit! That’s my choice too!

  21. leeloo

    i want thor to have some serious hard r mjolnir on troll skull in ragnarok action.
    if mel gibson can do that- cool.
    i think adrian brody would make a great loki.

  22. bigsampson

    as much as i hate to remind u guys again
    Vincent D’Onofrio as thor!

    but i can care less about what mel gibson feels about anything thats his business…but one thing i can say i feel strongly about is that the dude is a genius when it comes to story telling and acting! i personally would put mel gibson on my top 10 people i would like to sit back and chill with on a friend level…but i dont know if he is into weed smoking and video games but he should cause he rocks!

    ps ya i do agree what he said when he was drunk was stupid but hell i say stupid crap all the time so it would work out for the best….lol

  23. Jay

    What a splendid idea! With my arms stretched wide open, I welcome Mighty Mel to helm this project.

    Can a studio exec reading this please seriously consider this?

    This is box-office gold!

  24. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    Ideally, with Gibson behind the reins, either of the 3 actors previously mentioned would work.
    McKidd (Classic Thor)
    Cudmore (Youthful Thor)
    Daniel Craig (Bearded Thor)

  25. nevadasmith

    (That guy from Law & Order-Criminal Intent already played the best T hor in Adventure in Babysitting. That said Brad Pitt wouldn’t be horrible and Mel Gibson can direct anything he wants to and do a great job. He hasn’t made a bad movie yet so until he does he gets a pass.

  26. Brendan

    Regardless if I think he would be good at it or not- It would never happen.

    Considering Marvel is a comic book company that does have ties to a younger audience (not for every single film but for a lot of them) I would think they would want to distance themselves from people like Mel that produce violent pictures (Not to mention people who themselves are very controversial) I don’t think they would ever choose Mel for those reasons alone.


    I think Mel would do a splendid job at making Thor, but I doubt it’ll happen. He could make it epic for sure, but truly, how many epic PG-13 movies are there? Thor will not be rated-R, for the simple reason that’s been mentioned millions of times over. Kids will want to watch this movie, then bug the crap out of their parents to buy the T O Y S. This thing will never be R-rated. Personally, I think Favreau did a helluva job (with only a minor complaint about the ending fight scene) on Iron Man, and I wouldn’t put it past Marvel and the Studio to sign him up for this as well.

  28. Paul

    He’s good. Rather a bigger fan get to do it, but that Brett Ratner rumor had me scared sh!!!e$$ for the poor movie.

  29. Will

    I don’t know about you guys, but I think perhaps letting the known anti-semite direct a movie about a blond haired blue eye’d super hero may be a tad bit irrisponsible don’t you? Besides, you know the guy will have another melt down before the movie opens, cause a whole bunch of angry parents to boycot and boom, one key cog in the avengers build up falls off. All it will take is for one of these avenger build up movies to tank and the whole thing could run off the rails. And nobody wants that

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