Samuel L. Jackson Set To Star In Unthinkable

The hardest working man in show business is back in the saddle, ready to fight the terrorists in Unthinkable. We get wind of this project thanks to the professionals at Variety:

Senator Entertainment has greenlit Samuel L. Jackson thriller “Unthinkable” with Gregor Jordan (”The Informers”) attached to direct with production starting Sept. 2 in Michigan.

Story centers on a major threat to the United States when the locations of three nuclear devices are shrouded in secrecy by a single terrorist. With only two days before they are deployed, a black-ops interrogator and a female FBI agent have to decide how far they will go to find them.

This type of film seldom gets me excited. The cop drama/suspense film is one that I will often skip; I just don’t get excited watching people “investigating”. I know they are going to win and the tedious nature of investigation is something that doesn’t turn my crank. There are exceptions to every rule however, and on occasion a cop film will win me over.

What does excite me however, is Samuel L. Jackson in the lead role. This man is amassing a mountain of films in his lifetime; and I do not foresee him quitting anytime soon. Sam is going to die on screen, and I would see it appropriate for them to put that take in the movie. If Jackson dies on screen, I am pretty sure Odin would accept him into Valhalla.

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    a pre-cursor to that Nick Fury film they are secretly filming mayhap?!?

  2. Sound Designer Dan

    “No, I can’t stop yelling, ’cause that’s how I talk! Haven’t you seen my movies? “Juice” That was a good one! “Deep Blue Sea” They ate me! A motherfucking shark ate me!”

  3. EZELL

    I agree with Doug this guy is one of my favorite actors and he does some bad films but hey he just loves to act and have fun not matter what.

  4. 46and2

    What? How can anyone who watches a lot of movies NOT be sick of him? He’s such a common face that it’s impossible to see the characters through the SLJ anymore. True about many actors. Hollywood, the worst thing about you is that I’m tired of you putting the same old overpaid faces in every movie. Anybody with me?

  5. mixmastajb



    sorry guys, couldn’t resist!

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