Runaways: The Movie

RunawaysIt looks like Marvel studios is planning a film for the fairly fresh team comic Runaways. We get this heroic update from the Ice Fortress Of Yahoo:

Marvel Studios, riding high at the box office with “Iron Man,” is bringing the relatively new comic-book saga “Runaways” to the big screen.

“Runaways” follows a group of teenagers who find that some family secrets are bigger than others when they discover their parents are actually super-villains. After fleeing their homes, they band together and begin a journey of discovery, both of their parents’ origins and of their own inherited powers, while trying to make up for the evil done by their folks.

This comic book series began in 2002 and I have not read it, nor am I familiar with it. I must admit, the children of villains trying to redeem their bloodline through heroism - is a fantastic idea. I am currently reading (slowly) the Watchmen and I am enjoying it very much. Perhaps I will give this series a shot next (if you dudes say it is worth it).

I would appreciate any feedback that you guys would have about this series. It sounds cool and I would very much like to know your thoughts.

7 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alex

    The Runaways is a great series and I would recommend taking a look at it. As for the movie If they can pull it off I am behind it.

  2. Clint


    I am a religious Runaways fan. I’d put it up as my favorite comic book. Ever. While I love Neil Gaiman, and Alan Moore.. their is a level of intentional grandiosity there which is completely absent in the tongue-and cheekness of this series.

    I’ve once heard Runaways described as Freaks and Geeks with superpowers. Basically it collects a group of teenagers with different origins within the marvel universe - i.e. a X-men-like mutant girl, a sorceress, an alien, a gadgetry guy, a girl psychically connected to a dinosaur from the 87th century (seriously.) Of course thematically its about growing up, separating from your parents, the future generation fixing the others mistakes… And it has the marvel universe (and ours) as a backdrop (i.e. one of the kids plays a MMORPG where he gets a naked invisible woman skin, and faces off against Spider-man, the Daily Bugle is compared to Foxnews. It’s superbly written with “What-the-Hell-just-happened” plot twists up the ying-yang

    Brian K. Vaughan of Lost, and Y the Last Man wrote the first 40 issues or so. Joss Whedon, of Firefly and Buffy fame, then took over for the next 6, but I actually prefer Brian K. Vaughan’s run. Wizard magazine calls it “the best original concept from Marvel in thirty years.” I’d Agree.

  3. Marcus Gealy

    Runaways is definitely a series to read. I already had the entire series in monthlies and still shelled out for all the hardcover editions. It’s that good.

  4. Joey

    Runaways is a great series. definetly check it out.

    Kind of wish they would stop making every comic into a movie though.

  5. Geno

    Runaways is a great series, Brian K. Vaughn did an excellent job on the book and I did my best to keep up with the series. Its hard work to maintain constant money flow into comics. As for Joey’s comment I think this series has a good storyline to be a movie. I don’t mind comic book movies just don’t make them horrible or on lesser known characters. And don’t make SpiderMan EMO! DAMN YOU SAM RAIMI!

  6. chris (the real one)

    from what ive seen from the posts here, it saddens to think what this movie will be like….id imagine a group of young CW actors and give them juno dialogue and crappy effects….and make it really emo, really emo…


  7. Nick

    I’ve only read the initial run, but it was pretty amazing. One of the best trade paperbacks you can buy. IMO

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