Rocky 7 May Happen

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 05. 2008in News Chat

Rocky-7I for one was completely against the idea of Sylvester Stallone doing Rocky 6 (aka “Rocky Balboa”). I thought it was just a pathetic attempt by a once influential actor to achieve relevance again. Well, for those of you who have read The Movie Blog for any length of time, you know I ended up LOVING Rocky Balboa. it was a perfect ending to the franchise. Beautiful and heart pounding at the same time. Brilliant work.

But it was OVER. It’s finished… the Rocky saga is done. Well… don’t tell MGM that. The studio is now saying that Rocky 7 is a possibility. The folks over at Moviehole give us this:

At a conference discussing the company’s future plans, franchise-speaking, MGM’s Mary Parent mentioned the possibility of continuing the “Rocky” series. Parent apparently announced the news at Cannes, and got some “very enthusiastic responses” from the audience, says IndieWire.

Why would they do this? Where else can you go with Rocky? They’ve played his final card already. There is litterally nowhere for the sotry of Rocky Balboa to go anymore unless the movie is about Rocky using his retirement to enter the world of competitive poker playing.

Yeah… I can see it now. The movie revolves around Rocky at a World Series of Poker event. The movie climaxes with Rocky going heads up with Chris Moneymaker (who we learn in the movie is both a communist AND a nazi that takes steroids and keeps cards up his sleeves), yet against all odds Rocky prevails winning with just a pair of twos in his hand. An emotional Robert (Rocky’s son) runs up to the table to hug his dad and apologize for ever doubting him. Rocky, moved by his son’s display of family affection vows to be a better father, and Robert vows to be a better son. DA DA da-da-da da-da-da da-da-da DA DA da-da-da da-da-da da-da-da… and so on and so forth.

I liked Rocky 6 MUCH more than Rambo 4… but I could totally see another Rambo film with the way the left off the last one. Not so much a Rocky 7. It would be a horrible mistake.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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116 Responses to “Rocky 7 May Happen”

  1. melbye says:

    Two words: Rocky Remake!

    • Wyatt says:

      NOO! not a remake, but if there really was it needs stallone in it again, what r they gonna use? dwayne the rock johnson EWW lol

    • jamie says:

      well they cant bring back tommy gunn cause the guy that plays him is dead isnt he . rocky vs tyson

      • Hector says:

        The guy that played Tommy Gunn is not Dead.He’s name is Tommy “Duke” Morrison and he still boxes today.Yes he was tested positive for HIV in 1996,but in 2006 it was proven false and he was cleared to box again.

        Also there is alot MGM can do with the Rocky Franchise.They can make a story for Rocky’s Son.

    • Keenya says:

      I loved every one of the Rocky and Rambo movies. And I CAN only hope another Rocky movie will happen, sorry guys, I love Stallone in all his movies, especially Rocky. If there were to be a Rocky 7, he would come up with a great storyline, just don’t let Balboa die, cannot end the films that way, wouldn’t seem right. Go ahead Stallone, would love to see it.
      And for those who don’t want to see another Rocky movie, guess what, then don’t watch it.

    • Keenya says:

      I would love to see Rocky, Part 7. And to say, they can’t do anything with the movie, is crazy. There is alot they can do, since Adrianne is gone,there is his son and Pauly that will help make the story a success and Marie-although I’m not sure she is the one for Rocky but it can work. I say make the movie, I would be the first in line to see it. And I’m sure I’m not the only one. Stallone is a wonderful actor, and there is alot of potential for Part 7. Who says it needs to be a fight in the ring? I personally like Part 5, street fighting. They will be creative for Part 7, I say do it!!!!!!!

  2. Zach says:

    April Fools was a little while back John ;)

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    I won’t rule out Son Of Rocky, or an Ivan Drago spinoff…
    on an unrelated note, those reports of me checking in at Betty Ford are all false!

    Seriously folks,
    Let sleeping dogs lie.

  4. Gutpunch says:

    What the hell Sly, first you get back some of the respect from people who had lost all hope in you by making TWO great bookends to iconic franchises that made you the star you are today and now because you got some cloud again you go straight back to the same shit that made people lose interest in you in the first place.
    Let sleeping dogs lie man…walk away.

  5. Sir Jig-A-Lot says:

    More wrongness. money talk$. Sly’s regained cred walks. again.

  6. Rick says:

    Rocky was a great series of films… I loved all of them especially 1 and 6, but there is no where else for Sly to take the character… besides I remember him in an interview saying “It is called Rocky Balboa because if I put another number after Rocky, it wouldn’t necessarily close the story and this is where I want the character to end.” I love Sly, but this is ridiculous… I don’t think he’ll agree to it… now Rambo on the other hand, sure they left that open, so I can see another, but enough already… and MELBYE, I hope you were kidding about a remake of Rocky…

    • david says:

      i think all the rocky films were great well not so much 5 but still.any way if they thought about a rocky 7 thats it kill rocky and have his son get in the ring and have a scrap with i spose the guy that puts rocky 6 feet under and make it very violant so it reaches people especially if rocky were to get a poundind and having no chance .kill him of slowly like in million dollar would tug at the hart strings for avid fans

  7. FullMetal Patch says:

    I totally intended to leave a comment here, but I kept writing and writing until the comment was longer than the article. So if anyone cares about my thoughts (probably not) just click the link in my username to read the “comment” on my blog. That’s how it works on this site, right?

    Suffice it to say, for now, that Rocky VI would be a travesty, and should not be made. Rocky Balboa was the perfect ending to the series.

  8. John says:

    how about rocky coming back as a trainer? what made rocky work was the story of an underdog. i could see it work if rocky wasn’t fighting again.

  9. Kristina says:

    NO. NO. NO. NO.

    They closed the series beautifully with Rocky Balboa. NO MORE.

  10. Matt says:

    I think the new Rocky are a prequel.

    “Rocky: First round”

    whit a new young actor who played a young Rocky…
    and I believe the story come like the true Sly’s young-life-story.

    At the end of the movie Rocky die… on the Philly museum’s steir, meet Adrian, and go to the light when “Rocky 1″ teaser poster… you remember?!

    Yo! Rocko! Will Back!

  11. JESUS LOPEZ says:

    leave the man, he wants another round, every all are stupids. rocky will never beat. okay wellcome rocky 7

  12. rob says:


  13. Chuck says:

    I waited forever for Sly to do the right thing after a horrific Rocky 5. He made a final chapter that I found every bit as entertaining as the first. He brought about closure to every aspect of Rocky’s career that I could think of, and with a final wave he disappears, leaving me happy and sad that the Rocky saga is now over, as it should be. I know that money talks in Hollywood, but I can only hope that they leave this one alone.

  14. I think there should be a Rocky 7 because he said to his kid in Rocky 5 thet he was going to get back all of the money. And also in Rocky 1 it was a split desision as in the new Rocky. Then in Rocky 2 Apallo asked for a re-mach and if you looked at Tarvers(Mason the Line Dickson’s)face he looks like he is not satisfyed and it looks like there is going to be a re-mach agianst Balboa and Dickson. I just love Rocky movies and I would love to se Rocky be happy agian and win agianst Dickson and get back all of the money he lost in Rocky 5. And every day and night I watch all of the Rocky movies back to back every day and night!!!!Rocky win it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. mike solway says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    People Mr. Stallone has a duty to the new generation to con’t this legacy,for our youth.These films got me through my own rough times as a kid.I was that million to one shot.There is a little Rocky in each of us.We just need to dig deep and find it.The scene in Rocky 4 after Adrian tells him he can’t win.And he goes for a drive.And they play No Easy Way Out.Damm what a rush !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. scott says:

    rocky 7; tommy dreamer(played by another actor of course) comes back and wants a rematch, this time inthe ring; whatever it is make it rocko ya still got stuff in the basement

  17. Deb says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)I enjoy being part of Rocky’s “life” so one part of me wants it all to continue. Rocky Balboa was a great ending for the entire series, though. Now a pre-quill would be exciting with Sly directing a young actor playing Rocky.
    Same with Rambo, but Rambo could definitely continue.

  18. burgess m says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) i think rocky as a old man training like mickey is pretty good, but i really like the idea of doing a prequel, maybe somehow have it more about the fall of mickey and his last big fight and his story, how he lost, got the gym, etc, and maybe tie in rocky and adrians lives as children along with why paulie is like he is, why rockys father never was around, why paulie became a drunk, theres alot of story still to be told if they want

  19. Brian says:

    Rocky is so inspiring! I can watch this go on forever, hope it does, really. I will never get enough of Rocky. Hope when 7 is done, we are writing about 8. NOTHING IS OVER!!!

  20. Kevin says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)
    I personally would love to see another Rocky. I like the idea of him coming back as a trainer, or as him fighting one last time against clubber or drago and win back all the money. And oh ya all of you who rocky shouldn’t do another movie are crazy. Know why, because Rocky is the greatest.

  21. Mark says:

    Rock on number 7. I am a true fan.

  22. Rocky Fan says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  23. Rocky Fan says:

    Rock on number 7. I am a true fan too.

  24. Sly says:

    Thanks to all those who want me to make another film, well it’s going to happen, as soon as i have the right deal.

  25. UltraMovies says:

    I am a huge fan of the series too but admit it Rocky Balboa ended it perfectly. Of course I liked the alternate ending on the DVD more, but I read on one of these comments about a rematch with Dixon sort of like the rematch with Apollo. The whole movie could have flash backs and stuff and then Rocky dies at the end of the fight just like Apollo, and he’s buried next to Adrian the movie ends with Rock’s kid and Paulie dies too. It would be cool to see Clubber and Ivan as old people watching the fight, like Ivan is one of Rock’s supporters or something.

    I like the idea of a prequel, about Mickey but they’d need a good actor who can act like Burgess Meredith did.

  26. trianier says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)i think if he trains an young underdog fighter or his son would might be good.

  27. Lui says:

    You know I agree that there shouldnt be another rocky movie… Im a big rocky fan and I had high expectations for the Rocky Balboa movie and although it didnt start like i was expecting it, in the end it exceeded my expectations adn it was an amazing movie and an ending very deserving of such a great franchise better tahn some i could say… so forever live rocky, but not in the form of a new movie or movies Rocky Balboa ended it and it did it perfectly

  28. Paulie Jr. says:

    It’s not unrealistic to have a quick rematch for the actual title after such a stirring exhibition. Rocky wins and retires as champion, thereby providing inspiration for all middle-aged athletes who continue to believe that their impossible goals will ultimately be achieved (yes-that includes YOU, Evander Holyfield).

  29. Tom says:

    Film making companys tend to do stuff like this… they want another one because they see money in it and would like to persue that monay not realising because thet have never watched any of their own work that it would be a ridiculous idea. Eventually they will realise that it is a moronic idea and leave it be. Or they will carry on with the idea to the extent that they ask Stallone to do another and he tells them it is a moronic idea… However romours have been circulating for a long time now about the making of another Rocky and some are quite clever and some are rather odd; my favourite that i’ve heard is that clubber lang will be back for some kind of rematch, perhaps… perhaps not.

  30. Tom says:

    Also, For all of you recomending that he trains a young fighter… Two words ROCKY 5, And that film was a load of toss.

  31. steven griffiths says:

    ahaha think again now,where else could it go? Now there is one guy he’s never fought and that guy is one true icon of boxing he made a special guest appearnce in the rocky balboa movie when rocky fought mace dixon and as mace dixon was entering the ring there was one certain big mouth in the audiance talking trash to mace dixon,does anybody remember who this guy was but anyway if there was another rocky film it can continue off after that fight where this guy still runs his mouth to mace dixon saying hes a paper champion ,saying dixon is a bum,dixon aint no real fighter than as dixon gets pissed and he challenge’s this guy this guy to a fight and whats this guy’s name u might wonder, this guy’s name is Mike Tyson so i was thinking (tyson comes out of retirement for one more fight) Mike Tyson vs Mace dixon(rocky in his corner) for the world title than tyson wins the title against dixon early in the movie than the movie would end off with Rocky vs Tyson the fight you would never think would happen but you wonder who would win

  32. steven griffiths says:

    Guys stallone said in an interveiw that he dosent want to end his sequel off with being a manager that one of the reason why he made rocky balboa where he returns as a fighter because he wanted a different sequel ending and he said that rocky balboa is probaly gonna be the last one but in my opinion if if there could be a very good story line that is so good that they feel they should make another one to see like how i was saying before ROCKY VS MIKE TYSON!!!!!!!!! because i dont think it would hurt for one or 2 more rocky movies ,i mean like who cares if he if he 60 or even a 100 its rocky and we all love him and we love all his movies , they are the best and another thing i was thinking is that how about a rematch of ROCKY VS TOMMY MORRISON/GUNN since in real life he fights again or a REMACTH of ROCKY VS CLUBBER LANG but i dont know about that now because mr.t is a little 2 skinny now and i dont think he the kinda old guy to have it in him like rocky does to fight again

  33. steven griffiths says:

    but clubber could be involved with another movie but maybe not fight

  34. steven griffiths says:


  35. Tom H says:

    They should make another rocky were Rocky trains his son to fight because sum1 stole his bike, then his son goes on to win an olympic medal….. sounds like a legend in the making……..

  36. Mikey says:

    Stallone could continue on with Rocky films easily. Lets say in Rocky 7 he is done boxing for good, but his son wants to become a fighter.. if not his son the kid named Steps from Rocky 6. Rocky is very serious about training young boxers and proceeds to re open up Micky’s old gym using the money he made from Adrian’s restaurant. Pauly still drinks a lot even though hes old because thats how he rolls.

    scenerio 2..

    Rocky bumps into Tommy Gun on the streets after many years. Tommy feels bad about the way he treated him in Rocky 5 so he appolagizes and makes friends with him. He asks Rocky to come down to some of his UFC fights to check out his style of mixed martial arts fighting. Rocky is blown away by this style and wants to open up a gym with Tommy to teach mixed martial arts. During the process Tommy shows Rocky a lot of new moves that he has never tried before. The gym is booming and they are getting a lot of kids to come in and sign up.

    scenerio 3…..

    After a hard days work at Adrian’s Rocky is suprised by some unexpected company. A man shows up and starts talking to Rocky claiming to be Appalo Creed’s son. He tells him all he ever wanted to do was be a good fighter like his father and he wants Rocky to train him.

  37. Eddie says:

    ROCKY IS THE BEST FILMS EVER MADE, Got to be a rocky 7, but how i dont know, is there anything else the man can do, the best thing i can think of is, paulie get into gambering trouble and rocky has to come out of retirement and enter the illigal boxing program to rise the money to pay off paulies debt.

  38. steven griffiths says:

    Guys u cant train 20 year old beginer’s to be a pro boxer,it takes years of skill training (not just weeks of fitness training) so u couldnt have any story lines like that with steps become a fighter but u could have him starting off but not goin far with boxing but his son did learn how to fight back when he was 12 years old so maybe he can do it and anyhow rocky said he dont want to end the sequel as being a manager like he did before cuz he diddnt think it was a very good ending but its possible to have apollo’s son in the movie as a pro fighter where he dicides to go to phili to find rocky cuz he knew if theres anyone he wants in his corner to become a great fighter its either rocky or tony duke and rocky still has his pro boxing liscense to still fight and like i said before ROCKY VS TYSON

  39. steven griffiths says:

    And i also think there should be a movie where apollo has his own movie when he was young , sighns to pro, gets his title shot at the world title he fight tony duke in tony’s last fight than tony talks about retirement and after the fight tony and apollo talk in the locker room,apollo offers tony to be apollo’s manager than thats where tony brings apollo to the top of the food chain ,also apollo first meets his wife and u see where apollo running on the beach for training and does his footwork training where he’s always on his toes and maybe some scenes where you might meet rocky watching apollo on t.v or reading about him in a newspaper or magezines

  40. ROCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! says:

    I think it would NOT be a mistake to make another rocky. Rocky Balboa way definitely too short. Rocky 6 had plenty of open ends to make another sequel. It would be a great idea, and I think that if they do decide to make it, i believe they will make a lot of profit in the box office. There’s a lot of ways the story could have ended, and they didnt quite seal it off all of the way in rocky 6. A Rocky 7 would complete the series once and for all.

  41. Brian says:

    As far as I have seen, Stallone isn’t a sleeping dog. Let’s get as much as we can out of him! Rocky 7? Even if it isn’t good, it will be the funniest movie of all time. Sometimes he has to do what he has to do. Let er rip!

  42. Pauly says:

    “All we can do is go with what we are.” - R. Balboa

  43. dean says:

    rocky cant end yet not untill he fights one last time

  44. Tiago says:

    “One more round, I didnt hear no bell, get up you son a b**** ’cause mickey loves ya.”

    Remember that ?

    ” Dont worry, I’ll get it all back”

    Go for it Rocky ! One more round please !

  45. Shohag says:

    dude i didnt hear any bell yet…

  46. Mark says:

    Clubber and Drago should have made brief appearances in the last one. I don’t know about another one. Is Sly not going to be happy until his Rocky character dies in the ring??!! I have been a fan since the 70′s so no matter what I WILL SEE IT!!

  47. Stuart says:

    Mark i agree with you. i always thought that little marie son should had boxed and his trainer should of been rocky!!

    Write Back

  48. Stuart says:

    sup every1

  49. Rocky Balboa says:

    Hey yo.i say fuck you to all of you who say Stallone is pathetic for bringging back great films like Rocky,the world needs more of these movies.great heart touching films,not garbage like The dark knight or these new crappy actors.and to the writer of this article,Screw you ass hole.

  50. stujam says:

    whether it happens or not, everyone will go see it, including me…..bring it on.

  51. Commish says:

    What should have happened in Rocky 5 and then when it didn’t, it should have happened in Rocky 6 but didn’t, is Rocky training a relative. It should have been Rocky jr in 5 and/or 6 but now it could be Rocky’s grandson since Robert is long past that opportunity. They kinda set that option up with Little Maries son, Steps in Rocky 6.

  52. Mark says:

    If he dies in the ring we will see a L O N G series of flashbacks in black and white. Kind of creepy. Mickey’s voice will be heard, Adrian and Apollo will be seen, he will get another statue, Drago(who is dying from all the needles) will be in it, Clubber(now a minister) will speak at his memorial, and the Rocky series will end. I think this is the only way Sly can end this. Of course these scenarios are MY OPINION, but I think they would work. What a sad day that would be after 4 decades of living with Rocky movies. Keep punchin’!!!!!

  53. Robert says:

    I think his son robert should box and Rocky should be his trainer/ manager. Now that would work and thats somewhere you could go with Rocky 7!!!

  54. Ron says:

    A prequel or a remake of the original are both viable suggestions (the remake suggestion being the better of the two). But, I think they should continue the saga with Rocky’s real life son reprising the role of his on-screen son with Rocky mentoring Rocky Jr. to carry on the tradition (as a boxer or MMA fighter).

  55. zballerz23 says:

    Rocky 7 will be Rocky fighting George Foreman. Either Foreman or Sly said it on a late night show recently.

  56. Kevstro says:

    Rocky 7 would be cool, and you all know you’d go see it. I picture a mason dixon rematch with rocky victorious. But I am also digging the Clubber, and Drago type of small parts or big parts too. Could be great. A Rocky 7 would, in fact work, Sly is too good of a writer. It would rock. -Kevstro.

  57. Kevstro says:

    Rocky 7 would be cool, and you all know you’d go see it. I picture a mason dixon rematch with rocky victorious.

  58. Kevstro says:

    I also really like the concept of of a Clubber and Drago Appearance, or fairly big part in the film.

  59. Kevstro says:

    if the real stallone happens to come accross any of this, email me, I’m a writer and actually have 3 scripts written for a seventh flic. hit me up by email. One of them is a rough draft involving tommy the machine gunn, but the other 2 are solid stories with some substance. Think about it. Just putting that out there sly, I know what time it is. -Kevstro.

  60. stewie says:

    Kevstro i would like to see some stories. im slyvester stallones manager well agent ang hes informed me to write back to you and yes rocky 7 is goin to happen with ivan drago facing clubber land and rockys one of their manager if you do have any concerns write back im always here everyday

  61. Joanne says:

    I am all for another Rocky movie. When I was a shell of a human being, addicted to drugs, Rocky Balboa gave me the inspiration to seek treatment. I have been clean ever since and am on my way becoming a councler.

  62. slyvester stallone says:

    yo rocky 7 is goin to happen and its coming out in 2009 so go for it

  63. tommy says:

    rocky 7 yes one more match i agree come on people one more match one more match one more match

  64. tommy says:

    and ye rambo 5 aswell

  65. vf1rj says:

    The first Rocky movie I saw was Rocky 4. I liked it then (very much), so i watched Rocky 1-3 on tape. I again watched the entire series when rocky 5 came out. Then, Rocky Balboa came out, and I watched the series yet again.

    I have got to tell you, i think the franchise should have ended with the FIRST movie. In the Special DVD, Sylvester Stallone said that the idea for the character is to have that one brief moment where the character reaches the highest point of his life (lasting against the world heavyweight champion), and the end. The first movie was brilliant. Rocky 2 was very possible, but redundant (although I did get such a rush when he won). Rocky 3 was wrong, but I still liked it. Rocky 4, I liked initially, but upon further consideration, I think it is the weakest of the franchise. i consider Rocky 5 a sad way for the character to end. Then Rocky Balboa, fantastic. I would have liked it better if Rocky won the split decision (because, come on, Dixon’s arm was busted most of the fight). They should have ended it the way they did it in the alternate ending in the DVD. But c’est la vie, they didn’t. I think it was still a graceful ending to the character.

    But another Rocky film? Again, I think they should have nedid the franchise with the first movie, but then again, if they didn’t make Rocky 4, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy Rocky 1-6. So, yeah, sign me up with those asking for a Rocky 7, but this time, he should go out on top (and he shouldn’t die!).

    Ok, having agreed to a Rocky 7, let me suggest a couple of scenarios:

    1) I like the ROCKY VERSUS TYSON angle, Dixon gets Rocky as a manager (or just in his corner) when he fights Tyson. Tyson (was able to secretly juice himself up with steroids) beats Dixon up, within an inch of his life (puts him in a coma). Rocky fights Tyson for the heavyweight belt and win, then retire.

    2) The split decision in the Rocky Balboa ending turned out to be a sham, and Rocky won the fight (someone confessed), the resulting intrigue shakes the boxing association to it’s very foundation, and Dixon’s championship reign is highly in doubt. They press Rocky for a rematch, which this time (unlike in Rocky 2) he readily accept. And Rocky win the heavyweight belt. Then in the very ring, give a speech about what it’s like to be a fighter, and none of this game fixing nonsense, and retire.

  66. Josh H says:

    your gonna talk about poker and the best name u come up with is chris moneymaker? he was a joke might as well have used jamie gold from 2006

  67. Josh H says:

    they should leave rocky be they redeemed themselves with rocky 6 and now they can move on and another rambo isn’t that great of an idea either cuz his story is finished as well we went home and any storyline you come up with isnt going to be that great

  68. Bob L says:

    I kind of think it would work if his son maybe wanted to continue his dad’s legacy and started fighting with Rocky as his trainer. Only nothing like Rocky 5

  69. Jim Martin says:

    Yes YES YES!!! I would love another Rocky or atleast a Rocky Remake!!! Rocky 6 only had one flaw. Tarver looked kinda wimpy. other then that the movie was really really good. There is still alot of interest in Boxing and Rocky so they could do a remake or maybe show him going back in time to when it all begone …. yes this could work. I could see it now. do it do it doit!! its alot better then all of this super hero crap they keep feeding us all the time

  70. ir193 says:

    A few ideas for a Rocky 7 would be a rematch with Dixon, James “Clubber” Lang comes out of retirement to have a rematch with Rocky, Rocky vs Tyson, Rocky as a trainer and, Rocky owns his own gym and boxes someone to keep his gym? (Not sure about the last one)

  71. ron says:

    okay we all know rocky is too old to box and he has nothing else to prove and they cannot do a remake cause stallone is 62 and adrian is way to old and kind of ugly right now and carl weathers or Appolo Creed is bald and has gray and if they did do a remake it be creepy and terrible so I say Rocky trains a boxer like Mickey now i know in Rocky 5 he did this except this boxer will be alot like him when Rocky was 30

  72. ron says:

    rocky 1 should of been Balboa vs Ali

  73. Jreal says:

    I like the idea of Rocky being a trainer for a young kid. As a twist the kid he trains is Clubber Lang’s son. Lang hates this and he and Rock spar one more time. In the end Rock helps Clubber’s son win the championship belt and Clubber and Rock become, if not friends, at least respectful to one another.

  74. stewie123 says:

    its goin to happen look on

  75. tyson says:

    this is always inevitable with an american Icon but stallone should go the rout of he and his son are broke and find a teen prodigy as like (tysonish) that goes wrong as did he mimics the state of of affairs in boxing, because a promoter who is highly interested in the the prodigy and is willing to go to any lengths to steal the prodigy and does while rocky finds interest in his step sons desire to be a champion he finds a little of himself in his step son(from previous rocky) while pressent wife struggles with rocks rememberring of adrien is interferring in his marraige not to mention the thought of her one and only baby boxxing (though she loves boxxing she is not at first to kean on the idea of her son boxxing)and robert is married with twins and workin along side his father having resolved his demons is able to help the rock adjust to a new marriage and wife and son who love him and need him in the end the prodigy loses the title(and goes to jail for assault on the very promoter who led him astray, but he is able to come full circle with the wisdom of rocky with a climactic sereal seen with his step son winning the the title from a destructive unbeatable championin his son should be a light heavy weight to make more surreal leaving the door open for a sequel for both story lines the prodigy and the son

  76. Jesus Moreno says:

    Ya I think another Rocky Movie would be grate! Rematch with Dixson and Rocky win’s this time! And then He fights Mike Tyson! Or Dixson want’s rematch
    with Rocky but first he fights Tyson and gets KO’D! and then Tyson challenges Rocky! Rocky VS. Tyson Now that would be the bigest ticket seller of all Rocky Movies! Yes go Rocky 7!!! Make another Movie please!!! + New music sound track! I love all the Rocky thems make a new one for Rocky 7!

  77. grand theft gordo! says:

    If they make Rocky 7 his next match shoud be manny pacquiao(lol),Tyson whach grand theft gordo! on youtube

  78. Mic says:

    Guys, there’s not going to be a Rocky 7. He ended it perfectly with the last one. This isn’t a Brett Favre kind of thing where he ends it with so much emotion then comes back again. Rocky’s over, and as much as I would like to see a Rocky 7, it won’t happen. Stallone’s getting too old to have his shirt off boxing in a ring. The only way they could do it where he’s not sagging is if they started filming right now, which isn’t going to happen because he’s filming the Expendables with Dolph Lundgren(Ivan Drago) and Jet Li. Not to mention another handful of big names. Then he will be filming RAMBO 5. It’s already been confirmed by the production studio. Google it. So, as much as I hate to say it, I just don’t think Rocky 7 is going to happen, atleast not with Stallone back in the ring. And I’m sure he doesn’t want to return as a trainer or something, because we all want to see ROCKY in the ring fighting, not some dude he trains. It’s just not the same, that’s why Rocky 5 got so much critizism. Anyways, get excited for his new action flicks coming up, ecspecially RAMBO 5.

  79. carlo luciani says:

    dude you totally underestimate the greatness of stallone. I knew I would like rocky 6 because the whole concept of rocky is brilliant and he can’t go wrong as far as script writing for this series

  80. martyn says:

    i think all the rocky films were good except for part 5 but i think they should make a part 7 but letting rocky son fight instead to try n get some of there money back.

  81. albanian098 says:

    I think its great if you make rocky 7 because i think all the rocky movies are great movies you know. I am a big fan of you and i think you have nothing to lose if you make this rocky 7 movie you know. I hope it will be great, I just wanna only watch one more rocky I dont care if its bad because i love all the rocky movies. Sylvester stallone you the best actor in the world.

  82. Eduardo says:


  83. S. Stallone says:

    Do you really think they would consider making Rocky 7, i mean not only did we have a trilogy but we had a double trilogy, and the idea of making Rocky’s son champion is not a good idea, people wouldn’t want to see that happen, it would bring a bad name to the entire rocky collection. Without Stallone Rocky wouldn’t be Rocky. I don’t know if there is any other possible storyline, but i agree that there should be a Rocky movie.

  84. BobaFett says:

    Make Rocky 7 and Rocky dies at the end of Act I. Then his son NOT played by Milo Ventimiglia, works his ass off to stop being a ….. and trains to be a boxer but doesn’t win the championship, just a hard first pro fight.

  85. Patriot says:

    i heard that there was going to b a rocky 7 with stalone in it and its going to b mr.t vs him again

  86. Lou M says:

    ROCKY VII - Here it is. Rocky Balboa finishes the fight with Mason Dixon and gains much hype around his boxing career. Rocky gets a bunch of sports endorsements, his relationship with Marie starts to blossum an she gets pregnant.

    Unfortunatley for Rocky, he silently develops a blood clot in his brain that causes a severe stroke, but it doesn’t kill him. If he wants to see his new child born, he has to fight and rehabilitate himself like never before and get stronger.

    Rocky ends up winning his battle and recovering as best as he can at his age. His daughter “Adrian” is born and he is given an honorary seat on the Pennsylvania Boxing Commission. Not all battles are victories in the ring. At Rocky’s age, this is the most realistic sceanrio there is.

  87. Eddie says:

    WOW!!!! I cant wait for Rocky to come out,I love all the Rocky films.I think its great that they are making another Rocky film.Im excited to see it!!!!

  88. Kasey says:

    I think they should make a movie with rocky’s son fighting against clubber lang’s son,who hits hard and has a style much like Joe Frazier

    • Rodney says:

      No. They should not.

      Rocky 6 took a solid approach to it and didnt cheap out assuming that every child of an athlete will automatically become an athlete.

      Rocky’s son is not a boxer. At all.

  89. kim says:

    i think there should be a rocky 7 because i love all the rest of the rockys i watch them over and over again

  90. kim says:

    i dont wont rocky to die in 7 because he really good at wat he dose

    • David Harmon Sr. says:

      I wouldn’t want him to die in the movie either.But his character can’t
      go much further the age of him and all.He has to win it all back some
      how and then retire and continue the series as a trainer.He made 6
      great movies.I want to see him win it all back in rocky 7 whether it be
      against Drago Clubber Lang or Mason Dixon.I like the Adrian’s Restaurant
      to still be a part of rocky 7.Hilary Swank as Marie.Have Paulie have a
      soft heart for his sister Adrian so much so that he breaks down and cries
      at her gravesite.So Paulie can get his basement cleared out too.

  91. Augie says:

    Must… make… another Rocky… lol Rocky Balboa was so good. every single Rocky movie is just amazing. Make ten more, i don’t care, make more!

  92. Augie says:

    @kim he can’t die or then rocky 8 would suck…

  93. Frokostordning says:

    Hm hm.. that’s very interessting but honestly i have a hard time figuring it… wonder what others have to say..

  94. Ukaz87 says:

    Maybe another would be what it needs and keep it rolling forever perfect base for it all to carry on but would need another one or 2 with Sly in it other wise it wouldnt work before you lot say im crazy i get this in my head Rocky has nothing left and takes the role of Mickey as Trainer/Manager and builds up a new fighter but they wouldnt be able to modenize it like they have the new karate kid cos that would be stupid they would have to keep the rocky feel because thats where sequels go wrong with the modern style movie

  95. Terry from Ohio says:

    2 thoughts come to mind, Go for it rock and Get up you S.O.B. because Mickey loves ya! and so do we. You could never make a mistake doing #7 The world loves the Rocky series, dont ever stop. You can carry this in endless directions if you do it right. God Bless

    • will says:

      I love rocky and stallone . He isa brilliant actor and producer. Im very excited to see this movie. I would love to see a plot where rockys son gets sick (cancer) and falls into a coma (similar to rocky 2 adrian coma) and rocky has to train to pay his bills. He becomes closer to god and trains like never before in order not t lose his son who he loves. His son supports him in his fighting and believes in him. Due to the publicity and hype from the dixon fight people believe in rocky and his ability to regain the title.
      The beginning o the movie would have to start with the end of rocky 6 fight also and go right into rocky 7. Rocky would regain the title and his son would recover. True fighter against lifes hardships.

  96. glenn says:

    Rocky can also be as old as mickey was and train future rocketts
    sort of like the karate kids trainer, for rocky 7 ,8 ,9 and 10

    as long as it makes more money than another superman remake
    it should be good to go

  97. Rocky Fan!! says:

    YES! For the sake of Rocky fans all over- PLEASE keep this series going. I will continue to enjoy the storyline if more are made. My dad raised us as big Rocky fans and now my son is a Rocky finatic. He asks almost daily when Rocky 7 will be made and can we see it. Please, Please make another one! I always thought the idea of his son fighting was a good storyline to run with.

  98. miguel says:

    here we go again another Rockie movie this is great i love those movies it shows how a mans determination and will to keep on living the life he has always chose lived. it shows life can’t wait to see the new story they have chosen for Mr. balboa i know it will be good.but i wish it wood had been his son picking up the glove’s and father training the son that wood had been something good to see anyway here we go again Rockie 7 yeah

  99. David Harmon Sr. says:

    Rocky Balboa vs Ivan Drago again for the money title and everything.
    I’d like to see Hilary Swank as Marie.

  100. Alex Jones says:

    I love the idea of another rocky film but i think its about time he gave up the boxing and pass on the trade to his son and make his son the new heavy weight champion. that would be awsome.

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