Robocop 3-D?

Robocop 3079ThumbWe get wind from Mary Parent (MGM’s new chairperson) that the upcoming Robocop remake may be in 3D?! We get the futuristic scoop from the moviehole:

I’ll be talking to some of the chaps involved in the original film – for the new “Starship Troopers” film – in the next couple of weeks, so hope to get more on this then, but in the meantime, lets just be happy that MGM simply aren’t remaking the cult classic for the hell of it… they’re going to shake it up a little! Nothing like seeing every nut and bolt that lies under the helmet, hey?with 3D, it’s possible!

I love 3-D and usually always welcome an excuse to don the glasses, but here, something just doesn’t sit right with me. I know Veerhoven may be back and this film could actually be a quality remake…..but I am very apprehensive. A remake of this film saddens me as it is. Adding 3-D to the mix indicates to me that they will be tinkering with the original to have more “wow” 3-D moments. Again, usually I am cool with 3-D, but when I love film as much as Robocop…I just get irate when people start tinkering with it.

On the other side of the coin, what if Veerhoven is able to improve on the original and use his experience to make a superior film. I doubt this will be possible, but at this point I have to struggle to hold onto some optimism. This is a situation where I hope I am wrong.

I love this character and would be totally game for a Robocop 4 in 3-D, but the original is cannon in my humble opinion and should be left well enough alone.

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    i love robocop but- 3D movies usually suck ass…(spy kids?) wasnt beowulf 3D also? if so then beowulf would be the ONLY good movie thats 3D

    i want them to make the suit look cooler and get a GOOD actor for this.

    and they should never ever ever make another starship troopers film- ive been trying to forget that ever happened for a while now…

  2. Phil Gee

    Well i suppose you could have some creative fun with the mock commercials in between the film if they were in 3D. Beyond that, i don’t get it either.

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