Richard Dreyfuss As Dicky Cheney in “W”

When talking about casting, I very rarely like to use the word “perfect” whenever an actor/actress gets a certain role (basically because I don’t think there is such a thing… there is always someone out there who would do a better job… but that’s true in just about everything). But I’ve got to admit, when I hear that Richard Dreyfuss may be playing Vice President Dick Cheney… the “P” word almost comes across my lips.

Yahoo News give us this:

Richard Dreyfuss could soon make the trip to Oliver Stone’s White House, entering final negotiations to play Vice President Dick Cheney in the provocateur director’s upcoming political drama “W.” The role is the last major position in the Bush administration to be filled; the West Wing is already occupied by the likes of Brolin (President Bush) Thandie Newton (Condoleezza Rice) and Elizabeth Banks (Laura Bush).

This would be an amazing fit in my opinion. I’ve seen a few clips of Dreyfuss doing a Cheney like impersonation before and it was pretty funny.

It now looks like their aiming to have this puppy in theaters by October. Seems like a bit of a rush job, but it’s still 5 months away and since it’s not going to be a Visual Effects heavy movie I guess there’s no reason they can’t have it ready by then.

2 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino

    Yeah, I see it.

  2. ile

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) john campea is a homo!!!

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