Rental News For Week Ending May 25

NtreasureWe have found the rental news from the week ending May 25th, in the fabled caves of Yahoo:

“National Treasure: Book of Secrets,” the biggest movie in Nicolas Cage’s career, debuted at No. 1 on both the Nielsen VideoScan sales chart and Home Media Magazine’s video rental chart for the week ending May 25. The sequel was also the top-selling Blu-ray Disc release of the week, while the original “National Treasure” was the week’s No. 2 Blu-ray seller. A two-pack of both films bowed at No. 3.

On the DVD sales chart, “Book of Secrets” was followed by the first three “Indiana Jones” movies, drafting off the theatrical release of the fourth installment, “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.”

Franchise starter “Raiders of the Lost Ark” was the week’s No. 2 seller, followed at No. 3 by “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” and at No. 4 by “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.” No. 5 on the top-sellers chart? The original “National Treasure.”

In rental stores, “Book of Secrets” took in an estimated $8.7 million, pushing last week’s top renter, “Mad Money,” to No. 2 with $6.1 million.

It’s nuts how the release of a sequel will amp up sales of previous films. Everyone is cramming to see all previous Indiana Jones outings so they are up to speed for the new installment. TV showings of the films are up as well. I saw Temple of Doom just last week on the tube, and enjoyed the volcano magic anew!

I really didn’t like National Treasure much at all. I never want to see it again and am surprised that so many people want to own this film. I can see people enjoying the film as a disposable popcorn piece, but I certainly don’t understand why someone would add it to their home library. Different strokes I guess.

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  1. DJ Machismo

    I liked the first National Treasure, however the second just didn’t have the same panache as the first. It seemed as though the characters almost knew the answers before the puzzles were presented.

    Still a fun ride though, just not as fun as the first.

    I do love how you can tell what is coming out in theaters merely by watching tv at times. Indiana Jones was playing like mad for a while before the new movie hit the silver screen.

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