Reasons Why Hellboy 2 Will Be Better Than Iron Man


I loved Iron Man and thought it set the bar for other blockbusters to beat this summer season. When banging around contenders in my head, I came to the conclusion that Hellboy 2 will not only surprise everyone with its awesomeness, but will be the best film of the summer. I have come to this conclusion through the following lines of thought:

Hellboy has already had the stage set and is now free to launch headlong into action. X-Men 2 and Spiderman 2 are considered by many to be better than the films that launched the franchise, and I am convinced that much of this has to do with the laborious task of introducing the characters and setting the foundation for the films that will follow. In this regard, Hellboy and Batman are on equal footing - but my money is on Red. (Sorry Wesley)

This film is employing the work of master monster maker Mike Elizalde. He is dedicated to making the best monsters possible, and wherever possible - he is going to use a man in suit. I (along with others) have been pleased as punch at this return to classic monster effects. CGI is fine and good - but nothing beats a man in a crafted silicone suit. By using real actors in your monsters, you are able to get more life like performances and much is added to the atmosphere of the scene. Mike even created a working retractable fist cannon that will be outfitted on Hellboy’s troll nemesis!

I have spoken to many that haven’ t enjoyed the first Hellboy film, and still they seem VERY optimistic about this upcoming incarnation. The trailer on the big screen has a huge wow factor. Seeing the trailer on You Tube doesn’t do it justice - this is one that you need to see big (and you will be glad that you did). I believe that this wow factor will be carried through to the film when the world comes together for people and the otherworldly action is brought to the city streets. When you combine outstanding eye candy and jaw dropping violence - people tend to be pleased.

Lastly, I have high hopes for this film because Guillermo seems to kick more ass with each crack up to bat. He is growing in skill at a seemingly exponential rate and I consider him to be among my favorite sci/fi fantasy directors. He is a man of incredible vision and I have no doubt that history will remember him as a master smith.

So there you have it folks - do you think Hellboy is going to beat the Batman, Iron Man, Hulk and all the other heavyweights this summer? Am I high on glue, or a prophet that speaks the truth? Feel free to debate this point of discussion!

34 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Steven Carroll

    I think you had the whole bottle of glue.;) Actually, though I believe it will be a great film, it won’t beat out these others at the box office. On terms of quality, I am not sure. Iron Man is going to be pretty hard to beat. We will see though. This could end up being the best summer for movies in quite some time.


    TDK wont have any fighting scenes (theres no one in that movie that can fight other then batman) but it will be good. ironman didnt have much fighting because it had to tell the story- yet it was still pretty good. and indy 4 (if that movie is in this discusion) was horrible (aliens? cmon!) no comparison to the other indy films…it sucked..

    thats why the hulk and hellboy will be better- they are both going to have more scenes with kickass fighting parts and there wont be any introduction nessesary like in ironman.

    i think that hellboy might be better then the hulk but the hulk still looks like it will be better. hellboy has a ton of bad guys in it and the hulk has abomination. they will obviously be better then DTK and ironman but idk which of the two (hulk or hellboy) will be better.

    dont get me wrong ironman was awsome and tdk will also kick ass
    (i want my money back harrison ford!)

  3. digital drew

    I would’nt doubt it. I liked iron man and i liked hellboy, say i give them both an 7….
    now that we are at hellboy 2 id expect it to be better. just like id expect ironman 2 to be EVEN better. so they should be a 9.

  4. Mark

    I don’t argue that the movie may be a “better film” judging by the trailer, but it doesn’t have as diverse of an audience as Iron Man or Batman. The trailer makes the movie seem to be on the verge of an R rating, and there’s a huge gross-out factor associated with it for much of the audience of the other films. For example, my parents are excited to see Iron Man and Batman, but they commented after seeing Indiana Jones that “there was a preview for this repulsive, ultra-violent monster movie.” They’ll never see Hellboy 2. The first one didn’t break $100 million, and this one probably barely will based on new fans that have found the first movie on DVD.

  5. Jon H

    I think it’s safe to say a few things.

    1. Hellboy 2 will be better then the original Hellboy.

    2. It doesn’t have a chance, box office wise, against Iron Man.

    3. It will kick ass.

    Whether or not it’ll be better then Iron Man (or the other two major superhero films this year) is rather hard to say. I certainly don’t see myself enjoying it as much as Iron Man, but that’s not really the same thing.

  6. Kristina

    I love HB, will almost certainly love HB2, but this doesn’t have a prayer of crossing $100 million domestically. Mark my words. It won’t tank by any stretch, but this is not going to set the box office on fire.

    I also think that these posts by John are jinxing the movies. He wrote a post about how Indy 4 could be the best movie of the year before it came out, and I found it to be a lazy, dull film. Hope this post doesn’t bode badly for Hellboy. I like that guy:)

  7. Kristina

    And crap, I just saw that Doug wrote this, so the jinx is broken!!! JOY!!!

  8. Jason Stanley

    I pretty much agree with most comments here that HB2 won’t beat Iron Man. I’m looking forward to it but its just not as mainstream as Iron Man. The marketing wheel was churning for ages on the Iron Man front and HB2 seems very quiet to me.

    I don’t think people ‘get’ the HB image and I’m worried that it will only target a small ‘particular’ fan-base.

    Of course I’d love to be proven wrong!

  9. alpoc

    i agree with jon h. del torro makes good movies hb will be good, however as mentioned, hb’s much smaller fan base, it will not come close to iron man’s numbers..imo. i think it can possibly break the 100 mil mark b/4 it’s run is up, but it will be beaten @ the box office by both tdk and iron man
    ….the hulk…i have mixed feeling on that one. some of the cgi i’ve seen looks pretty good and some not so good and finished or not these promos may hurt it.

  10. Joe H

    TDK is gonna hand hellboy it’s ass. That was a stupid move to release Hellboy so close to TDK.

  11. Kristina

    They’re probably hoping that the ton of people who weren’t smart enough to get their Dark Knight tix in advance will see Hellboy as a consolation prize.

  12. Phil Gee

    Well it’s all subjective and depends what you prefer. From what i can see, though they’re both comic book movies, one is as realistic as you can get given the subject matter, and the other is as fantastical as you could ask for. If you prefer trolls, demons and beasties to mobsters and jokers, you’ll probably dig Hellboy II more.

    Even though i’m more desperate (and i really mean desperate now) to see TDK, i will say, purely as a feast for the eyes, Hellboy II probably has Batman beaten.

  13. Carol Bodeine

    why would this bet the dark knight. john sometimes you’re a fucking dumbass

  14. Mashi

    Hellboy will be the best movie, will have the best story of all comic movies, it will have some humorous and smart comments/dialogs during kick ass fights (Hulk doesn’t speak, Batman has no sense of humor) because the freaking demon is more human than any other character. The cinematography is amazing, along with the creature designs (surpasses the green guys).
    But I’m no idiot it won’t make tons of money! HELL-boy, a demon, lots of people will not go see it just because of that. And the marketing is what? 10% of Iron Man?
    BTW it will only open on September here in Brazil, that is ridiculous! Schedule bastards!

  15. HAZMAT

    yeah the hulk ironman and the dark knight will all get more viewers then hellboy. but hellboy will be better then all of those movies (well if you dont count the hulk)

    and the hulk doesnt speak but- that doesnt mean that the movie will be 100% brutal fighiting (most of it will be which is the good thing)

    (whos john??^^^^^)

  16. Adiago

    I have pretty high hopes for ‘Hellboy 2′ but I doubt it’ll beat ‘Batman: The Dark Knight’ but it’ll probably do great, even better than the first one!

  17. Robert

    Dude, no offense, but you need to put down the glue. I liked the first one, but I don’t see it beating Iron Man.

    You are drawing 2 different comparisons. Will it beat out based on box office or are you saying it will be better because it is a sequel? I think we all know the how sequels tend less than the original. There are a few exceptions: the ones you mentioned and Empire Strikes Back come to mind. So if you are saying it will be better because it is a sequel, then you will need to compare it to Iron Man 2.

    If you are saying that it will beat it at the box office, then, again, I think you are wrong. Iron Man was a little more tame than Hellboy will be. More tame = more family friendly. The more family friendly the film, the better the chances of it having a bigger box office.

    This is all speculation, but I really think that saying Hellboy 2 will be better than Iron Man is a bit off.

  18. Darren J Seeley

    (theres no one in that movie that can fight other then batman)
    That remains to be seen. In fact, one of the minor gangsters is Michael Jai White of Spawn fame; Joker has been known to be a good fighter as well in the comics (depending on who the writer is) and then there’s Two-Face.

    Now, on to Hellboy.

    First of all, Iron Man has since crossed the 200 mil mark, is a hit with BOTH critics and audiences (two wks at #1 is a godsend in this day and age) —I dig Del Toro but I wasn’t a huge fan of Hellboy.

    I suppose it will really come down to beauty in the eye of the comics fan beholder.

  19. chris anderson

    though all the super giants will be incredible, we must remember that the Dark Knight will most likely take the cake. Even though Hellboy 2 will kick ass ( I am a die hard guillermo fan myself) and should be #1, with the tackling of the joker again and how effective batman begins was at making the franchise dark again, TDK will be tops. Think about it: there will be an amazing final battle scene between the joker and batman; if you saw that clip that came up on this site about the first 10 min. of this film, you could already see there will be plenty of action and two words only need to be said: Heath Ledger. Not only is he taking on the role of his life and really being directly compared to Jack Nicholson’s take ( i think critics will look at that) because of how dark TDK will be and the death of the actor, people will come in droves, just to see if this character really did push heath over the edge. The Hulk will do well, prob. a 250-300 million maker, Hellboy I see making 200-300 maybe, but TDK, if everything goes well, I see breaking the 400 barrier and giving spidey 2 a run for it’s money.

  20. Monty

    I’m interested in seeing how HB 2 will do at the boxoffice. I doubt it will be a mega boxoffice hit, sandwiched between Hancock and the Darknight, and the first HB was basically a flop in theaters, with a production and marketing budget over 100 million, HB made less then 100 mil worldwide.

    The first HB movie did however manage good dvd sales, and Del Toro has a much higher profile as a director this time out.

  21. nevadasmith

    I am looking forward to Hellboy 2 very very much but Dark Knight has it all, Nolan, Christian Bale, and a very good looking Joker. This is a great superhero movie in waiting-great hero great bad guy. Hellboy looks like a great fantasy in the making. Not a bad thing at all-just different. And Iron Man has been the best superhero movie of the last 10 years period all due to Robert Downey Jr and the story (certainly not becasue of a great bad guy as Jeff Bridges sucked).
    So Hellboy is like waiting to see another Pan’s Labyrinth - not a superhero movie (and no one’s talking about the Hulk?

  22. Gerry Alanguilan

    What’s the truth and what’s to debate? The movie isn’t even out yet.

  23. chris (the real one)

    i liked the original hellboy better than batman begins…..this and the dark knight are on equal footing in my eyes, but for pure enjoyment, im going for hellboy 2….unfortunately with all the hype and money that is being put into the dark knight, hellboy doesnt have a chance in the box office race…

  24. AjaxLou

    del Toro is arguably the best director on the planet right now but HB does not have the needed public profile to beat IronMan money wise.

    I do agree that quality HB2 will blow the doors off of everything else quality wise. The visuals in the trailers are Frakkin’ Flatout Freakin’ Phenomenal!

  25. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    HB II will make more than expected & has a chance of being a sleeper hit for sure. it’ll also increase it’s already large cult following.

  26. Kenn

    I don’t care who beats who. I just can’t wait to see them all.

  27. FullMetal Patch

    If we’re talking about Box Office draw, I’m not sure what to expect, myself. Instinct tells me that Hellboy 2 doesn’t have the draw of Iron Man, to say nothing of The Dark Knight, but then, there have been surprises in the past. I haven’t heard as much overall public excitement regarding HB2 as I have for TDK…

    Quality-wise, it’s no contest for me. Del Toro is a master (if not yet grand-master) whose work I greatly enjoy, and from the trailers, HB2 should be no exception!

    When it comes down to it, I agree with Kenn up there…I’m highly anticipating all the summer blockbusters.

  28. leeloo

    poor hellboy. : (

  29. 790

    From the trailer I saw with Indy, Hellboy 2 will break 100mil no prob.
    Will it beat Iron Man (worldwide) in the long run, no way, but I was very impressed and let’s not forget that its the same guy that did Pans Labernyth*.
    If The Dark Knight has a good script it will also kick massive ass and end up around the same as Iron Man.
    Its going to be very close but I think Iron Man is going to beat Indy and Bruce Wayne.

  30. Jay

    HB II will no doubt cross the $100m barrier, since being in the obscurity with the initial release primarily due to a lesser known comic. I, too was one of them who didn’t know squat about HB and then saw the movie and loved it instantly.

    While gaining popularity it should hold up well and under Guillermo’s hands it will be cradled with great anticipation.

    I just wish it makes more money than Iron Man.

    By the way…I hear rumours that Peter Jackson wants to do HB III….see below

  31. JoJo Tater

    It will not even come close to Iron Man, keep dreaming.

    This piece of crap will not even make as much as the Hulk, which will be the worst movie of the summer, sadly. Iron Man would be right in the middle. (TDK-A, IronMan-B, Indy4-C, Hulk-D, Hellboy2-F)
    guestimation - but I have seen IronMan & Indy and they get B & C respectively…

    This will not hold a candle to TDK, and took me 10 minutes to stop laughing before I could even type this. $100 million? You have got to be kidding me. Maybe after 9 months in the theater if they are very lucky. Someone actually said ‘Hellboy I see making 200-300 maybe’ - I want what they are smoking. Wow.

    The original Hellboy STILL has not grossed $100 million in it’s lifetime to date - 4 years ago.

    I am giving this one the benefit of the doubt and say it might hit $30 opening weekend. I do not care if it does well or not, but it is nowhere in the same league as Iron Man, which is nowhere near the same league as Batman Begins/TDK. Hellboy 1 & 2 combined will not come close to 20% of what TDK brings in during the first week. For better or worse, people will say ‘Oh, another Batman movie? - let’s go see it, and ‘What the hell is Hellboy? There was one?” LOL

  32. Doug Nagy

    Stop being a shill Mike.

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  33. Karl Hungus

    Some rather brave predictions there, Doug. I was a big fan of the first Hellboy, watched it a good 5 or 6 times now, at least, and I’m practically a del Toro fanboy, so I’m seriously looking forward to this… But Christopher Nolan is a director of no small significance, and will surely pull off a top class film with The Dark Knight.

    Honestly though, I think this post is a very “my dad could beat up your dad” kind of thing. Now I don’t mean to be insulting, but I find it fairly pointless, both films look terrific and I’m sure they’re both going to be great. Can we, as movie fans, not be happy with 2 spectacularly good movies? Do we have to pit them against each other, or can we embrace them both?

    I know what I’m doing.

  34. Charles

    Wow- I know you’re trying to be controversial and all- but ARE YOU HIGH?

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